Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All About Christmas-A King Is Born

I'm late blogging for Christmas.  I was just too busy.  I am so glad Jesus came just in time for Christmas.  He is never late and He is never too busy for me.  What a wonderful gift!

A King Is Born

The baby lay quiet and still,
Wrapped in simple rags to protect Him from the chill.
He silently let out a baby’s coo
As the Mother tenderly uncovered Him to view.
There was great joy upon her face,
Even if she had to deliver in such a place.
The dark of night was lite with light-
A star shining bright.
It scattered its light into the stable door,
Sending rays toward the manager and across the floor.
The baby wrapped its tiny finger
Around His mother’s.
She let her eyes protectively linger.
In that brief moment, time stood still,
And gone was the chill. 
She watched with love as joy filled her heart.
Here was a child that could give everyone a fresh new start.
It didn’t seem right!
This stable-the only thing left for the night;
A wooden trough – the only place for Him to rest;
- not a bed and not the very best.
It was smelly and dusty-
In a stable, cold and musky. 
It was the only thing around, 
And Mary frowned as she laid Him down. 
He was a King - Christ the Lord!
Her first-born whom she adored.
The angels declared it in song.
He was a Savior come to right the wrong!
The mother let her hand glide over His face
As she slowly released her embrace.
There was great joy
Over the birth of this infant boy.
She watched as He lay sound asleep,
Resting among the animals and the sheep.
A King lying in a heap of dusty hay?
Not a picture she wanted to portray.
Yet, not an animal stirred or moved around;
None made a disturbing sound. 
Glory shone round about.
The angels proclaimed it with a shout,
"A King is born!”
                              Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Christmas Time

As I sit beneath the shady pine, my thoughts shout, “It’s Christmas time,” and I am overwhelmed by what Jesus did for me.   

It’s Christmas Time!

There’s wonder so sublime.
My thoughts shout out, “It’s Christmas time!”
A time when a great miracle occurred,
A time when hearts are stirred.

There’s the smell of cinnamon and spice
And everyone makes merry and nice.
There’s the smell of fresh cut cedar and fir
As we remember the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The trees are all lite and glowing bright.
They’re covered with tinsel.  And what a sight!
Just a reminder of that northern star
Which brought the shepherds from afar,
 Guiding the wise men to where Jesus lay
Amidst the stable hay. 

What a star that must have been-
For around the world it could be seen.
Oh! That we would still rejoice so,
Like the shepherds who followed that starry glow. 

A Savior was born so long ago!
A King that all should want to know.

It’s the Christmas season.
Jesus was born for a reason.
He had only a stable to lay His head-
Not a warm or comfortable bed.
He came to die for all-
A King born in a barnyard stall.   

There is wonder in the air –
It’s a time to praise and to share.
The air is filled with a magic all its own
Because of a baby born in a stable instead of a throne.  
There was glad tidings to share
A Saviour was born, the angels did declare.  

There is joyful music and silver bells that chime-
It’s Christmas time!
                                  Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, December 4, 2011


     As I was completing a sewing project for a Christmas gift, I thought, with pride, “This is great; it came out better than expected.”  I started the project with no pattern and only a visual aid which I enhanced and added to as the ideas came.  This was to be a work of love and one of artistic ability.  As the project came together, I had to rip out a few seams and start again because I was figuring out the pattern as I went.  All the time I realized that the bear rag quilt would, in time, get dirty and probably have a button or two pulled off which would need to be replaced.  However, I knew the Mom would gladly wash the quilt, as needed, and repair any damage that might occur before, lovingly, returning it to the child.  After finishing the project, I was also ready to take a long-needed rest. 
     As I contemplated all this I thought of how God created the heavens and the earth and then, with great pride and love, created man in His own image.  God, in His perfection, did not have to rip out mistakes and start again.  Man came out, visually, just as He had planned. As He looked at His creation, He said, "It was very good."  Then God took a day of rest.   But the story doesn’t stop there.  Just like my quilt, in time, man would become dirty, full of sin.  It is then that God will lovingly pick man up and wash away the dirt.  There may have to be a few seams ripped away in order for man to be cleansed and started on a new pathway of life.  Man may be left with a few tattered edges from the abuse of self, but with God healing can began anew. 
     As with any project we continue to take pride in and love what we create, and God, for whatever reason, still continues to love His creation too.   We are so blessed that God “loves even us.”

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

     What better thing to do, while sitting in a friendly shade this Sunday afternoon, than to count my blessings?  Of course, just because it is the Thanksgiving season, this shouldn’t be the only time I  consider all the blessings that have been bestowed up me.
    I was told when I was growing up that if I couldn’t sleep at night to “count sheep.”  Yet, through the years, I have found that I can go back to sleep quicker if I pray for someone that comes to mind or if I count my blessings.  Having a fleshly, selfish nature, it is my desire that I fall back to sleep before I have a chance to pray for too many people or count too many blessings.  For that reason, I sit here now, under my friendly shade, making a list for Thanksgiving praise.  First, I am thankful for my  God, His grace, and my salvation.  I am thankful I was raised in a Christian home with parents that loved me and provided the best for me. 
     I was saved at the age of 10 but never remember a time I was not taken to church.  I wasn’t sent, and it was expected that on Sunday mornings the family would attend Sunday school and preaching services. 
     I am, also, very thankful for my family, my home, my health, my job and the people I have the privilege to work with.  I am thankful for my church family and its leaders.  I am thankful I was born in the U.S.A., and I am thankful for my freedom.  God bless those men and women who fight for our country.   
     While thinking about my blessings I realize they all have come from God.   Everything I have belongs to Him.  
     As Thanksgiving comes and goes, I hope I will be more thankful during the Christmas season.  My prayer is that my Christmas list will not be all about me. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Three-Point Rule

     It’s opening day of deer hunting! The season so many have been waiting for is finally here.  Camouflage clothes of all sorts, along with bright orange vests and caps are all laid out.  Excitement is high.  Alarms clocks are tapped off quickly as men are found jumping from their beds in anticipation of bagging the “big one.”  As daybreak comes, there is silence in the crisp morning air before the squirrels start to scamper about, disturbing the stillness, as the hunter stands waiting- watchful for that deer with the large rack of horns - the trophy he can brag about.    
     However, there are rules to follow.  All those best laid plans, with corn feeders and planted patches of rye grass, bring in all kinds of animals that survive in the woods.  There are certain deer which are not to be killed.   It’s a strategy to increase the age of bucks, and the size of the antlers.  Make no mistake.  There is a three-point rule.  The deer must have three or more points on one side of his rack to be legal or antlers shorter than two inches. 
     A good hunter respects the laws of the land. 
     However, there is no opening season with God.  Christian apparel should be laid out all during the year.  Alarms clocks should be tapped off just as quickly as on opening morning of deer season to provide time to talk and visit with God.  There should be excitement in the air! This is the time when the best plans can be laid out for the day.  Seeds of sowing are best planted as daybreak comes, before the movement of activity disturbs the tranquility of the morning.  There is no three-point rule.  God is not selective.  He accepts and loves “all” who will trust and believe.  A good Christian loves and is eager to learn about and respect the laws of God.  His greatest trophy is the one that that has been found “lost” in the woods of life- the one for whom he has planted the seeds of life- a trophy he can cherish.    

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's Not Over Till It's Over

     “It’s not over til it’s over.”  What a profound statement!  God created Adam and Eve in his own image and He blessed them.  He said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.  Subdue it.”  Since that time generations have come and gone but the world still exists today.  Generations of people have lived, worked, played, and subdued the earth.  Some did it with the “sweat of their brow.”  Many had jobs and were able, at a certain age, to retire from their jobs.  From there, some chose to sit in their recliners and just do for themselves.  Others simply retired from one job to do another.  They continued volunteering, doing service work, and working in other areas to provide for their family.  Those are the ones to be admired.  God did not say, “Work until you are old and then sit idly by until it is over.”  When he send Adam from the Garden of Eden He said, “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground.”  Then God sent him forth to till the ground from whence he was taken.   It's not over til it's over.  God also gave us the seventh day to rest from our work.  Once we rest, it is time for another week of work to begin.  The weeks on the calendar will never stop turning until it is over.      
    “It’s not over til it’s over.”  Not only can this statement be applied to old age but to trials and problems, as well.  We all have seasons in our life.  Seasons of distress, sadness, joy and happiness.  One ends as another begins.  Job went though the loss of family, wealth, and health, but he did not give up.  He continued to praise God.  In the end, God blessed him because of his faith.  It is during the trials and sad times that we ask God, “Why?”  However, it is during these times that we draw closer to God.  He is our very source of life.  He is the One  who will get us through our struggles.  It is God who will add the spice to our seasons, and give us hope for the good times to come.  “It is not over til it’s over.”
     It would be well to remember,   “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  John 15

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Job's Oppression

Job was oppressed on every side.  He lost his children, his wealth, and his health.  He had every right, according to medical science, to be depressed.   Yet Job never turned away from God.  He knew God was the answer, and he knew he would see God one day, regardless of his earthly problems.  The Book of Job is a great example of faith and how we need to maintain our faith in God, as well.  The following are some thoughts that go along with the scriptures given in my Sunday School lesson today. 

If you want to quench your thirst
then follow Jesus first. 
He will never let you tread the path alone
Or leave you on your own. 
             As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you,
            my God. Psalm 42:1
He has healing in his power
for everyone - through every hour.
Give your all to Him;
He’s your hope when all seems dim.
       But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness
       arise with healing in his wings;  Malachi 4:2a
If you want to quench your thirst
Then follow Jesus first.
He is the One that paid it all
And He’ll listen when you call.
     Their cries have been heard by the Lord Who hears His people.  James 5:4b
He died but yet He lives
He loves you and forgives.
He quenches all your thirst
When you take the time to put Him first.
         I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day
         upon the earth.  Job 19:25

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friendly Shade Hunting Humor

My “Friendly Shade”  is a little different today.  As I sit and contemplate the coming hunting season I worry that the woodlands will not be safe.  The weather has been so dry and wildfires beginning to take place in our area that the risk of fires far outweigh the joy found in the hunt.  However, putting all that aside the following is a humorous story taken from my book “Guys In Camo.”   I believe all those excited about opening deer season will enjoy the humor. 
     Game wardens really don’t have to set up what most people call entrapment to be able to issue a citation or confiscate wrongfully obtained game related to the breaking of wildlife laws.  They are notorious for coming around deer clubs and other hunting sites at just the wrong time for most deer hunters.  All they need to do is bide their time and a lot of violations will just fall into their hands which is what happened with one game warden as he was driving along an ole’ country road near the Calhoun community. 
     The local game warden was not even looking for a wrongdoing the Saturday before opening deer season as he slowed his vehicle and prepared to pull over to the side of the road when he spotted a young boy who was dragging a deer behind him exiting a wooded area. 
     The warden spotted the boy, before the boy saw him, and by the time the boy looked up the warden was out of the truck and headed his way. 
     The game warden’s eyes narrowed as he approached and glared at the boy as he said, “Son, what are you doing?”   The boy quickly responded with, “I’m deer hunting.”  The warden then began to show his authority as he menacingly said, “Boy, deer season doesn’t open until Monday.” “No sir,” the boy argued, “it started today.”  When the warden again repeated his statement that the season did not open until Monday, the boy dropped his head a little as he thought for a second.  Then he looked up and stared the warden rather bashfully in the eye and very quietly told him, “Mister, I thought it started today, but you know I have another deer down back there in the brush.”  He pointed back behind him toward the woods he had come out of and continued,  “I guess you want me to drag that one out, too.”
     The warden shook his head affirmatively and told him to go drag out the other deer. 
     The boy quickly turned and retreated back into the woods.  As the warden stood there waiting, he soon realized his mistake and that he had been duped.  That boy wasn’t coming back.  He probably fled as fast as he could in the other direction. 
     As the warden told the story he said, “It wasn’t that the kid was so smart; it was that I was so dumb.”

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Dry and Thirsty Land

     We are living in a dry and thirsty land with no predictions of rain in the coming week. Our economy is not good either with the stock market unpredictable and banks paying very little interest on savings- we are living in a dry and thirsty land.  There is disharmony among the people with controversy over prayer in public schools and other places, controversy over being able to even post the Ten Commandments, controversy over same sex marriage, controversy over pro-life choice- we are living in a dry and thirsty land.  God told Moses in Leviticus 26 that if His people would walk in His statues and keep His commandments He would give them rain in due season.  He would give them peace in the land, and they would prosper.  The question is, “Will America wake up and follow God’s commandments and prosper?  Will they come together as “One Nation Under God?  Or will we  fall?”

Leviticus 26: 3-17
If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; 4Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 5And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. 6And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land. 7And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. 8And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. 9For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you. 10And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new. 11And I set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you. 12And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people. 13I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. 14But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; 15And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: 16I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. 17And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.
     America has been blessed by God since it's beginning.  It has always been my belief that America was placed here for the honor and glory of God.  God has blessed us because of our being a Christian nation and because of our treatment of the Jew.  Our departure from God did not happen overnight nor in a dramatic turning away from Him.  Gradually, we substituted things in place of our allegiance to God.  Many of the things that were substituted may have been good in it's own sense.  However, you must recognize that sometimes the enemy of the best can be something of lesser value but still good..  In the midst of this crazy mixed up world we need the blessings of God if we are to stay the course and right the ship.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Payday Everyday!

    My title was taken from the book by R.G. Lee, but this is not about his life and times.  As I studied Job, he lost all he had; his children, his wealth, and even his health.  In today’s economy, many people are losing what they have; their jobs, their life’s savings, and their health.  Just as Job did, people are going through hard times.  As a banker I have helped restructure the debts of many in an effort to get them back on a financial budget they can afford.  Most of the debts that are out of control are credit cards.  When the Lord asked Satan in Job 2, “Where have you been?” Satan answered, “From going to and fro in the earth.”  Satan is still doing this today.  He does not knock just once, he continues to bang on the door to people’s hearts and minds.  If he can keep people in debt there will be no money to give to the Lord and the Lord’s work.  The guilt and stress can become a stumbling block in your relationship with God.  
   I have found that the majority of people live in the today with their spending habits.  “I want it and I want it now!”  With the advent of credit cards this has become an easy world of acquiring possessions.  However, when the bills come around and the interest rates jump up, there is no end in sight.  Some become frustrated, but do not change their spending habits.  I have seen many of my customers come back, in just a year, after I have helped them pay off credit card debts with the same recurring problems.  Then there are others who struggle along with the plan and goal they set.  They learn from the experience, they grow stronger from the experience, they worry less, they are finally able to begin to save for the time when they will be required to live on a fixed income (if they are lucky enough to have a retirement fund), and as a result ,their health might just be better.  
   So I say, unless you are fortunate enough to pay off your credit cards at the end of every month  or can resist continually charging until the debt is paid in full, resist the temptation of credit card companies sending out preapproved lines, and shred those that come to your children even before they graduate from school.  Don’t float the malls as entertainment.  Satan is “going to and fro in the earth.”  He wants you in debt. 
   If you are already in debt and want out, ask God for the wisdom and the power to resist the temptation of spending on things you don’t have to have, and establish a budget and a goal.  Most of all, stick with it. 
     Make everyday a payday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God- You'll just have to wait!

I usually find a friendly shade and post my blog on Sundays.  Somehow, for whatever reason, I just didn't take the time to think about what I wanted to say about God and what He has done for me so I didn't post.  I could make all kinds of excuses but it would be like say telling God that I was in too much of a hurry and He'd just have to wait.   Isn't that what most of us do every day?
Hurry And Wait!
I threw the cover from my arm as I shut off the alarm;
Then jumped from my bed to get everyone fed.
I’d overslept, but still got the floors all swept.
I threw on the wash, but I was late, “Oh my gosh!”
“At this rate, Lord, you’ll just have to wait.”

I rushed into work, and said “Hello” to the clerk.
It was half past eight, and I was running late.
As I sank into my job my head began to throb,
But soon it was ten, and I threw down my pen.

It was time for my break, and that’s something I’d take.
I’d enjoy the time for it was all mine.
I had to relax, find some coffee and snacks;
Read the news and get other people’s views.
As it came to an end I had more work to attend.
“I’m in such a state, Lord, you’ll still have to wait.”

I had unopened files which I stacked in different piles.
They were enough to make me swoon, but I planned to quit at noon. 
As I looked at my watch, my task looked top-notch. 
So I wrapped up loose ends to lunch with my friends.

 Reservations had been made, and all was prepaid.
As I entered Mel’s I knew there’d be stories to hear and to tell.
The noise was loud, coming from all of the crowd.
“Lord, it’s no time to pray- not in this café.
I’m sure it’s alright to wait till tonight.” 

At the end of the day there were events to convey;
Kids to get into bed and stories to be read;
There were movies to view and mail to go through.
Time was slipping by as I began to close my eye.
I crawled into bed -fluffed up the pillow as I laid down my head.   
“Lord, it’s awful late. I’m so sleepy you’ll just have to wait?”
                                                                 Mary Crisp Jameson  
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock… Revelations 4:20


Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11 Memorial

     9/11 or Sept. 11, 2001 is still being remembered, and rightfully so.  When I think of Sept 11, my first thoughts are that it was my mother’s birthday, but then I remember the tragic hijacking of four airplanes and the destruction of two of New York’s skyscrapers in the World Trade Center, the crashing of a jet into the Pentagon and the attempt to crash a fourth into the U.S. Capitol in Washington. D. C.   It was the brave passengers and crew on Flight 93 who decided to stop the hijackers from hurting more people and foiled the crash into the U.S. Capitol.  They lost their lives but saved our country from further destruction. 
     As we honor the heroes and the victims of 9/11 let us not forget that it was God who sent His only beloved Son to sacrifice His own life for the lives of others.    Through the sacrifice of the passengers on Flight 93 many lives were saved in the United States of America, but through the sacrifice of Jesus the world was offered a saving grace.
     I truly believe that it was God who placed those brave young men on Flight 93 just as I believe God has a plan for all His people if they will accept and have the courage to follow His plan.  When the men on Flight 93 said, “Let’s roll” they knew they would probably lose their lives and were willing to do what was needed so others would live.   In John 19: 30 Jesus said, “It is finished; and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost”  for us, so we could live. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Devotional Thought

Labor Day has been observed for so many years most people don’t even know why.  According to Wikipedia the first big Labor Day in U.S.A was observed on Sept. 5, 1882 by the Central Labor Union  of New York.  It became a federal holiday in 1894, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military & U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike under the presidency of Grover Cleveland.  Fearing further conflict with the labor union, legislation, making Labor Day a national holiday, was rushed through Congress & signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike.

 My pastor talked more on work today which gave me pause for thought.  The Bible instructs people to stay busy, to work and earn the bread they eat.  There are those who are unwilling to work but all too willing to accept free handouts.  Then there are those who do nothing but work.  As we stop and think about the work we do, remember that our work is not only to provide for our families and to have the luxuries of life, but, rather, work for the service of God.  Our work is never finished for God.  There was a free handout given for all but, so often, this is the one free handout that is rejected by man.  This free handout of Salvation was given with love.  We can’t earn it.  It is by grace that we receive the free gift of Salvation.   
     Jesus did the work for which He was sent
     To save His people was God’s intent.
     God allowed the torture and watched as Jesus died.
     It was for all mankind, nationwide.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Joke and Scripture for the Day

Joke for the Day:
The young grandson called the other day to wish his grandmother Happy Birthday. He asked how old she was, and when she told him "62" he was quiet for a moment. Then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
Age changes the looks of individuals.  To a child an adult looks old, wrinkled, and frail, and only after the child has matured and aged, himself, can he understand the wisdom of older people.   That’s the way it is with God’s Word.  His Word is timeless and only after we have caused the pages of His Word to become aged, wrinkled, and frail with wear can we understand God and His ways.  To know God’s wisdom we must first read the Bible and apply its words to our lives.  The world may change, but God and His direction for our lives never change.
Proverbs 14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


"What if you woke up today with ONLY the things you thanked God for yesterday."  Quotes like this should make a person stop and think.  We have so many blessing every day; some we don't even realize.  How many do you thank God for at the end of the day?    
Why Me?
 I counted once, then counted twice;
What was this in black and white?
I simply had to count them thrice;
The blessings I can recite. 
How could it be! What could I say?
They’re not deserved!
Too many I counted this day;
The blessings that I observed.
I cannot explain;
I don’t know why!
It muddled my brain,
The blessings I cannot deny.
Those blessings I counted thrice;
They overwhelmed me,
So I recounted to be precise;
Then stood in amazement and glee.
 No rhyme or reason could be found.
Why me Lord? I don't deserve a single one-
All those blessing on which I expound.
There is nothing that I have done.
It puts my soul in bliss,
To have the blessings you have bestowed.
Please let me not be remiss
To give you the praise as I travel this road.
                                                                                 Mary Crisp Jameson
The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.  Proverbs 10:22

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer for Teachers

When we think about bowing the knee it is about prayer time with our Lord and Savior.  But as my pastor said this morning, there are ways to pray.  He said we are to pray constantly, confidently, confidentially, evangelistically, and personally.   We were also reminded in our service this morning about the beginning of a new school year and about the teachers who are in charge of molding the lives of children; children who will be our leaders in future generations.  Our teachers and schools are in need of daily prayer.  As I thought about this I put together the following poem. 

It’s the beginning of a new school year!
The students are excited, and the teachers in full gear.
There are tons of smiling faces
With children moving to new grades and new places.

But there is something terribly remiss
When you think back and reminisce.

There are parents not offering support;
Disrespectful children of every sort.
The Pledge of Allegiance- It can still be said;
And children asked to bow their head.
But it’s only a moment of quietness;  
God’s not in their thoughts, if I had to guess. 
It just makes no sense;
God was taken away at the children’s expense.
There are no ten commandments on the wall;
They’ve been removed, once and for all. 
There can be no Bible reading
Tho that’s what children are needing.

It’s the teacher who's left out in the cold
As she strives to teach and mold.
Giving more of her time
Is a long hard climb.

So, I ask, “Who prays for the teacher all day long
As she teaches a child right from wrong?”

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rainbow

     The rainbow, a sign of God’s promise that he will never again destroy the land by flood, has never ceased to be a wonder with it's spectacular spectrum of colors arching across the sky.  Yet, last week when I saw the rainbow, arching just beyond my friendly shade, I thought, “Oh no, Lord.  Not now! Not yet!  Please just send a mini flood first.”
     Some of you may wonder why I chose to talk about a rainbow when we are in the middle of a drought.  As our pastor said this morning, “The closest parking space to the church is not what people are looking for right now.  They are looking for the shade to park beneath", and then he enhanced the idea of our extreme heat by saying, "It is so hot any remaining potatoes in the ground will be ready to eat when they are dug.  Just add the butter.”
     Yet, the rainbow can have more meaning than just God’s promise not to flood the land.  If you will go to my archives and read the May 22nd writing, the rainbow had an all-together different meaning for two small children, in the Philippines, who had just accepted Christ into their lives.
     As we think about the rainbow colors  (Roy G. Biv -which helps us remember the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) we can find special meaning to help us through the drought of no rain and, also, the drought that comes into lives.
R  stands for the riches we experience when we are saved.  Knowing we have the everlasting grace of God makes us richer than the wealthiest king.  We have the riches of God’s glory.
O-  stands for an optimistic view, knowing God will give us rain; God will give us blessings.  They will come in His season.  Our outlook should be, “The best is yet to come.”
Y-  Do you yearn for more? Are you constantly seeking something that seems missing in your life?  Then yield.  Yield to God and to His direction.  Give your will over to Him.  He will take your yoke and your burdens will be light. 
G- stands for give.  There is a saying that it is always more blessed to give than to receive.  When you're in a drought and you are down and out, look for something you can do for someone else.  There is joy in giving.  
B- stands for the Bible.  The word of God is to be studied.  Do you want to know God? Truly, know God!  Jeremiah 29:13 tell us, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 
I-  stands for the indwelling of Christ.  What could lessen our days of drought more than simply knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus dwells within us every minute of every day?  He is our hope.  
V-stands for victory.  With Jesus we will have the victory in life and in death as He abides with us. So, I say, savor the moment;  savor the drought.  We will have victory with Jesus Christ on His *Wings of Mercy. 

*  I underlined Wings of Mercy for there will soon be a new book out written by Charles Jones entitled, Wings Of Mercy - A Christian  View of Death . (Kindle addition on Amazon in next few days)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day of Prayer

     It is difficult to find peace under my friendly shade today when America is in such dire circumstances.  As a banker, it is hard for me to understand why, as a nation, our leaders cannot come together to balance the budget.  When families get into financial crisis, they learn to cut back.  They stop excessive spending.  They reestablish their priorities.  As Christians, we are given a commission to render unto God that which belongs to Him, and to Caesar, that which belongs to Caesar.  When we look at what our obligations are we expect the government (Caesar) to be responsible with the money given them.  God has blessed our nation, but we lack good stewardship.  God can no longer say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness.” 
    I place before all of you, who are concerned about our country, to join the national call for prayer established for August 6.  It is to be a day of Prayer and Fasting for our nation in order to seek God’s guidance and wisdom in addressing the challenges that face our communities, states, and nation.  Please pray, on that day, for the healing of our country and for the restoration of enduring Godly values. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

R.G. Lee's humor mixed with Devotional Thought

        Dr. R. G. Lee humorously told the following joke:  The man had been in the choir for several years but he just couldn’t sing.  The pastor finally asked the man to come by his office.  Once there the pastor said, “It would be a good thing for you to leave the choir.” 
     At that the man asked, “Why? I’ve been in the choir for four years.”
    “Yes, I know, but I heard three people say you cannot sing.”
    “Aw! That ain’t nothing!  I heard fifty-six people say you can’t preach!” 

     When problems arise in a person’s life, whether personally or on the job, they often like to focus on someone else instead of making a change; a change that would improve their own life and reduce the problem they, themselves, may have created.   Sometimes they like to pull the other person down just to build themselves up.   Oftentimes, this creates a false image of the other person and creates a hostile environment. 
     Read what Jesus said: Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank that is in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye (Matthew 7:3-5).

     What Jesus is saying is to first focus on your own shortcoming and on changes you need to make. This is not to say that others around you don't have faults and bad habits.  They may.  But despite that, God wants us to focus first on our part.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Humor with Devotional Thought and Scripture

It's a dry, hot day under my Friendly Shade in Arkansas today, but there is always a breeze when a child speaks; it adds humor and laughter to the heart.  The devotional thought is a summary of what my pastor spoke about this morning. 

A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read, “The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.”   His son asked, “What happened to the flea?”

It is never too early to start children in the word of God.  We are told that “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  When we are afflicted, we often ask God to “quicken us” or in other terms: to revive, renew, or refresh.   When we feel spiritually dry deep in our souls, God’s word will provide refreshment.  It will give hope.  However, so many of us fail to get out our Bibles and read God’s word until we are actually going through those problems or afflictions in life.  Rather than turn to your Bible, after the fact, why not get the Bible out first.  Then when afflictions come they will “flee” much more quickly. 

This is my comfort in my affliction; for thy word hath quickened me.  Psalm 119:50

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Prayer of Jabez

“Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 'Oh that Thou would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast [territory], and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!' And God granted him that which he requested." 1 Chron 4:10
     The book The Prayer of Jabez, written by Bruce Wilkerson, teaches a powerful way of praying, and it is a book I highly recommend.  The prayer, “Oh that Thou would bless me indeed” is part one that asks the Lord to bless you.  Are you surprised? Do you think this is a selfish request to ask blessings upon yourself? As Bruce writes, “Is it possible that God wants you to be more selfish in your prayers?”  Read the book.  You will find a remarkable eye-opener lesson. 
     The 2nd part of the prayer, “Enlarge my coast” is a plea for God to take all God has put under your care and to enlarge your territory for Him.  I was fearful of this part, because I thought God would ask me to do something I did not want to do or would be unable to do.  I have since put my full faith in Him and sincerely asked Him to enlarge my territory.  If you will try it, you will find it will take the complacency out of your life.  
     The 3rd part of the pray, “That Thine hand might be with me,” is a simple request to ask God to empower you to do what He asks. We should ask everyday for God’s touch upon us.   
     The 4th part of the prayer, “That Thou would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me” is a request to keep you from temptation, and as Bruce interprets, “that I may not cause pain.” 
     I have given only a brief sampling of what you will find in the book, The Prayer of Jabez.  I encourage everyone to read the book.  It will change your life. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day Celebration Under A Friendly Shade

America The Beautiful is a wonderful song, and it brings to mind this July 4th that America is really beautiful.  There are spacious lakes, skies, mountains, and oceans.  God has shed His grace on all of it.  As we pause and give thanks for His abundant blessings, let us also remember that it is up to us, the people, to keep America beauiful.  It is still truly the "land of opportunity."   However, when I look at the countryside I often find litter along the highways, washed up on the beaches, and scattered along the trailways.  What a sad state our country is in when we do not appreciate  and respect our nation and country enough to keep it clean and litter free.  I wrote the following poem several years ago and hope people will take it to heart to keep America beautiful. 

America, the Beautiful
Oh! How Wonderful!
My soul sorely aches
For the garbage put into our lakes.

America, the Beautiful
Oh! How Wonderful!
Such a disrespectul mistake
To throw bottles and cans onto our interstates.

America, the Beautiful
Oh! How Wonderful!
What a privilege to abide
And not litter our countryside.

America, the Beautiful
Oh! How Wonderful! 
                     Mary Crisp Jameson

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good"…
Genesis 1:31

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Significance of A Friendly Shade

     Thinking of the significance of a friendly shade, I am reminded of a large, beautiful oak tree that grew in the midst of a forty acre field.  That oak tree did not appeal to me in the least during January or February when daddy had me cutting persimmon sprouts out of the field.  It really did not mean much to me when we planted cotton or the early plowing of the cotton.  But when the sun began to heat up the air and burn the skin, then I developed an entirely different perspective of the tree.  It became a refuge in which I found comfort from the broiling sun.
     In the frozen wastelands of northern Alaska or Canada you won't be hearing conversations about the need for a friendly shade.  Those conversations only come about when the situation arises that would cause the desire or need for the friendly shade.
     A person's path may take him/her into a variety of situations in which there is no need nor thought about a friendly shade.  But the statement about the possibility of rain falling into your life is true for, "Into each life some rain must fall."  So you can be sure that into each life there will come the time for the need of a friendly shade in which one can escape the problems of life.  Jesus Christ wants to be the friendly shade for each of us.  Perhaps, today, He does not look as if He is beckoning to you, yet he still says, "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".  Just be aware there is a shade to be found, and you will find it to be "a friendly shade".

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Christian Devotional from the words of Robert G. Lee

     Robert G Lee was a pulpit giant and proclaimed  “a legend in his time.”  He was noted for his chuckles, the way he brought forth the word of God, and the impact he made for the cause of Christ.  Today's writing in A Friendly Shade does not include any of his humor but it ends with one of his poems and applies to the lives of all people. 
     As I was reading his memoirs in the book, Payday Everyday, Dr. Lee wrote, “It is not how long people live, but how much they live that matters most.  Life Is not measured or evaluated by birth-dates but by deeds.
   We live in deeds, not years,
   In thoughts, not breaths,
   In feelings, not in figures on a dial.
   We should count time by heartthrobs.
   He lives longest who lives the noblest,
   Acts the best-
   Lives more in weeks than in years
   Do some whose fat blood sleeps
   As it creeps along their veins.
                         Robert Greene Lee

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Christian Thoughts and Truth

I enjoy tossing my writing ideas around with Charles, my co-author, and as I was sharing what I was trying to do with a children's book about Joseph and forgiveness, Charles began to give me a comparison between Jesus and Joseph.  It was one he had researched and presented during one of his sermons several years ago.  I had never heard this comparison, but found it interesting and worthy of sharing.   So here it is.

Both were dearly loved by their father
Both were sent by their fathers to their brethren
Both were rejected by their brethren
Joseph was stripped of his coat and put in a pit; Jesus was stripped of his robe and put in a grave
Both were taken down into Egypt
Both were betrayed into the hands of the Gentiles
Both were accused by false witnesses
Both were silent in their own defense
Both were betrayed for silver
Both were placed in judgment with two others
Of those in judgment with them – one was saved and one was not
Joseph was imprisoned three years- Jesus was entombed three days
Joseph took a Gentile bride after prison – Jesus took a Gentile bride (church) after the grave
Both provided salvation for their people
The brothers of Joseph recovered his bones and took them to the promised land – God resurrected the body of Jesus and took it to Heaven

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Humorous True Story

May is truly the month for weddings, and as I rest beneath my friendly shade today I thought about a humorous true story Charles and I wrote in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Morgue and decided to share the story with you.  Laughter is where you find it, and if you enjoy laugh-out-loud short stories click on the book.  It will take you to Amazon for a quick review; it is one of the many websites that sells it either as a paperback or a Kindle edition.    

     There comes the first time in every preacher’s life when it becomes his honor, privilege, or task to officiate at his first wedding.  This first time officiating at a wedding sometimes leaves the minister more nervous than either the bride or the groom. 
     So my friend, Coy, it is rumored, was doing just that, conducting his first wedding.  And also as predicted he was more nervous than any of the others who had a part in the ceremony.  When Coy came to the part where he pronounces the couple as being joined together in marriage, he said, “I now pronounce you male and female.”


The title is "Clarifying The Gender"