Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, March 25, 2016

Easter- Jesus Is Not Dead!

     He Lives! is a great song.  Jesus is truly a risen Saviour and He lives!  It would be good to remember this Easter Sunday that Jesus lives, but a person has to know Jesus to give Him the praise and the glory He so deserves.  I watched Watters' World last night on Fox News and was so saddened when Watters asked the people on the streets questions about Easter. 
  Watters asked, "What Holiday is this?"  One answer was, "Memorial Day." Another was "Father's Day."
  Watters asked, "What are you doing this Easter?"  Answer was, "Do laundry, maybe."
  Watters asked, "What does Easter involve?"  There was no answer. She had no idea.
  Watters asked, "What happened on Easter?"  Answer was, "Not sure what happened."
  Watters asked, "What do we celebrate on Easter?"  Answer was, "Jesus was born."
  Watters asked several questions about the Easter bunny, and finally, "Was the Easter bunny found in the New or Old Testament?"  The answer was, "The Old Testament, I guess."
   Watters asked one person  a question about the crucifixion, and his answer was.  "He was crucified as the story goes, but I don't do that scene."

It would be good to remember the Cross, Death, and Resurrection. As the song goes:
"He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!"
"I serve a risen Saviour,
He's in the world today;
I know that He is living,
Whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy,
I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him
He's always near."

     Jesus paid a great price when He came to earth to walk among men and then to allow himself to be beaten and nailed to a cross, and then to take on our sins so we also could live.   

Jesus Is Not Dead

His wounds ran blood red!
Skin torn and pierced-
Body whipped-
Friends stood and wept in dread!
Darkness fell-
The ground shook-
Hanging on the cross, Jesus bled!
Hope sprang forth-
Promises fulfilled-
 Lying upon His death bed!
Angels stood nearby-
The stone rolled away-
Word spread!
“The tomb is empty!”
Hearts lifted-
 He arose the Living Bread!
Lives changed-
Brokenness healed-
In resurrection, Jesus became the Thread!
The Way-
The Deliverer-
He is not dead!
Souls are saved-
Eternal life proclaimed!
                                                    Mary Crisp Jameson-    3/30/2014


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