What can I say? I am a banker at heart and, as such, believe in saving for future needs. “Prepare” would be my motto. Finding a “Pot of Gold” at the end of the rainbow to stow away in my savings account would be very exciting and desirable.
However, the greatest treasure in life is more than that. The greatest treasure would be finding the wisdom of God. That is what I call saving for the present and the future. I cannot do that without preparation, and the only way I can prepare is to read my Bible which is loaded with a treasure trove of riches, silver, and gold.
However, the greatest treasure in life is more than that. The greatest treasure would be finding the wisdom of God. That is what I call saving for the present and the future. I cannot do that without preparation, and the only way I can prepare is to read my Bible which is loaded with a treasure trove of riches, silver, and gold.
In several verses of Proverbs 2 I find, “…If you accept my words…turning your ear to wisdom…applying your heart to understanding…and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure…you will find the knowledge of God.” This is truly my “pot of gold.” So, as I reach for my Bible, I ask what it means to me:
B iblical gold for advice and principles
I mmense wisdom
B anquet of indispensable tools
L ife-giving words
E ncouragement and love from God
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