Faith Events and God-Wink Moments
I have a great need to build my faith. I would like it to be as strong as David’s confidence was when he confronted Goliath. How did David build such faith? The answer could be that, as a shepherd, he spent hours alone in the wilderness tending sheep and talking to God. He listened for God’s voice. He grew his faith over time in quiet moments alone with God.
I would also like my faith to be as strong as Esther’s was when she went before the King without being summoned to do so. She could have been killed, but her faith was strong enough to depend upon God for her safety. How did this happen? She not only prayed and fasted but also asked her people to do the same. Here again, I see someone who trusted because she had prepared over a course of time, and she had talked with God, making Him her priority.
I have to admit, I have had not had many giants to face in my life. Although my faith was weak, I had victories. God has also given me God-wink moments; many I simply did not even recognize at the time.
I think I will use the day to try and remember some of those moments and be thankful to God for them.
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