Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Financial Independence

     Being financially independent goes a long way in how you feel about yourself and in the way you live.  It is never too early to plan for your future or to teach your children about money.  If I had a child just graduating from college and getting ready to live on their own here are a few suggestions I would make: 

Pray about your financial decisions.

Do not spend more than you earn.

Give God the first 10% of your income.

Give yourself 10% of your income before other expenses. Place it in some type of savings account and allow it to grow.  

Develop a financial plan or goal.    

Credit cards should be paid off every month, if possible 

If you have an unexpected large expense and must use your credit card, do not continue to charge on it until that expense is paid off.

In today’s world, cash is  mostly a word of the past.  In using credit or debit cards monitor those purchases.  Keep a record of what you are spending and will expect to have to pay to clear up those expenses when the monthly bill appears in the mail.

Pay bills timely to avoid needless late fees. 

If your employer offers a matching IRA, contribute at least the amount needed to obtain those matching funds.

If you have a job, value it, even if it is only temporary.  Perform the best work possible.  Be on time and respect your boss.  Remember, this is your livelihood.

Dress for success on the job.  This does not mean to go out and buy clothing beyond your budget.  Do obtain one nice outfit that can easily be mixed and matched to provide an attractive appearance on the job.

Determine what is a necessity versus a desire to stay on budget
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.  Malachi 3:10








Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Humor With A Cool Drink Of Water

     The five year old had just gotten up and was whining.  The mom scolded, “You got up on the wrong side of the bed.  You need to go back to bed.”  The child cried, “But how do I know which side to get up on?”
     The best way to “get up on the right side of the bed” and start any day is with a prayer.  Ask God to direct your path and relinquish your strong self will to His.   When you allow God’s will to carry you through the day you will find that most projected problems simple disappear.  Life becomes less stressful and what you expected to be a big issue simple didn’t happen.
     On a positive note, a laugh and seeking God first sets the pace for the day.  My devotional kindle version of "Humor With A Cool Drink of Water" found on Amazon, just a click away on the site above, provides just that.  In it you will find a humorous joke, a short devotional thought for the day, and a scripture verse. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Witness

     Last Sunday our pastor talked about how our prayers need to lead to action.  That is so true, yet so many of us miss opportunities because we live such busy lives.  We often miss the quiet nudging from God.  Then other times we feel it but don't take action because we are either too shy, too reserved, or just too afraid of either failure or what others will think. 
     In my own life, I have missed opportunities because I did not know what to say or how to say it, and I have had to live with the guilt of "what if?"  I was weak, lacked courage and, most of all, faith. 
     The questions I used below were found in a column I once read on "How To Share Your Faith."

The Witness

 I passed him on the street-
He was grungy and not at all clean and neat.
I silently wondered, “Do I dare?”
As I smelled the uncleanness in the air.
Ashamed, I turned and walked back by,
stopping to say a friendly ”Hi!”
Then I asked, “Do you have a spiritual belief?”
He didn’t turn to leave, much to my relief.
I let him talk a while
Listening with a smile.
“To you, who is Jesus?” I soon asked.
He said he had heard of him in the past.
So I questioned more,
Hoping to open a long-closed door.
 “Do you believe in a Heaven and Hell?”
He needed to know where he would eventually dwell.
I had no response for his yes or no,
As he bowed his head and answered low.
A tear fell as I touched his hand.
This was new to me for I had no witness plan.
My courage was fading fast
Until I heard some words at last.
They tumbled out-
I said it softy though I wanted to shout,
“If you died today, where will you go?
If what you believe is not true, would you want to know?”
 I felt so helpless standing there.
All was silent; not a breeze stirred the air.
I waited, hoping, wanting to tell the story-
Wanting to share God’s glory.
Yet he’d had all he wanted to hear,
And I watched as he walked away and slowly began to disappear.  
My tears began to fall;
I felt so small. 
Then I heard a voice say
As I began to pray,
“Don’t have regrets;
  For sharing my words with a stranger you met.
Well done,
My faithful one!”
                                               Mary Crisp Jameson    2-14-2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Symbolic Cross

     As we all know by now, Christianity is under attack. 
     We continue to hear and see the controversy at Christmas time; people and retailers often have resorted to using “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greeting” instead of Christmas because they simply do not want Christ in Christmas, yet without Jesus Christ there would be no Christmas. 
     There is now an ongoing attack over wooden crosses and the placement of crosses in symbols and signs. Those who find the cross offensive say the cross is the most readily and widely identifiable object for religion, and it is a Christian symbol.  They want them removed.  Law suits are going on in various states in an attempt to remove religious symbols.    
     A close friend of mine recently made a statement that he would like to start a movement about the cross. 
     “In what way?” I asked. 
     He replied, “We see crosses everyday just about everywhere we go.  Think about it!  Look up.  Our power lines have crosses.  If everyone recognized them as a symbol of Christ, we would remember and think about Him every day, and I’d like to see someone file a law suit to have those power poles removed.”               
     That really got me to thinking.  You know he is right!  I looked around as I was driving down the highway and right before my eyes were crosses everywhere.  They were all tied together with power lines which hook up and connect all parts of the country.  They provide power needed every day. Without that electrical power businesses couldn’t operate.  All our technology would come to a halt.  We have become a nation that cannot do without electricity.     
     Yet, God’s power is so much greater.  He is the One who can electrically charge this nation.  He is the One who can wake up a declining, “sleeping giant.”  Without Him our nation will fail.  Without Him there will be no prosperity.    
     I must say that I will never be able to look at a row of electrical power poles the same way again.  I will always see the cross and remember God is with me.  He loves me. Because of Him I will be electrically charged to do the work set before me. 
     Even though God's power transcends all and reaches to the uttermost parts of the world, He gives us choices.  As Jesus hung there on the cross between two thieves, one chose to believe when he said, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."  Jesus's powerful forgiving answer was, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."  The other thief remained among the ones who hear and yet do not chose to believe.  He would have been among those today who hear and yet chose to sue to eliminate religious symbols.  
     Looking further at these electrical power poles, I am reminded further of The Great Commission.  Those power lines run in all directions sending electricity around the world.  Isn't that similar to the Great Commission given by Jesus. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always even into the end of the world." 
     We, Christians, are the power lines leading away from that cross, commissioned to take the gospel to all who will listen.  We are to run the race, electrically charged, for Jesus Christ. 
     How can we win the race?  My pastor gave good examples this morning.  It is in the way we live, the way we speak, the way we spend our money, in what we laugh about, in the people we spend time with, how we spend our leisure time, and in what we want and desire. 
     In other words, we need to saturate ourselves, absorb God's word, get to really know God, and run with a powerfully, electrically charged purpose.  "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize?  So run that ye may obtain." (1 Corinthians 9:24)



Sunday, February 2, 2014

God Loves Because He is God

Have you ever pledged or committed to doing better but found yourself doing the same bad habits?  Isn't it wonderful, that as a Christian, we know we have forgiveness of sin? And that God still loves us?

God Loves Because He Is God

God does not love me because I am good;
He loves me because He is God!
I am chosen,
Although I am broken.
I am stubborn, polished with a lack of concern;
You’d think one day I’d learn.
I’m disobedient,
Stirred with selfishness, as an added ingredient.
Yet God still loves even me.
He’ll be with me around the world and across the sea.
His power sustains throughout each season.
Why? Just what is His reason?
I see His miracles across the land;
Yet I continue with what “I” have planned.
Unwilling to listen, I do as I please;
Still, He waits and silently sends the gentle breeze.  
God does not love me because I’m good.
He loves me because He is God!
I feel His mercy and His grace.
I feel His mighty embrace.
I love His compassion and protection;
Hopefully, someday I’ll follow His direction.
No matter my weakness,
No matter my lack of meekness,
No matter my behavior;
He remains my faithful Saviour. 
God does not love me because I’m good.
He loves me because He is God!
                                                        Mary Crisp Jameson – 2-2-2014

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Romans 7:19

Be sure and check out my Kindle Edition of "Humor With A Cool Drink Of Water."