Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, May 10, 2024

Till The Land

I had a small area in my garden that, over the years, had been devoted to asparagus. However, the asparagus never produced anything but a few spindly, stringy stalks that turned to fern before developing into eatable produce. I had let this area basically become dormant over the years, hoping the asparagus would grow. It never did!

     Yesterday, I decided to remove the asparagus and till the land into a small garden spot. That was a task! It seems roots and vines were all underneath the surface. They kept choking the tiller tines, and I was constantly having to remove the vines to keep the tiller running. I ended up clearing just below the surface area but never removing all the roots and vines. I will tackle it again another day. 

     This all reminded me of how much it takes on a daily basis to keep the invasive roots and vines out of my own life. If I don’t stay in the Word and talk with God daily, I can easily let troubles, fear, dry moments, and depression take root. I am in constant need of God’s direction. I am in constant need of His lessons on life so that my life does not lay dormant and grow deep roots which are hard to extract. 

     Because of my lack of tilling over the years, it may take me months to get all the roots out of that garden area. I know it took the Israelites 40 years to reach the promised land because of their refusal to till their hearts. 

     Lord, I pray it doesn’t take me 40 years to get the roots and vines out.



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