Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Rushing Wind

Life does not always give me an easy answer, but much of the time my problems are my own doing, so I have to fix it in order to heal. When I read the scripture for today, I had the following thoughts.

“And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2: 2

     Has this ever happened to you? A rushing wind; a stirring of the waters! A tumbling of the emotions within! The wind wouldn’t let up. You could find no rest! The mind would not quiet itself! The stomach got tied in knots! Tears were on the verge of creating a mighty, flood! The heart ached! The body was too tired to function! Worry formed!

     How to fix it!  What to call it! Could it be my guilt? Could it be a calling left undone? Could it be something missing in my walk and communication with God? Could it be a simple “I am sorry,” which I left unsaid?

     Whatever it is or was blowing in, I had to choose to fix it; I had to stop the rushing wind, the storm, before it filled and destroyed my house.




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