Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, March 25, 2024

Jesus Loves

Jesus Loves…and He gave me quite a few examples of what it means to love like Him. These examples are found all throughout His earthly walk as well as when He was on the Cross. 


At the last supper, I imagine I was there with Judas. When Jesus fed Judas, He fed me. When Jesus washed Judas’s feet, He washed and cleaned mine, as well. Jesus had such love for me, He was willing to feed a deceiver. He allowed me a choice just as He was willing to forgive for the act of betrayal.


At the last supper, I imagine I was also with Peter who said, “I will never deny you. Peter did and I have too. Yet, I was fed, my feet were washed, and I was forgiven just as Peter was loved and forgiven. 


When Jesus was arrested, I imagine I was there among the crowd when they mocked and spit upon Him. I was there when one of the criminals asked to be remembered. I was there when Jesus said, because you asked, “today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus was talking to me. I imagine I was at the foot of the Cross when Jesus took His last breath just after He cried out in agony and pain, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus was praying and interceding for me. In death, He was loving me.


To say I love Jesus is easy, but loving Him and others the way Jesus loves is not so easy. To do so, I must follow in Jesus’s footprints – His example- and strive to love like Him.


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