Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, July 12, 2024

Father, Forgive!

Everyone wants to be accepted and loved.  I certainly do!

Although, Jesus was not accepted and loved, He accepts and loves me. He died for me. He forgives me. He is willing to come to my aide. All He asks is for me to die to my sins, accept Him, and love Him. 

Father, Forgive!

 Betrayed or waylaid,

Leaves one afraid or dismayed.

Being rejected 

Leaves one disconnected and neglected.

Being humiliated

Makes one feel hated.

Jesus was all of those.

He suffered from head to toes.

He was rejected, humiliated, betrayed!

No one came to his aide. 

He suffered torment, 

Yet He didn’t resent.

He did not fixate

On thoughts to retaliate.

He didn’t get mad.

He simply said,

“Father, forgive!”


Mary Crisp Jameson 7/12/2024 


“Then said Jesus, Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” 

Luke 23:34a KJV






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