Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, June 29, 2023


I am in awe when I stop and look at nature? How God can take a tiny seed planted in the ground and create a tall and stately tree! I am in awe at the wonder of how a tiny seed, nourished within a woman's body, produces an infant who grows into an adult. The wonder of creation and how God amazingly numbered it all and how He controls it all is beyond my scope of comprehension. God is sovereign and rules it all. I am even more awestruck over how a God who is so powerful and mighty can love a lowly person like me and continually want to protect and bless me. 



I cannot grasp;

I cannot comprehend

God’s greatness.

Yet, He wants me for a friend.  

He measured the waters.

He calculated the dust. 

He marked off the heavens.

And still, He loves me who lusts.

He knows the heights of mountains.

He weighed the hills.

He counted the specks of sand.

His awesomeness chills and thrills!

He knows the number of stars.

He sits above the circle of the earth;

None is His equal.

Even so, in birth, He gave me worth.

I cannot grasp;

I cannot conceive

A love for one who makes Him grieve. 

I cannot scratch the surface 

 Of His love for me,

One He constantly has to oversee. 

I cannot process

How He wishes to bless.

I do not understand 

A God who created the land,

Sitting on high

Loving enough and why 

He sent His only Son for such a one as I;

A Son who came to die.


Mary Crisp Jameson  6/29/2023


“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord, or instruct the Lord as his counselor?” Isaiah 40:12-13



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