Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, December 22, 2023

"Mary" Christmas

Since my name is Mary, I found the article by Judy Wallace in the Baptist Trumpet interesting. It was titled, A “Mary” Christmas. She talked about three Marys who had their lives turned around because of Jesus’ birth. The following all comes from Judy Wallace’s article briefly summarized: 


“Mary, the mother of Jesus found herself pregnant while she was engaged to be married. Subject to Old Testament law, she should have been stoned. Then there was her fiancée whose trust she had shattered. However, Mary believed in God’s promise, His power, and His purpose, and she lived faithfully.

     Mary Magdalene was a woman who had 7 demons and was totally bound, chained, and tormented by these evil oppressors. Jesus saved her, forgave her, and released her. Mary never forgot what she had been and what Jesus had done for her. She lived faithfully. She was with Christ as He ministered to others. She was with Christ when He suffered on the cross. She was with Christ when it came time to anoint His body. She was the first to be with Christ after His glorious resurrection. Her life was centered on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

     Mary, the sister of Martha had intentional discipline and dedication. Mary was more concerned about how her heart looked than about the cleanliness of her house. Mary had a molded mind, an anointing spirit, a humble attitude, and a responsive heart. She was totally attuned to Jesus and drawn to His teachings. When she is seen in Scripture, she is sitting at the feet of Jesus.” 


Because of Jesus’ birth, I (Mary) have had my life turned around and changed. I am looking forward to having a “Mary” Christmas with Jesus as the center of it all. The greatest gift I could give back is to follow the example of the Marys in Scripture who worshiped and followed Him with faithful and devoted hearts. 

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