Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Heart Vs Head

Woe to the one who has to analyze everything! There are just some things the human mind cannot comprehend, like: Why would Jesus leave His heavenly throne; His Father in glory and come to earth to be persecuted and to shed His blood for me? Why would He continually offer grace when I ask forgiveness but keep on sinning? Why would He walk with me through my trials and continue to bless me? Why does my heart leap with joy when I pray to Him? It is not for me to figure out. It is only for me to "Believe!"

Heart vs Head Knowledge 


Heart knowledge

Is so much more than college.

To know Him fills me to the brim;

It elevates-

Makes strong the waits.

His love ascends and never ends-

It transcends!

An ounce of heart 

Blows head knowledge off the chart.

To know Christ is not overpriced.

He is the Bread of Life-

The end of heart’s strife.

He is what I panted after.

He is my laughter!

He is my delight, protecting through the night. 

He takes away the dark and gives life its spark.

To know Him is to love Him,

Sending the heart leaping into a happy hymn. 

Heart learning is, Jesus, yearning-

Wanting more of what He has in store.

Heart knowledge, not college,

Makes Jesus my friend as I comprehend;

I’m no longer man born of female-

No longer frail and living just a few more days-

No longer traveling a wayward maze.

Heart knowledge is letting Jesus amaze

Until, upon His face, I gaze.

The more He pulls my heartstrings, 

The higher my heart sings.


Mary Crisp Jameson 10/14/2024 


“…And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”  Ephesians 3:17b-18

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