Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Damascus Road

A few days ago I wrote about how God has given me so many second chances by His forgiveness, and I am so grateful. I truly regret the waste I have made of God’s kindness. 

     One person in the Bible that comes to mind and who did not waste God’s kindness was Paul. After his conversion experience on the Damascus Road, he changed his mission in life.  In fact, I wrote about Paul a few years back which I have not shared on my blog, but it was shared by a friend in his book, From Tarsus to Rome-A Historical Novel of the Apostle Paul, which is currently published and found on Amazon. Just click the link below to find it.


The Damascus Road


What was there about the Damascus road:

A worn and dusty trail where a miracle was bestowed?

The Damascus road-

Herein lies a story with a twist;

A road Saul couldn’t resist.  

Amid the ruts and the dust,

Rode a man Christians could not trust.

This vengeful, Saul, breathed murderous threats;

He wanted to imprison, without regrets.

This was a man with ambition; a man on a mission.

Yet, the Damascus road gave him a different vision.


The Damascus road, dusty and dreary-

A road Saul chose to ride, though he was tired and weary.

This soldier in armor, whom Christians feared,

Fell to his knees when a mighty light appeared.

He heard a voice speak ever so unique,

“Why Saul? 

Why do you persecute me?”

Saul looked about, but he could not see.


The Damascus road, touched by the hand of God,

Changed a heart wicked and flawed.

No longer did Saul want to kill or spread ill-will.

This was a man on a mission; a man of ambition;

A man setting people on fire for the Messiah.

It was Jesus’ name he wanted to proclaim!

Here was a man once blinded, 

Yet healed and truth revealed;

A man whose heart was changed; 

No longer, Jesus estranged.


What was there about the Damascus road 

Where a bright light glowed?

The Damascus road, one well-traveled;

Out of it, 

A miracle occurred; a mystery unraveled!


Mary Crisp Jameson  8/4/2014


“Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ.”  Act 9:22 NIV





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