Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Display of Color

I enjoy adding hints of white and black to my decor, but I am so glad the world is not just black and white. Life would be boring without color. The colors all around me display the glory of God. God is great!

Display of Color


The Artist’s hands paint a world for all to see;

A mix of colors over land, sky, and sea.

His every stroke-unique!

Splashes of color across the canvas, they streak.

O Lord!

I in awesome wonder what thy hands hath made-

How colors ignite in sapphires, topaz, and jade;  

How violets and red blend and spread;

How blues give way to indigo as colors mix and flow.

How green paints a worldly scene,

Turning to red, orange, and brown.

How colors expand from sky down to the ground,

How yellows turn to gold,

How all creates a masterpiece to behold,

How blacks and white give dark and light.

O Lord!

 My heart rejoices in Your awesome art.

You, the Artist, have created a visual sight,

Pleasing and right

With hues and tints here and there.

Nothing can compare.

What wonders Your hands hath made!

A palette of colors 

Painting a vision with precision.

O Lord, my God!

Thy power throughout the universe displayed;

I marvel at what Your hands hath made.

How great thy art!


Mary Crisp Jameson 3/22/2024 


“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth 

His handywork.” Psalm 19:1 KJV


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