Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, April 29, 2023


 It's the season for sprucing up the yard, getting it prepared for mowing and removing the weeds. It's a time for planting spring flowers to grow throughout the summer months. 
     There seems to be a season for everything throughout summer, winter, fall, and spring.
     However, there are other seasons as well. Just as we cannot always predict when seasons of weather will come upon us, it is even more difficult to predict when our seasons of happiness, sadness, sorrow, or health will spring forward or fall behind us. Following are my thoughts on the seasons of life.


 We’ll always have seasons

We know not when or the reasons

I had a season of childhood:

A season when all was good.

Then there was the season of despair

When troubles seemed to float through the air.

I had problems with the season of distrust;

All was not right or just.

Seasons come and go,

Never knowing how I’ll grow

Or how they’ll flow.

They spin on a dime,

Appearing in life’s time;

We can expect seasons in life 

To come with peace or strife.

The season of waiting

Is always frustrating.

When, Lord! When

Will a new season begin?

When will this season pass

As the sand flows through the hour-glass?

“In my time, my child.,” I hear

As God draws near,

Listening to my prayer.


Mary Crisp Jameson. 4/27/2023


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens… He has made everything beautiful in its time.” 

Ecclesiastes 3:1,11 NIV  



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Who Am I?

 Many struggle with the question, "Who Am I?" We seem as only a dot in a large world never going anywhere, but God sees something different. He created us and wants us to be a part of His Family. That why He sent His Son. To be an heir of His, all we need is to believe in His Son. 
     I may seem as a dot in this big wide world, but I am proud to be seen, to be loved, and to be a part of God's own. I am proud to be a child of God. That is why I wrote the following: 

Who I Am 


Who am I?

Let me brag a bit,

For I am correctly put together and knit.

I am a chosen one.

Planned and spun

Before my breath begun.

I am a princess actually,

Born into a royal Family.

I’m destined to be rich;

An heir!

Of sorts, a billionaire.

Who am I? 

I shout it abroad,

For I am awed.

I am a child of God!


Mary Crisp Jameson  4/26/2023


“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” 1 Peter 2:8



Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Senses

Our five senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, but Christians have another sense which comes from the heart- the Holy Spirit living within who speaks to us. We are constantly talking to God (usually asking or telling), but how often do we just sat and listen, letting Him speak through the Spirit? 

     To hear we need time to focus. We need quiet time-free from distractions, and we need His Word at hand. We also need an attitude of responsiveness. It’s not easy, and it takes committed practice.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

God Knows How

The first sentence in my Sunday School lesson was...God knows how to _______________, and we were to fill in the blank. I came up with the following: 

God knows how to...accomplish His will
                                be a friend
                                change lives
                                love unconditionally
                                make a heavenly home
                                punish the ungodly
                                rescue the godly
                                save the sinner
                                touch the heart 



Thursday, April 20, 2023

On Display

     In past years, during school, when children acted out the teacher might sit the child in a chair facing the corner for a "time out." Or, she might draw a circle on the bulletin board and have the child stand with his nose in the circle for a "time out." It was done to discipline the child. It was for his good. However, the child was also put on display in front of all the other children. Maybe the display was for the benefit of the other children, as well, so they would not "act out" in kind. 

     Have you ever thought about Jesus, hanging there on the cross? He was on display. He knew no sin, yet He hung in front of the crowd. His display was to show the world He cared. It was for our good. 

   We all sin. We all fall short. Yet God in His grace makes us right in His sight. "for God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin." Romans 3:25

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Mirror On The Wall

 Mirror reflections can be deceiving just as people can.  In other words, "All that glitters is not gold" or "Appearances can be deceiving." 

Mirror On The Wall

 Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Tell it all.

Do not deceive

Show what others perceive?

Reveal what’s in my heart.

Does it reflect God’s goodly art?

Does love show in my outward face,

And am I deserving of God’s grace?

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Reflect it all.

Beauty or vanity!

Humanity or Christianity? 

Show what’s seen;

What others glean-

Not just the wrinkles

But what’s in the mind.

What do you find? 

Are thoughts kind? 

Am I, with Jesus, aligned?

Shadows here and shadows there-

Within my view I see a glare-

My reflection not always fair.

Standing in front of you, 

Tell it true!

Help me see what others view. 

As the light above me shines

And shows the lines,

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Please, tell it all. 


Mary Crisp Jameson  4//16/2023



“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:15 NIV


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Early Morning

It gives me joy to write verse in the early morning after my devotionals. I feel a closeness to God as I strive to express His love. Below is the one I wrote this early, beautiful glorious day God has provided. 

Early Morning


I awoke 

As morning broke.

There was a hunger within.

Birds were chirping and life about to begin.

I took delight in my hunger;

Always there whether older or younger. 

Only one thing would quinch the thirst upon my lips.

It was the Living Water at my fingertips!

Only One who could quiet the rumbling noise; 

Only One to give day’s joys!

As morning broke,

My mind was filled as God spoke.

Tossing the sheets aside,

Hunger eased.

I was pleased!

There was peace, knowing God would be my guide;

No need for fear should I slide in day’s ride.

Hunger would be satisfied

With God walking by my side;

My thirst was stilled, yet ignited-

My thoughts excited!

With God, comes the morning-

A yearning in the dawning!

In the shadow of His wings 

I rejoice in what day brings. 


“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is…Because thou hast been my help, therefore, in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. 

Psalm 63:1,7



Thursday, April 13, 2023

Applying A, B, C of Goalsl

Everyone needs a dream- a goal; it makes life interesting and the end-result, once achieved, makes life rewarding.  I got ahead of myself yesterday when I posted the 7 D's of my dream. Today I'd like to cover the three A, B, and Cs. 

Adopt a goal
Aim toward the end result 
Anticipate road blocks but stay focused 

Bend with the road blocks but stay the course 

Consult with others
Consider options
Continue onward 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Seven D's

I remember a dream I had one time; it was a hope- a wish. I had to make a decision based on facts about how to accomplish it. The facts led to a delay while I allowed things to fall into place; I could not just jump in head first; as some might say “sink or swim”.  At times, during the process, I felt as if I had met a dead-end. That was when I needed to take another look at the facts and consider all the options. Finally the plan headed down the right path. I was determined! My patience soon found the dream coming true. That was  deliverance. My hope and wish finally met success giving me delight, a joy and happiness. You might say the steps included 7-D’s.


Dream- a hope/ a wish

Decision- study of facts 

Delay- Patient until the right time  

Dead-end  - reconsideration of facts 

Determination - staying the course 

Deliverance- success

Delight- joy 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

It's Easter

     When Jesus said, "It is finished!" as he hung there on the cross. He did not mean His job was done. He meant He had taken the sins of the world upon His shoulders. He had given His people freedom. He took my sin and your sin to give us life. That was crucifixion day!
     Now it's Easter. It's been 3 days since Jesus was laid in the grave. But, He's no longer there. His burial garments have been neatly folded indicating, "I''m not finished. I'm coming back." Jesus arose, but He's not gone. There's business to tend. There's the touch of His nail-scarred hands. some need to see and feel. There are instructions to leave, "Go and Tell!" There's a promise to leave, "I go to prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." Yet, another promise, "I will send you the Comforter from the Father. When He comes, He will give evidence about me. He is the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father."  
     Thank you Jesus for dying for me. Thank you for the Comforter. Thank you for life everlasting and for preparing a special place for me to live with you eternally.  Thank you for freedom, friends, family, and the opportunity to serve and worship you while I am passing through this earth. 


Saturday, April 8, 2023


      Yesterday, I shared a previous writing on the Crucifixion. Today, I share one I wrote this morning about my risen Saviour. 



The crucifixion was complete;

All was bleak.

Finally, there was silence

Instead of violence.

The next day, women came

to view the grave-

A stone-covered cave.

They found-

The stone rolled away,

An angel in shining array,

An empty tomb,

And guards fearing doom.

The space within was vacant;

The women shaken.

The Angel spoke,

“Do not fear.

He is not here.

He is risen from the dead.

Nothing is left to dread;

Only good news to proclaim.

Jesus is alive!

Rejoice in His holy name!”


Mary Crisp Jameson   4/8/2023


“He is not here; for He is risen as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Matthew 28:6 KJV 







Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday - Crucified

On Good Friday Christians commemorate the crucifixion of the death of Jesus Christ. On Easter, we celebrate His resurrection. I wrote the following in 2011 and felt the need to share it this morning. 


I kneel and weep before the cross;

The tears are not for my loss.  

I had it all to gain

Because of my Lord, who was slain.

I weep for the horrible crucifixion;

The pain, mockery, and affliction.

 Even Pilate asked, 

“Why? What evil hath He done?”

The centurion said, 

“Truly this Man was God’s own Son!”

 Jesus healed and raised the dead;

Yet, had no place to lay His head.

He was mocked, beaten, and abused;

Was denied and accused.  

 Jesus, my Lord, was crucified,

Taken to court and tried.

Nails were driven in His hands and feet;

All for my sin and deceit.

I weep for the torture He endured,

Giving His life so mine would be secured..

I weep for the Lamb 

Who was rejected and scorned;

He bled as they placed, upon His head, 

A braided crown of thorns.

 My Jesus!

He suffered the cruelest pain.

And yet, I constantly complain.

 He suffered and bled; 

For that I cry,

And ask, “Why?”

The answer comes quickly 

Through the quiet, 

I love you my child with all my might.

Do not cry and despair,

For you, 

I carried the cross I was born to bear.” 

 I have no further need to ask, 

“Why? What evil had He done?”

I believe He died for me and is God’s own Son.


Mary Crisp Jameson  4/17/2011


“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.  1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV



Thursday, April 6, 2023


      I often like to joke around. In doing so, I make misquotes for which I am sometimes repentant. I realized one such misquote this morning.  It was a while after I lost both my parents when I made the joking statement, "I am an orphan now." I pledge never to make that statement again, for when I was born again, saved by Jesus' grace, I was adopted into the family of God. I will always have a Father. I will always have a heavenly home assigned to me.  My Father is the One who keeps the entire universe functioning, and He is the Father who holds me in the palm of His hand, always watching over me and keeping me safe.  I will never be an orphan. I will never be alone.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Fruit of the Spirit

     The fruit of the Spirit is given to us in Galatians 5:22-23. They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As humans we fight our flesh nature every day in order to live by the Spirit as we are instructed. It is hard! However, the longer we study scripture and seek Jesus, living by the fruit becomes easier. 

     Thinking on the fruit I am to achieve in my walk, I also thought about how this very fruit is given to ME every day. Jesus gives me love, joy, and peace. He is patient and waits while being compassionate, showing me kindness, and goodness through my failures. He is gentle, only wishing me well through my sickness and heart-ache. He is self-controlled by holding off punishment, waiting for me to turn onto the righteous path after steering away. 

     Thank you, God, for the fruit you provide daily. Help me reflect this same fruit to others. 


Saturday, April 1, 2023

"No", A 2-Letter Word

When I was raising my child, one of her first words was, “No!” That word was used a lot. It was used with the intent to continue to do what she wanted even though it was not right or not good for her. It was used in a childish matter just as ! Corinthians 13:11 tells us, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child. I thought as a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” 

     As an adult we continue to use the word, “No.” However, as an adult we can learn to use this simple 2-letter word in a matter that is actually good. We can use it to say, “No” to the lust of the flesh, “No” to the lust of the eyes, and “No” to pride and selfishness. As an adult, it is time to put away childish thinking and control our thoughts in a matter that is pleasing. We can say “No” to the things that do not please God; the things that will harm us. We can say “Yes” to those things that are pleasing and will not harm us or others.