Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, July 10, 2023

Going Viral

I suppose news reporters have always been a source of bad news, but these days it seems bad news is all that is being reported. I find myself not turning on the television  because I just do not want to hear it. I am simply attempting to dial back the bad and reset my world to zero. In any case I am trying to not fret the threat. 

 Going Viral

 When my world is in a downward spiral

And troubles seemingly going viral,

I need an uplifting reset-

A dial back to zero and forget;

Let God take care of the threat 

So I don’t fret.

When the world goes crazy

And ideals seem hazy;

When all appears unrightfully strange, 

I need a thoughtful change;

It’s clear I must be of good cheer, 

Dwell on the positive

Instead of the negative,

Seek gratitude

Over an ungrateful attitude, 

Develop thankfulness 

In exchange for selfishness.

Yet, these are hard in my sinful state,

Weighing heavily upon my plate.

They’re not my natural human trait.

So much I don’t understand

Across this land.

So, as in anguish, I stand,

I ask for a hug from God’s own hand.


Mary Crisp Jameson 6/9/2023 


“But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil.” Proverbs 1:33 KJV


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