Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Gingerbread Man

Thanksgiving should be daily throughout the year, but as the holiday closes the Christman season enters in with thoughts of spiced apple cider and gingerbread cookies.  School classrooms are preparing for making those famous gingerbread houses.   That is what inspired the following, and it was written for my favorite classroom teacher, my daughter, and her class:
The Gingerbread Man

It’s Christmas!
Bah Hum Bug …
What was this all about?
I rolled under the sheets and gave them a tug.
I was just a ball of dough
 with nothing much to show.

Then something magical happened-
First one hand rolled out;
 then another began to sprout. 
I soon found two feet,
 that kicked me out of bed.
Eyes appeared upon a small round head.
I was all smooth and flat
 with a beautiful tan-
just like a gingerbread man.

“Wow! Look at me!”
I exploded in glee.

Christmas! It’s Christmas!
I was going to have to rush!
My scent filled the air,
 and I had not a second to spare. 

I grabbed for my vest
 and began to get dressed.
There was a class full of girls and boys
 choosing me over bright red toys.

Brandon, Coe, and Jay
 had all said, “Send a gingerbread man my way.”
Lia, Cade, Savannah, and Reed  
 put me on their list, as they all had agreed. 
Tyler, April, Emily, and Alex
 wanted me to fill their stockings and sacks.
Noah, Sapana, and Trae
 had requested that I come their way.
So many were looking forward to a spicy Christmas day.   
Even Carson, Seth, Autumn, Zac, and Caylin
 said I was just the right mix and blend.

Then I could’nt forget Ms. Legg!
She didn’t want any ole dough from a store-bought egg.
She’d requested me for her gingerbread house.
I’d surprise her! Slip in quiet as a mouse.

Excitement overtook me
 as I sent myself a kiss,
 for I was top on their list.
I dashed on more ginger, added sugar and spice-
Hmmm, I smelled really nice.
In my haste,
 I snuck a taste.
Yes! I was all sweet,
 from my head to my feet.

Next I buttoned my vest,
 which fit tight across my dark tan chest.
I fumbled with its buttons of red
 as the scent of ginger filled my head.
Then looked in the mirror -
 but  something was all a’miss!

“Oh my! Where was my sugar coat?”
I had to have that around my arms and my throat.
I quickly donned those beads and pearls,
 for that would be missed by those curly-lock girls.
But what about the boys?
Not to worry-
 they’d be too busy with their games and their noise.

A magic suddenly filled the air
 as I tapped my heels with a flaire.
I had much to do -
“It’s Christmas!” I said with adieu.
I’m spicy, all sugar and sweet-
 just right for sampling, and oohh - so sweet to eat.
I’d fill out those stockings- Just right!
All eyes would be happy and bright.

“OH,Yes! It’s Christmas,”  I shouted out.
This was what Christmas was all about!
I was in such a thrill,
 it gave me a chill. 
I thought, “It’s all up to me.
I’d be just the key,  
 to complete Ms. Legg’s gingerbread fam’ily.”
                              Mary Crisp Jameson -11/25/2012


Sunday, November 4, 2012

For Love of Country

     With the upcoming election for President of the United States of America Mitt Ronmey asked,  “Will you vote for “love of country,” or as President Obama stated, “for revenge”? 
     I believe that God is the One true Leader of our great nation.  Without Him in it, whatever the cause, we are nothing.  I believe that we, as a nation of people, must adhere to the principals established and given to us through God’s word.  We are not a people who should “take revenge” toward another party within our blessed nation.  We should strive to work together.  To listen to the President of the United States of America make such a statement is alarming.  God said it Himself in Romans 12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”  
     We are a blessed nation because of God, and it is only God who can divide the waters and save the nation like He did for Moses as he led the Israelites into God's promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey.  Our nation has been prosperous in the past, and we can be prosperous in the future if we trust, believe, and seek God.  It is only God who can deliver our nation like He did when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.  Time and time again, we are given accounts in the Old Testament of victory, only when the people listened and obeyed the Word of God. 
     It is time that the people of the United States of America come together.  We should not just be  Democrats or Republicans; we should be a nation of people who love each other; we should work together; we should do what is to the best interest of its people, and, most of all, we should get back to the principals of life as established by God.  Those principals can be found in the living word of God. 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Down Payment

     I had to put a down payment on a contract the other day.  This was something I really wanted, but I sure didn't like having to shell out the money it would take to secure the contract.
     Do you ever stop to think if God had second thoughts about the down payment He made when He allowed His Son to die for our sins?  Yet He did it anyway, knowing all the while, that this deed would be rejected by so many.  There would be people who would mock Him.  They would do anything in their power to prevent prayers, His commandments, His people from existing in this very world, today.  God knew, even those who accepted Christ into their lives, what kind of life they would live. 
     I am guilty on so many counts.  I am sure I disappoint the indwelling Spirit much like a child often disappoints a parent, or vice versa.  Rebellion and discord are built into our very nature.  They are not placed there by God, but by our own fleshly, self-fish motives. 
     Do I think and say the right things at the right time?  Do I care? Do I watch what I put into my body, keeping it clean for the indwelling spirit? Do I love others or just, at times, wish they would go away and leave me along, taking their burdens with them so I don’t have to shed a tear, help, tend, and care about them?  Do I resent giving my time and tithe to God and to others, even when I know without a shadow of a doubt that all I have and all I will ever have comes from God?
    Even if God had second thoughts, I am so glad He sealed me.  I am so glad He loves and forgives me.  I am so glad He directs my path.  I am so glad He laid out His promises for me to read about, seek, and to claim. 
     God is All Power.  His power can move mountains; His power can heal; His power can change lives.  What is so amazing is that God shares His power through the Holy Spirit living within me.  He bestows His power to me!  That power will allow me to change.  It can turn my self-fish desires into love.  It can take my weakness and turn it into strength.  It can give me the desire and the will to break the chains of any bondage in my life so that I can have a truly joyful walk with Him.  
     I do not believe that God regrets, for an instant, the downpayment He made for our lives.   

“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.  Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is god, Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” 2 Corinthians 1: 20-22



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maybe It's Not Too Late

     This morning as I was trying to find a way to remove specks of rust from a stainless steel soap dispenser I began to wander how this had happened.  Had I been too busy and neglected the dispenser over the course of time? 
     The soap within, of course, was still good and there to assist in removing germs, the enemies of cleanliness.  It was just the outer container that was the problem.  As I continued to examine those small specks of rust, I began to make excuses.  It must be the quality of the metal.  We all know there are different qualities of stainless steel. Some are just more rust resistant than others. Much depends on the elements added as it was developed.  “That was it!  I had just bought a cheap stainless steel dispenser,” I reasoned, as I reached for my faithful brillo pad.  It took a little scrubbing, but the rust was coming off a little at a time.   However, the shine was not what it should have been.  Then I thought, “A little wax of some kind will help to polish out the scratches and put it back to normal.  It wouldn’t hurt to try.  Maybe it wasn’t too late.”  
     Is that the way it is in our Christian walk?  Maybe it’s not too late!  As Christians, Jesus lives within our very souls.  He is there to lift us up, to keep us clean, and to keep us on the right path.  However, outwardly, many Christians fell to add the right elements, and we develop poorly.  Overtime rust begins to form.  The Element of cleanliness, lying just beneath the surface, is kept at bay.  When that happens, our enemies spread like germs, making us sick.  Depression erupts, selfishness takes over, and self-pity enters our thoughts.
     It would be good to wash and clean our vessels, our minds and our hearts, every day by having quality fellowship with the One who lives within instead of waiting until we have to reach for the ‘brillo pad’ to scrub away the rust of neglect.  Only by having a daily walk with God can we create a pure shield of protection; a shield that will stand firm and endure through the rusty times in our life; a shield that will fill in the scratches made from having to scrub away the areas in our lives that we have ignored and neglected for far too long. 
     Maybe, just maybe, it is not too late!      

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A New Armor


 Take me out of the battlefield
I prayed and appealed!
I was shackled and worn-
Beaten and torn;
Then the sun shone through-
A light appeared as the dark sky turned to blue.
I was re-dressed-
Given a shield to cover my breast;
A new armor of protection-
A light for direction.
I was given victory in the battlefield.
Wounds were beginning to heal;
My chains of weakness disappeared.
The helmet of faith covered my head-
My weariness was quickly shed.
Take me out of the battlefield
I prayed and appealed.
“The demons are too strong to bare!”
My shout rang out, and He heard my prayer.
He set my feet on solid ground.
His mighty Book was in my hand;
A weapon polished from His word.
I was strong in battle with the sharpest sword.
Shackled and worn-
Beaten and torn;
Taken out of the battlefield,
As I had prayed and appealed.

                                              Mary Nell Jameson -10/18/2012
 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.  Psalm 24:8


Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Gift of Joy

     Joy is defined as the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something good or satisfying; it is the expression or display of glad feelings.
     Too often, we allow our joy to be stolen because we do not feel that good or satisfying feeling we think must come with joy.  Personally, I think joy comes from the indwelling spirit of the Lord living within.  I like the prayer of Habbakkuk who said that “although the fig tree shall not blossom…and the fields shall yield no meat;…Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
     Throughout our life we may be robbed of possessions and health, but we are in control of our joy.  It cannot be stolen unless we allow it. 
     How many times have you walked into the workplace in a cheerful mood only to be confronted with a sour attitude or expression from a fellow co-worker or friend, and it just messed up your whole day?  Your smile went away, and you took on their attitude.  You listened to their groanings, and then you began to grumble with them.   Why did you allow it to happen?  Did your joy get stolen?   That joy you had was in your possession; you were the one in control.  That joy was yours to keep. 
     How many times have you been in a room full of people who were laughing and talking, and then someone disagreed with a comment you made.  Did you grit your teeth, frown, and let your laughter go by the way-side?  Or did you accept the comment for what it was- their opinion, and continue to maintain the joy that was actually in your heart?    
     Keep in mind that if you are waiting for all to be right and your life to be void of problems, before you allow joy to enter your heart, you will be in for a long wait and an unhappy life. In Act it says, "...that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, ..."
     I pray that when troubles come my way and the tears roll down my face, I will still have the joy in my heart that God so graciously gifted me.  It is a gift of love which I never want to allow someone or some event or some loss to steal away from me. 
 Psalms 118:24  This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spirtual Strength and Growth

     For some reason I keep coming back to write about the rainbow and the many different ways it can be used.  If you go back to my archives dated May 22, 2011 you will find how I described the way God used the rainbow to leave a  lasting memory in the lives of two young children who had just received Jesus as their Savior.  Then August 7, 2011 I used Roy G Biv, the name that helps us remember the rainbow colors, to emphasize how we can overcome the drought in our lives. Today, I will use the rainbow as an example for growing in our spiritual strength with God.   
     The rainbow is defined as a bow or arc of prismatic colors appearing in the heavens opposite the sun and caused by refraction and reflection of the sun’s rays in drops of rain. 
     God set this bow in the sky and it has special meaning.  It emphasizes a promise and can be thought of as a bridge.  Although there is only one thing we have to do to gain salvation, God gives us many promises that, if sought, will lead us into a peaceful and abundant life.
R-ead God’s word daily                                    
A-void temptation                                                 
I-nvolve yourself in Christian fellowship      
N-urture your relationship with God           
B-elieve in Jesus                                             
O-bey God’s instructions                               
W-walk in faith
        Roy G. Biv
R-esist evil
O-pen your heart to God's love
Y-earn for a walk with God
G-ive your tithe in money and time
B-attle your temptations
I-nvite God into your life
V-alue your communication with God  


Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Invitation

      The Invitation

It was a stranger’s call!
“Come and dine with me.”
The invitation announced, “It’s free.”   
“I’ll pay,” it said.
“What’s the catch?” I thought as I reread.

 A stranger’s call so long ago!
“I’m willing to wait.
Bring me your cares- it’s never too late.
Come and dine with me,”
Was its drawing plea.

No longer a stranger’s call
   accepted throughout the years.
It pulls with urgent joy through my tears-
No need to cover my faults or hide;
He sets them all aside. 

 The call comes forth-
“I'm willing to wait
To take your burdens upon my plate.”
This invitation-it holds a promise within-
A glow that transcends.

The call rings forth,
“My friend and loved One,
Come and be my Son.
Enter my house and dine with me;
Fellowship is the simple key.
I’ll pay,” it said-
The invitation that I read.

                        Mary Crisp Jameson

Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.  John 21:12

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Randon Act of Kindness

     Random Acts of Kindness and Pass It On have been going on for years.  It is simply good deeds done with no expectation of gaining anything in return.  These acts of kindness are not often announced in the media, so we seldom hear about them.  Yet, they bring joy to the heart of those in need.  They can also bring satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment to those providing the kindness. 
     Often random acts of kindness are hard to do.  It involves getting rid of self and placing someone else first.  It involves giving up personal time to make time for others. It could also mean redistributing the financial budget to open up opportunities to give to those less fortunate.
     The second prayer offered up to God as described in “The Prayer Of Jabez," written by Bruce Wilkerson is a request for God to expand his territory.  This could be anything from a witness opportunity for God or a means of providing a random act of kindness. 
     God does provide blessings on us all, but He expects His second commandment to be observed, and that means, His people getting involved.   And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”   
     As I sit beneath my “Friendly Shade” and contemplate how I can provide a simply act of kindness on a daily basis, I realize that it can only happen if I become watchful, observant, and willing.  Life just cannot be “all about me.”  I do not believe that is a purposeful life.   A purposeful life means loving my neighbor; it could be a stranger, someone I do not even like, or one that does not like me.  This could be difficult!  How do I keep my mind open to moments of opportunity if I am not willing?   There has to be an attitude change- one that will make me receptive to any person I make contact with-  a willingness to help, a willingness to take a little time out of my busy schedule, and a willingness to share my own good fortune.  Only by acknowledging that God controls all the power, every activity, and every financial gain can I began to get rid of self.  Only by recognizing that all I have belongs to God can I make an earnest effort to give my valuable time and money to “love my neighbor as myself.”    
     I hope that at the end of the day, I can look back and be able to say, “Today, I was able to do a simple, random act of kindness.” 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Walking on Holy Ground or Dead Man Walking

     Are you walking on Holy Ground or just a Dead Man Walking?  
     I had been thinking about what it would be like to leave a legacy, but couldn’t quite come up with a summary of events that led to a legacy until this morning in church when we sang songs about “Holy Ground”. 
     When I think about Holy Ground I usually think about being in Church, but Holy Ground involves all that a Christian does and says and everywhere he goes.  Once God comes into your life you carry Him everywhere.  You are on Holy Ground in every walk of your life whether it involves the people you meet, the things that you do and say, or even the food you put into your mouth and your body.  You are on Holy Ground because God lives within your body, mind, and soul. 
     Even with God in your life, there are times when events leave you struggling with life’s situations, and you may be  tempted to say you are just getting through the day much like a “dead man walking.”  However, with God, all things are possible.   God is mighty, strong, and powerful. These traits He gives to His people.   God can make the weak strong or the strong weak.  When Gods' traits and His power are applied and added to the armor of the Christian spirit, a legacy is being formed.  Although the Christian may feel life no longer needs them, and they are much like a “dead man walking” their love for others, theirs deeds of kindness, their zest for God is actually leaving a legacy.  They will be remembered as having walked on Holy Ground. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chick-fil-A Episode-Marriage

     I am often disturbed about a lot of things but do strive to stay out of politics and disputes; however, the episode regarding Chick-fil-A which spiked over its owner declaring he believed in marriage between a man and a woman and which led to being un-welcomed in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago greatly bothers me.
    I, personally, have several friends who live in a same-sex relationship.   I don’t judge their living standards.  I also have friends that live as man and woman in unmarried relationships.  I don’t judge those living standards either.  They are all good people.  Hopefully, no one will judge my own “errors and omissions”  when I fall short and fail to live by the Biblical Word which, for me, has not changed and will never change.  True, today the world holds different views, but God’s Word is “forever.”  It is never out of date.   
     We find in Genesis that when God said, “It is not good that  man should be alone,” he created a woman. Later, He said, “a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Time and time again, in the Bible, reference is made about a husband and a wife.  My interpretation of a husband and a wife is a marriage and that is between a man and a woman. 
     I think the point which is missing here is the fact that should two people of opposite sex (man and woman) decide to live together without marriage vows, they do not try to change the law by attempting to eliminate the actual union of marriage.  These people have the right to live together just as two people of the same sex do without trying to change the law.  Others, also, have the right to state that they believe what the Bible says without opposition. 
     Sin is sin in God’s eyes.  He loves all His children, and we are all sinful. 
     There are truly important issues at hand.  Our nation is failing. Our families are failing.  People are without work. Our leaders need prayers, families need prayers, children and school leaders need prayers.  If everyone will begin to study God’s Word and turn to Him for direction this nation can prosper once again.  This nation was founded upon the promises of God and we need to stop trying to change those principles and remember that God’s promises still hold true today. 
    “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14


Thursday, August 2, 2012

God Covered It All

     My friendly shade may be a little warm today, but it is a welcome gift compared to standing outside under the mid-day sun; it is serving a purpose.  In fact, everything that God creates has a purpose, just as all His people have a purpose, whether it be teaching, raising children, supporting the family, praying for others, witnessing with the way you live your life, or…(and the list goes on and on….) Every creation is a gift from God and serves many purposes.  He covered it all! 
God Covered It All

He spread the stars across the sky,
Giving them sparkle to shine out bright-
A twinkle to light up the darkness;
A vision and peace that life will be alright.
God covered it all!
He formed the sparkling dew,
Stretching across the meadow and field;
Wide and diverse as the angels
Watching over to protect and shield.
God covered it all!
He set the day with the rising sun,
Shedding a warmth over sea and glen-
A warmth for all to grow-
A strength to tackle what’s not foreseen.
God covered it all!
 He formed the clouds to pour out the rain,
Providing a moisture, restoring the lands-
Water that refreshes-
Nourishment for whatever life demands.
God covered it all!
  He formed the moon to end the day,
Sending an awesome color across the sky-
A glow to light and direct the path-
A joy of inspiration to the human eye.
God covered it all!
                                                                        Mary Crisp Jameson- 7/31/2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Who Has Your Back?

"You spend years wishing your parents would get off your back, only to realize they're the only ones who ever really had your back." What an amazing quote and how true! All those years of obeying my parents’ rules is what established my standard of conduct. They steered my course and even disciplined along the way. They laid the direction for my life. No one, here on earth, had my back better than my parents.

Yet, from the beginning of time God, also, has “had my back.” Before I was even born, He planned my life; He formed me into who I am. Every hair, He has counted. Most, of all, He has promised, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

When parents are gone, when friends have moved on, when there is no one around to share my sorrows and burdens, there is always God. When I stray, He pulls me back. He gives me direction. He may even apply some discipline to turn me onto the right path. He is always available. God truly “has my back.” Who has yours?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Defines You?

What Defines You?

“I simply do not see how you have gotten over him so soon,” was the response from a friend who has just lost her husband.  There was no ill-intent meant by that statement; however, there was a pre-conceived perception.   Actually, it was a compliment to the other person who, also, had lost her own husband within the past year. 

What was the difference?  The difference was what defined her!  It was how she coped;  it was a positive attitude; it was her strength and courage.   Actually, her heart may have been broken, and she may have wanted to scream at the world inwardly, but on the outside there was a smile; there was a responsible, independent soul moving on with life in the best way possible.   

How does a person overcome their pity party and sense of loss in times of disaster and stand strong to face the world through the trial?  The answer comes from within.  It comes from a knowledge, a total faith, and a deep conviction that there is a God who has promised to walk with you through the bad times as well as the good.   The answer is written in the Word of Life.  There are many, many verses in the Bible assuring us that God is with us at all times. 

What defines you?

 “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”  John 14:17

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  John 14:27

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Through life's journey, there are many times that life is not fair.  However, we grow strong through our trials and, through it all, God may just be preparing us for where He wants us to be. 

Life Isn’t Fair

“It’s not right,
I shout with all my might,
“Life simply is not fair!”
Then I hear it in the air.
“You are not alone.
I’ll never leave you on your own.” 

“Don’t you see what is happening now?”
I say with wrinkled brow.
“The injustice done to me!
Make it right," is my urgent plea.
“Life isn’t fair.
It’s more than I should bear”

A quite voice soon calms my fear,
And I know my Lord is near. 
I hear Him quietly say,
“You’ll overcome. Do not dismay.
When life isn’t fair,
Bring it to me in prayer.
You are never alone.
I’ll never leave you on your own.”
Give me all your sorrows,
And I’ll get you through all tomorrows.”   

So, when life isn’t fair,
Do not despair.
There can be right in the wrongs,
If you let God live where he belongs.
                               Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fireworks Display

     Fireworks have been used down through the ages to celebrate festivals and special events.  Their bursts of explosions are anticipated wonders during the  Fourth of July holidays as they make their announcements, whether with a loud sonic boom, a shrill whistling noise, or a just a small sizzling sound.  After that, comes a spectacular display of lights in various shapes, rotating circles, or a blast of stars in all colors illuminating across the sky turning the darkness into a brief blast of light.
     They say the first fireworks started in the 10th century in China, but I am not so sure about that.  You see when God decided to divide the day from the night, He said, “Let there be lights in the firmaments of the heaven.”  I was not there that day, but I can just imagine the loud explosion of activity as the stars and the moon were set into place.  The sky must have lit up with a blast of sunbeams and a glow of stars that did not just immediately fill up the sky and then fall away and disappear like the fireworks we think of today.  The stars, the moon, and the sun are there, in place, for us to celebrate and enjoy every night and day throughout the year.
     There are all kinds of fireworks God has provided that radiates across the sky and the treetops.  He set the rainbow in the sky.  As the last raindrops cease and the sky turns to blue there silently appears an array of colors just as beautiful as any fireworks display we host today.  I do not believe anyone ever ignores the rainbow when they see it span across the sky.  We always shout and point, "Look, there, over there.  It's a rainbow!"   And it is placed there to celebrate a promise God gave us many, many generations ago.  
     Then there was a special pillar of cloud that God formed, just for the Israelites, to lead them by day, and a pillar of fire, he formed, to lead them by night.  Can you imagine the expectation of seeing that fluffy, pillory white cloud and then to have it change into a fiery furnace of color as darkness dropped across the land?   
     Yet another wonder happened when the heavens opened and the Spirit of the Lord descended like a dove.  That could not have been a silent moment when Jesus was baptized.  The heavens opened and there was a voice booming out.  The sound must have been louder than the announcements of a bottle rocket in a fireworks celebration.  I can hear it now, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
     Louder still and much more impressive was the day there was darkness over all the land.  It was the ninth hour when Jesus, himself, cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”  This was when Jesus was taking all of our sins upon Himself and God saw, heard, and felt the despair.  The answer came with a loud sound.  It had to have been much louder than a fireworks show.  “The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,”  
     This Fourth of July let us not forget the celebration of lights that God has given us throughout the ages.  There will be yet another much more beautiful celebration to come.  It will come with a loud explosion, as well.  It will come in the twinkling of an eye.  “For the Lord, himself, shall descend from the heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:”
     I can only imagine what a fireworks display this will be as those who have rejected God watch as God’s children blast into the air to join Him in the sky!  It will be a time of despair for some but a celebration, indeed, for the believer. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Slogan

     The slogan, “People aren’t always awful.  Sometimes, they’re maybe even just a little bit wonderful,” made me stop and think about just what I look for in a person and how do others see me? 
     Often if we look for the worse, that is just what we will receive, but if we interact in a positive way then we can often change or turn around a negative reaction.  In order to do this we must put aside our pride and place someone else, someone we actually may not like a whole lot, before our own feelings and needs.  We have to become the servant. 
     Jesus gave us a very good example to follow.  During the feast of the Passover, when He knew his final hour was come, He could have asked the disciples to wash His feet; He could have asked anything, at that time, of His disciples and they would have gladly done it.  Yet, “He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments: and took a towel, and girded himself.  After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girdeth.”  Later Jesus said that He was giving an example, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is greater than he that sent him.” 
     As we reflect on how Jesus stooped to wash the feet of others, we need to reflect on how we serve and interact with others in our daily lives and remember, “People aren’t always awful.  Sometimes, they’re maybe even just a little bit wonderful.” 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It’s Father’s Day! - A day of remembrance for those of us who no longer have their dad to hug.  Yet nothing can take away the memories we cherish.  I, for one, am so thankful I have those memories but even more thankful that I have  a Heavenly Father who never leaves my side. 

 My Father

From the beginning,
You planned my life.
When I cried,
You smiled, held me close,
And never left my side.  

All along the way,
You did what a Father does the most;
Directing my course
Through the circumstances of my years.  
You did it with a guiding, fatherly force.

When I fell down, you picked me up.
You lifted my spirit and dried my tears.
When I rebelled, you loved me still.
When I struggled for independence,
   you let me try my own self-will.

From the beginning,
You waited for me to be in attendance;
All the while, providing a light to shine the way.
Never once did you ask for more
Than to be loved, in return, each day.

What more can a Father do?
Mine did so much more!
He gave me the keys to a heavenly door. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Home-Grown Tomatoes and True Love

     Someone once said, "There are two things money can't buy, and that is true love and home-grown tomatoes." 
     As I sat here in my friendly shade and admire my home-grown tomatoes, I thought about that statement and decided there was a lot about it that was true.  Sure, you can buy someone else's home-grown tomatoes, but they are just not the same.  Those tomatoes had to be picked somewhat green and could not mellow out on the vine until they reached that delicate rich, red color and that wonderful just-right seasoned taste which you anxiously wait for every year.  If anyone has ever grown tomatoes you know that the very first one of the season is sliced immediately; your taste buds cannot wait another moment to pop that long awaited first tomato of the season into your mouth.  In fact, you deserve it.  You planted it; you staked it to keep it upright from the wind and the rain; you protected it, as much as you could, from the birds and other prey.  That tomato belongs to you, and no amount of money could take away the pride you acquired in growing your very own home-grown tomato.
     When it comes to true love, money certainly cannot buy that even though money does make the living more comfortable.   But, with true love, there is a deep inner feeling- a caring, a desire to see that person have the very best there is.  With that said, nothing can compare to the true love God has for His children.  He knew us before we were ever born -He planted us.  He is the One who protects us- He shields us when we turn to Him.  He is the One who gives us the light in our lives- It is God who provides true peace and comfort.  Once we place our trust in God, He e He He He never abandons us.   He is the One that pulls us from the mire of sin when we stray.  He is the One who gave His only Son - a Son willing to die on the cross, so that we could have eternal life.  Money cannot and will not ever buy that kind of love. 
     I hope at the end of the day as I take pride in my home-grown tomatoes that I will also be able to take pride in the fact that I set my eyes on the eternal riches and love of God rather than the riches of this world.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Forgotten

     When Eve met Satan in the Garden of Eden, all the fruit they had been given to eat was not enough.  God was forgotten as they reached forth to take the only forbidden fruit.  Only after they had sinned did Adam and Eve feel ashamed.  Yet, because of that sin they were thrust from the Garden to sweat in their labor. 
     When Cain became jealous of his brother, God was forgotten.  Only after Cain killed his brother and God talked with him did he feel remorse.   Cain said, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.”
    When Lot and his wife were told to flee from Sodom and Gomorrah they were told not to look back.  Yet, Lot’s wife forgot the Lord’s instructions.  She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.
     After the children of Israel were rescued from Egypt, they continued to forget God and what He was doing for them.  They forgot the miraculous opening of the Red Sea, and they forgot the manna rained down each day to provide needed food.  They continued to complaint.  They forgot the promises of God and were too fearful to enter the land flowing with “milk and honey.”  They forgot God and ended up wandering for forty years.
     America was given to us as a land of liberty and freedom!  The people have been a strong, prosperous nation.  But today, the people are forgetting God.  We are falling into a weak economy; drugs are becoming a leisurely past time; families are falling apart; other countries are sending missionaries to America for we are becoming a nation that is forgetting God; a nation that is forgetting to pray.   
     We must remember that God still calls just as He did to Adam and Eve, “Where art thou?”   He has never forgotten us. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Shrink Away

     When I pulled a shirt from the closet to exchange my Sunday clothes to something cooler and more comfortable I discovered the top I was planning to wear had shrunk.  No longer was it the loose comfortable shirt I remembered.   I had two choices.  I could either toss it out or get used to the way it currently fit me.   Somehow, I was not willing to continue to wear that shirt which, for whatever reason, had become too small.  I wanted a new one- one that made me feel good wearing it. 
     Is that the way it is when we first become Christians?  We are called out of a life we are used to.  True, it was a life that did not provide fulfillment, but it was the only life we knew.  We had friends we would have to give up, because we simply did not share the same values.  They were the only friends we had, but we were no longer comfortable with their words and actions.  It was time for new relationships.  The decision was difficult; however, as we accepted the call to walk into a new life we soon found that the old ways gradually shrank.  We became willing to make a choice to discard or toss away our old life styles and became comfortable in our new apparel- a new walk that would give us more love, more peace, and a new hope.   
     Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.  Hebrews 10: 19-20;22



Sunday, May 20, 2012


      My friendly shade provides a place away from the frustrations of jobs and other problems; it up-lifts my heart and spirit.  My gray skies turn to blue as the spirit of  calm refreshes and helps me through.
     As I think further about it, life-support can work two ways.  Either you can be the one working to plug someone into the life support system or the one needing life-support.
     There are people, near death, everywhere who are waiting to be put on life-support.  I am, of course, not talking about medical health but spiritual.  People need life-support within the community we live in.  We don’t need to travel to foreign countries to find them.  They are getting weaker everyday, because they have not been plugged into the proper life-support system. 
     Those in need of life-support may rub shoulders with us every day.  They may be placed into our lives just waiting for us to take up the cross and provide that much needed life-support. 
     Paul was in need of life-support as he traveled around persecuting Christians.   He was in need of life-support after he was blinded on the road to Damascus.  God had planned ahead and made provisions for him.  The Lord prepared Ananias to be an instrument of life-support.  Ananias, on the other hand, was afraid, but he did as he was told.  He obeyed  the command and nudge from God to go to Paul with his hand of life-support.  Paul’s heart, after that, was filled as he accepted the life-support offered, and his life was changed forever.  Paul, in turn, became the instrument of life-support.  He became willing to plug people into God.  With God in our lives our “gray skies turn to blue as He helps us through.” 
     It would be good to stay alert, accept the gentle nudge from God, and to become a faithful witness so that we may, also, be able to plug those we come in contact with into God- the best life-support known to man. 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I was doing a reuphostery job on a chair for my daughter yesterday which left me no time to sit and ponder my blog for today.  This was my very first attempt at such an over-whelming task, but I was enjoying the challenge, and to be perfectly honor, aside from a few mistakes here and there, it was coming together rather nicely.  My husband came in to view the project and said, "I guess you would "walk on water" for your daughter."  My answer was, "That's what mothers do."  And there it was! My blog for the day as I thought then about my own mother and all the projects she did for me.  So I decided, what better to blog about than the poem I wrote last year for my very own mother? 

In My Mother’s Eyes 

 In my mother’s eyes I was a blessing to be unwrapped;
In my eyes she was the one who gave me life and helped me adapt.
 She is no longer with me these days,
But my mother left a special gift.
 She raised me to know Jesus and His mighty ways;
She taught me where to look when I need a lift.
My mother and I had special ties; 
In her eyes I was an extraordinary child.
That’s the way I am in God’s eyes,
For when I was born, I believe, He smiled.

In my mother’s eyes I was the rose that held no thorn;
In my eyes she was the one I ought to adorn.  

She watched over me through my growing phase.
I remember how she taught me right from wrong;
How she read and studied her Bible throughout her days;
  How it helped through trials to make her strong.

 Although I tested her patience; she kept her calm.
That was my mom!
She never thought, “Why bother?”
My mother still loved me in her heart.
I share this same knowledge with my Heavenly Father;
He’s always willing to give me a fresh new start.

In my mother’s eyes I was the one who stood apart; 
In my eyes she was a complicated work of art.
My mother is no longer with me this day.
When I miss and long to hear her voice,
I hear my Lord say, “Talk to me. I’m here to stay.”
Like Mom, He listens, gives hope and helps me rejoice.

In my mother’s eyes she saw a child of Christ;
In my eyes I saw a mother’s sacrifice.
  She left me a legacy, a gift, to carry throughout my days. 
It didn’t come wrapped in fancy ribbons and bows;
It was the simply act of her worship and praise,
For the Lord who died for me. And then, He arose!
                                                                                      Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prayer Changes Things

     We are in the midst of a stormy sea of change.  Almost every state and every county is struggling with lack of funds to maintain their programs.  Families are struggling with lack of funds to maintain their current life-styles.  Change is happening all around us; it is effecting people both physically, emotionally, and psychologically. 
      Yet God is in the midst of His people.  It is God who will sustain us, give us hope, and guide us to a better place in life. 
     It was God who led the Israelites into a better land even after all the grumblings when their situations appeared to get worse. 
     The Israelites drifted for 40 years, but they learned to depend upon the God who created them.  Americans may have to give up their luxuries, designer clothes, and big cars.  They may have to down-size their homes, but I believe God will lead us to a better life. 
     Is there a reason for the worsening of America?  Where is the growth of character?  What makes a person strong? 
     I believe we grow strong and develop growth through change.  We have grown soft.  Now is the time for our “sleeping giant” to wake up.  Now is the time to turn back to God and become a praying nation and a nation that adheres to the words of God.  We must have the courage to stand up for our moral beliefs and stop fearing offending those who stand against us. 
       We are told in Hebrews 4:16  “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
     Most of all, let us not forget that President Obama is the President  who cancelled the National Day of Prayer at the White House in 2011 with the ruse of not wanting to “offend” anyone. 
     Many tout the idea of separation of Church and State.  I will not debate that theory but I will say that never should God be left out of every aspect of our lives or discernment when it comes to what is written in the Word of God.  Throughout the Old Testament, whenever Kings failed to seek God and His direction, battles were lost.   
     During the coming presidential campaign there will be many debates and candidates will be discredited. Which candidate believes in marriage between one woman and one man?  Which candidate will stand strong and support Israel, God’s chosen people? Which candidate will most likely lead the nation in prayer?