Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Patrol

     I often wonder when I am being watched and by whom. One of my worst fears is that I will leave a lasting, bad impression; one I might never have the opportunity to correct. I know from experience that first impressions are very difficult to overcome. My words and my actions are so important. Even the expression I wear on my face leaves a reflective image of who I am and the way I want to portray my life. I never know when a simple smile and a pleasant voice will uplift someone’s day while a gruff voice, a frown, or a discouraging comment opens the door to a poor and negative attitude, not only for me, but for those around me. It only takes a split second for the devil to slip into my mind and create just what he hopes will create an ungodly appearance, a misconception, and a spoiled day.
      I must keep in mind what Satan said in the Book of Job when the Lord asked him, “Where have you come from?” Satan answers, “From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Another version says, “I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that’s going on.”
      Satan is watching and waiting! It is so easy to allow him to enter “A Friendly Shade” and get into my mind, emotions, thoughts, and actions. Although others are watching me, I also know from scripture that Satan is patrolling every moment, trying to destroy any relationship I have with God, and he is trying to control any movement away from the influence I may have in my witness for God and His mighty salvation plan.
      My consolation is that God is more powerful, and God is also patrolling! He is with me if I will just “stop, think, and pray.” God is the One who will keep me on the right path. He is the One who will help cleanse me of my prideful ways, give me courage, and help me become willing to make amends when I slip and allow Satan to intrude into my life.
      I pray, "Lord, please patrol my territory.  Keep Satan' s influence away and walk with me through a friendly shade." 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Plugged In

      As I stroll around “A Friendly Shade”  checking my garden plants for which ones need water, thinning, or lifting up on stakes,  I am plugging into nature and life.   I am attentive to what care has to be taken to insure I grow the best fruits and vegetables.  
   But what about plugging into myself, my peace of mind, and what I need in order to grow?  Getting “plugged in” for the day is sometimes a struggle.  My attempts at rising early in order to get into an established exercise program often go by the wayside.  I find that if I do accomplish a mile or more walk I always feel better when I arrive at work.  However, what makes me feel even better and really sets my day is if I start my waking moments with a prayer.  By giving my thoughts and actions for the day to God, I am preparing myself for a fruit filled day.  Problems I expect to face never seem as bad as expected.  Often they just dissolve and evaporate.   
     Getting “plugged in” for the day keeps me from losing my charge; it helps me to achieve the best fruits for my labor.  Plugging into God is essential to my piece of mind and my character.  Nowhere else but through the Word of God, which has been read, studied, and passed  down through generations by my parents and grandparents before them, can I find the teachings that help me transform and rid myself of my prideful, selfish, and jealous nature.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What Really Matters?

     In church today, the pastor talked about what really matters.  He reminded us that all we have can be placed in a pile and be gone in an instant.  Yet, the love of Jesus endures forever.
     As I sat in “A Friendly Shade” this afternoon and thought about Mother’s Day and the joy a child brings, I know what really matters to a mother.  It is not the gifts they bestow upon us, but it is the time they take out of their busy schedules to visit their mom.   What really matters is the touch of their hand as they slip it, ever so quietly, over yours at church during a brief prayer.  There is so much love in that touch.  What really matters is their companionship, and their loving acceptance of your ways.  What really matters is the well-being of the child.  What really matters is their health and their happiness.   
     Isn’t that also what the Father desires?  He wants to provide “channels of blessings.”  He wants us to be healthy, happy, and protected.  However, the Father also wants our companionship.  He wants us to slip into a loving prayer life with Him.   He wants us to be thankful.  He wants our acceptance and to love His ways. 
     In a nutshell, what really matters is accepting The Father, His salvation plan, and His love.

 Philippians 2:2   Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.    

Sunday, May 4, 2014


     Throughout life, we all, at some time or other, wish we knew our future.  For some, knowing the problems or sickness to come would be unthinkable to deal with.  Thank goodness, we are protected from that until the proper time.  If we knew what was to come we would worry ourselves even sicker. 
     Yet, Jesus knew His future.  Most of us have read the story of Jesus when He was only twelve years old teaching in the temple.  When His parents found Him He said, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"  From the Word we all learn that Jesus knew He had come to bring new life (salvation) to believers.  He came to teach so that people would believe. 
     Knowing all of this, I never ever once thought about the fact that He must have known, even as a young child, about the pain, the cross, and the nails. He worked beside his dad who was a carpenter.  Surely Jesus hammered and nailed, learning the trade.  Every time He struck those nail heads with his hammer, do you think He knew what those nails would do to Him?  I believe He knew His fate but never wept for Himself. 

Even Then, He Knew!
Stirring in His mother’s womb;
He knew about the tomb;
Working beside His dad,
Learning the trade as a lad,
Even then, He knew!

With every strike upon the nail,
With every windy gale;
In His youth,
He knew the truth.

Teaching in the temple as a lad;
He amazed and made the listeners glad.
Even then, He knew!

Going about His Father’s business;
Tempted in the wilderness;
Seeking the lost,
He never counted the cost,
But He knew!

Healing the sick and the lame,
He felt their sin and their shame.
Casting the demons out;
There is no doubt,
He knew!

Before the betrayal hour,
He felt the nails and their power.
He’d come to be a sacrifice;
Nailed to a cross would be the price.
Oh yes, even then, He knew!
                               Mary Crisp Jameson