Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Holy, Holy, Holy! Prayer

I posted a praise to my Lord yesterday, and as I sat in "A Friendly Shade," I decided today to make a revision to use it as a prayer to praise God.   So often all we do is "ask" and forget to praise our God from whom all blessings flow.    

Holy, Holy, Holy!
Is my Lord in all your glory.
You are my Lord of Hosts;
Let me praise you uppermost.
You are my Lord in all your majesty;
My King who sits upon the throne;
Let me worship you and you alone.

Holy, Holy, Holy!
Is my Lord in all your beauty.
You are my guiding light;
Let me sing your praises day and night.
You are the King of Kings;
My Lord who reigns on High;
Let me honor you, not I.

Holy, Holy, Holy!
Is my Lord in all your righteousness.
You are my Shepherd and my Lamb;
Let me praise you for what I have and who I am.
You are my Lord, the Lamb of Life;
The One to whom none can compare.
Let me lift your name in prayer.

Holy, Holy, Holy!
Your glory fills the land.
                                                     Mary Crisp Jameson – 10/22/2013

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.  Isaiah 6:3





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