One of the verses highlighted in my Bible study today was Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."
A question that followed was, "Do you have trouble thinking of yourself in this manner?" I personally think we all have trouble thinking of ourselves as a "masterpiece." To take this a step further, how often do we look at other fellow Christians and see them as God's "masterpiece"? If we would take a moment to do this, I believe we would all be more understanding, more considerate, more loving, and more indulgent of others. As the scripture stated, we have all been made 'masterpieces' for the specific good deeds God has planned for us long ago even before we were born. By looking at others in light of good deeds and God's masterpieces, we should be more willing to give others a "pat on back" for their own good works. It just does a person good to be encouraged and complimented.
I wrote the following a few years ago and am posting it again because our Creator started with just a lump of clay when He formed Adam, and His amazing Works of Art have continued throughout the generations with each one of us.
A Lump Of Clay
I was just a lump of clay until the Potter came my way.
I watched as He picked me up and gently lifted me toward the light.A sparkle lit His eye and twinkled bright.
I heard Him say, “Oh, yes! I have a special design for you.
You’ll no longer be a hardened rock. I have much more for you to do.”
“How?” I thought. “I have no life or spirit.
I’m just some ugly dirt with no heart or merit.”
The Potter began to mash and unfold.
Then He quickly started to roll and mold.
I felt a warmth inside me spread and glow.
My hardened core felt soft as dough.
How wonderful! The gentle strokes of this master Potter.
Here and there, He added tenderness with drops of living water,
smoothing it carefully into my very core.
I knew I would never be like I was before.
I felt soft, yet strong.
I wanted to feel like this my whole life long.
When all was finished, the Potter blew in a breath of air.
I had become a sculpture, not beautiful, but fair,
with blemishes here and there.
I was in awe, but I didn't want to have a flaw.
“Masterful Potter,” I finally spoke,
"Why did you not make me beautiful like some other folk?”
“Your work will not be by appearance but by perseverance,” He replied.
“But, why? I cried. "Can't you remove these bumps and lumps?"
Ever so kindly, He shushed me, “It won't matter what other people see.
You’re beautiful by design. Please don’t pine.Your heart is pure. Your course is sure.
Those bumps are there to make you strong; they belong.”
The Potter continued smiling and began to say,
“You were once just a lump of clay.
In due time, your design will do the work that's mine.
You’re unique, a work of art, a masterpiece from my heart.
You were just a lump of clay till I, the Potter, came your way.”
Mary Crisp Jameson - 2015
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