The following is my little reminder to self that I don't have to be a beauty queen, thin or trim, a voice in the crowd, or perform an action just to please. I only need to be just me.
No Need to Compare
I have no need to compare.
I have what I have.
I am who I am;
Being God’s own created lamb.
There’s no purpose looking at other’s worth-
Just my own,
Which God placed upon this earth;
No reason for envy or jealously,
Being given my own molded melody.
Comparing would be foolish and silly
Can size, color, wealth be changed, willy-nilly?
Not really!
My own creative skills
Were knit within to fill God’s bill
With no beautiful frills;
Just a purpose to fill His will.
Comparing would leave me in despair,
Complaining, “Life’s not fair!”
I’d be missing blessings;
My own special dressing;
Delaying gifts
Meant to carry through seasons shifts.
God counted every hair;
Where I am, He is there.
I have no need to compare,
I am who I am,
And God stays near,
Always here to care.
Mary Crisp Jameson 2/17/2022
“Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.” Galatians 6:4 NIV
I certainly agree. Envy & jealously will consume a person!