Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, March 22, 2024


Yesterday, when I came inside from working in the yard, my boots were dusty and muddy, so I pulled them off at the door before entering the house. As I sat and looked down at my feet, I found my socks to be dirty, as well. I yanked them off and desired to have my feet washed but was too tired. My back was hurting and my feet ached from push-mowing the lawn. I thought, “Who would wash my feet for me?” 

     This brought to mind when Jesus washed His disciples feet. Jesus and his disciples’ feet must have ached from all the walking they did in sandals across mountainous plains. Their feet would have been muddy and/ or dusty. As He and His disciples gathered around the table for their meal, Jesus took it upon Himself to wash His disciples’ feet. One of His disciples, Peter, was appalled and declared to his Master, “Never shall You wash my feet.” Jesus’ reply was, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”  

     At that point, I knew who would and had washed my feet. In fact, Jesus washed all of me by His death upon the cross. 

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