Have you ever opened up a letter and it just touched your heart and wished that you had the ability to write something that inspiring, as well? I believe all Christians have that ability. A well written letter comes from the heart.
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 we find, “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men, being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
We have a choice! We can be a “letter that kills or one that gives life”. (v.6)
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
The way we live our lives is our spiritual letter. We can be the inspiration someone needs. Just a smile to someone having a bad day- just a happy simple greeting goes a long way.
In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 we find, “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men, being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
Any nice gesture given to others can certainly make their day