Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Raise the Bar

I do not get on a soapbox very often, but I do have two major pet peeves.  One is litter and the other is shopping carts left in the parking lot instead of where they belong. I truly understand the disabled not returning their carts or even a parent with a child left alone in a car when the receptacle is too far away; however, most of that is not the case. 

     What started me on this subject was two different occurrences. There were two times shopping carts were left stranded in front of my car today. The slightest wind could have sent them rolling in my direction. It is also frustrating to look for an empty parking space in a crowded parking lot only to find one, but it is occupied by a vacant cart. 

     The other occurrence was watching a team of people picking up litter off the side of the road. This was litter thrown out by someone else. 

     Not to be judgmental, but I believe littering shows little respect for our country and those who have to come behind and clean it up.  Also, not leaving shopping carts in the appropriate receptacle shows poor cart etiquette and little consideration for others. 

     I often do grit my teeth when I have to return a cart during a rain shower or a very hot, sunny day.  I also am not fond of keeping a bag with trash in the car until I reach an available trash can, but it is a small price to pay for a clean inviting roadside experience. I am not entitled, and I owe respect to others around me. 

     I encourage everyone to raise the bar.  It is a good feeling when you know you have done the right thing. 



Saturday, September 23, 2023


It’s time! But what is time? It’s been said by many: 


We kill time.

We rob time.

We lose time. 

We save time.

We cannot stop time. 


Time is money.

Time moves on.

Time waits for no one.

Time, if lost. is not found again.


These may be wise sayings, but God’s time is perfect timing and never late. As 2 Peter 3:8 tells us, “With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” 


My application: Take time to spend time with God, Wait for God’s perfect timing. 


Friday, September 22, 2023

My Joy Comes

I had a rather hard-working afternoon yesterday for an old lady and was sure I would wake up this morning feeling sore and tired. I was tired but still joyful. No matter how old I get, I can still find joy. With humor, honor, and glory. I must say God is old too, even “older than dirt.” Why not? He created the dirt, the world, me, and all that is in it. He created life and the things that give us joy. 


 My Joy Comes


My joy springs from the Lord.

He lives!

He reigns and gives and gives.

My joy comes from:

The breath-taking beauty at the onset of the sunset;

The colorful rainbow arch across the sky in which I spy;

Stars in the night-a zipper forming the big and little dipper.

The Lord shows He lives!

Always, He gives.

My joy comes from: 

A fresh mowed lawn kept green with morning’s dewy dawn;

Merry songs from chirping birds although I know not their words;  

The peace from an easy flowing river in which only God can deliver.

Joy is in my heart when I see:

A butterfly flapping its wings in the Spring;

Raindrops watering dried crops;

The voice of God, heard when my mind is confused and blurred.

My joy comes, and my heart hums.

I’m in awe of what God has done for me under the sun.


Pleasures do not compare under the sun to what will be done

When I reach Heaven’s home where I will roam.

Until then, I delight in what He gives,

But, more so, because He lives!


Mary Crisp Jameson  9/22/2023


“Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him; let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise His name in the dance: let them sing praises unto Him with the timbrel and harp. For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people: He will beautify the meek with salvation.”  Psalm 149: 2-4 KJV






Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Negative Words

Yesterday, I made note of being positive, yet keeping God’s will in the equation. Today I will take a stab at the negative. There are certain  words beginning with "n" we should be cautious using which imply the negative. Some are: Not, No, Never, Nope, Nothing. Of course, we never want to say no to God. Never, ever!  God does not wish that we say, “Nope! No way!” to His requests.

    I have to take note of one plus when using the negative “n” words. There is a song I love to hear and the lyrics are something like this: 

         No, never alone,

         No, never alone;

         He promised never to leave me,

         Never to leave me alone.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023


There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking. I had always rather be positive than negative; however, positive thinking does not go a long way without God governing the situation. In Luke 18: 27 I find, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” 

     This morning I come to God and ask that my will fall into place with His will, for He is over it all. Let my thoughts comply with His. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Friend In Jesus

 I woke up thinking about what a Friend I have in Jesus and wanted to give Him glory for all my blessings.

A Friend In Jesus  


What a Friend I have in Jesus! 

Is there trouble anywhere? 

I am assured, He is always there.

He is with me through life’s fight; 

Covering me with protective might. 

He knows my every care; 

Everything I have to bear.

He sees my troubled tears 

And protects when Satan rears.

Oh, what a friend I have in Jesus. 

He knows my pain and aches,

Allowing time in my mistakes

For repentance’s sake;

Oh, what a friend I have in Jesus-

Waiting with loving embrace,

Continually gazing upon my face;

Giving space!

Bestowing grace! 

What a Friend I have in Jesus!

To Him, I give almighty glory,

For He is knows my wicked story,

He knows my daily endeavor.

To Him, be glory forever and ever.


Mary Crisp Jameson 9/17/2023 


“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Follow Me!

I love that Jesus said, 

    "Follow Me!”  And...

           …you shall not perish but have everlasting life.       John 3:16

           …I am with you always.                                    Matthew 28;20

           …My peace I give unto you.                                    John 14:27

           …You shall be given the Holy Spirit to teach you.  John 14:26

Because I believed and followed, I have joy. 


Saturday, September 9, 2023

In The Moment

There are many important moments in life. Some are one time, others are daily, such as: 


The moment…. Jesus is believed and accepted, life changes. Peace and the protecting Holy Spirit is provided.


The moment…a prayer is lifted, plans are stirred.  Do it daily and first thing each morning. God will work powerfully with us during times of cares, concerns, and burdens. 


The moment…God is worshiped and praised, He hears and is pleased. He is good! His faithfulness endures forever.

Sunday, September 3, 2023


A few weeks ago I wrote about Grace which is God’s unmerited favor and unconditional love and which, by the way, is the name of my favorite granddaughter. 

     Today, I would like to take a few moments to think about Atticus. This name has ancient Greek origins, meaning “of Attica.” According to research the name represents intelligence, wisdom, and thoughtfulness.  Although not actually named in the Bible, many think Atticus was a strong follower of Paul during his mission ministry. One reference about Atticus stated he was a Roman citizen and suggested that Atticus came from a lineage of Greek Kings like Zeus and Thesuesu and was believed to have spent his childhood years in Italy and Greece. 

     The name Atticus is rather unique and uncommon which makes it stand out. Actually, Atticus is my favorite grandson. 

     So, I could actually start out by describing Atticus as the grandson of Mary. He not only is good looking and complies to set rules and standards, but he is considerate, intelligent, and thoughtful, just as his name implies. Being also the son and grandson of the Jameson lineage, he is of noble descent. 

Friday, September 1, 2023


Someone is defined as a person either specified or unspecified.  


Everyone needs someone…

         Someone to love them,

         Someone to value them,

         Someone to listen to them,

         Someone to talk with them,

         Someone to connect with them, 

         Someone to be a friend with them. 


Can we be that Someone?