However, there are other seasons as well. Just as we cannot always predict when seasons of weather will come upon us, it is even more difficult to predict when our seasons of happiness, sadness, sorrow, or health will spring forward or fall behind us. Following are my thoughts on the seasons of life.
We know not when or the reasons
I had a season of childhood:
A season when all was good.
Then there was the season of despair
When troubles seemed to float through the air.
I had problems with the season of distrust;
All was not right or just.
Seasons come and go,
Never knowing how I’ll grow
Or how they’ll flow.
They spin on a dime,
Appearing in life’s time;
We can expect seasons in life
To come with peace or strife.
The season of waiting
Is always frustrating.
When, Lord! When
Will a new season begin?
When will this season pass
As the sand flows through the hour-glass?
“In my time, my child.,” I hear
As God draws near,
Listening to my prayer.
Mary Crisp Jameson. 4/27/2023
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens… He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1,11 NIV