I think, deep down, we all want to be recognized for something we have done or accomplished. There is a yearning to be remembered. I know that I, personally, would love to be able to have a few of my children's picture books published. Although unsuccessful in finding a publisher, it really does not matter. When I really think about it, I have already succeeded in my very best accomplishment. I will truly be remembered by the One who counts, for my name is already written in the Book of Life.
I have no other real goal than to stop fretting and worrying about not having my name on the cover of a published book. Instead, I plan to let my praise for God and His glory shape my life. I want to fill my heart and mind with the Father who remembers me daily. I want to think on how The Message put it. I need to think on "the best not the worst, the beautiful not the ugly, things to praise, not things to curse."
If I dwell on my love for God and His Son, giving Him the glory for His sacrifice on the cross for me, I can be quite content. No one else needs to remember me other than the Father and Creator of this world and of my life.
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