Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Difference Do It Make? We Is Filling Up Space!

In "A Friendly Shade," I found myself going back to a story from Charles Stanley's In Touch devotional publication.  The story was titled "Finding Our Way Home."   At the end of the story, Denver, a homeless man said,  "Whether we is rich or poor or somethin' in between, this earth ain't no final restin' place.  So, in a way, we is all homeless - just workin' our way home."  As I reread this I was inspired to write the following: 

What Difference Do It Make?
 This ‘ole world ain’t no restin’ place,
We is all working,
Filling up space.
This ‘ole world-
It’s filled with poor folks living in shacks;
The rich with nice clothes on their backs. 
Whatever the case-
It ain’t no restin’ place.
We is just workin’ our way home
Looking for places to roam.
No matter the race;
We is fillin’ up space;
This ‘ole world ain’t no restin’ place.
What difference do it all make?
If we ain’t got God,
We is a driftin’ by.
It’s Him we shouldn’t deny.
Folks is a passin’ through,
And just making do.
There’s trials and troubles,
Joy and laughter,
Sadness and shame-
It don’t matter what we’re after,
Till God comes to call us by name.
This ‘ole world ain’t no restin’ place,
We is just fillin’ up space.
                                                                 Mary Crisp Jameson – 10/26/2013

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