Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 Here is my 2020 Christmas Gift I am passing on to all who will accept it.  However, no one can provide Peace, Love, and Good Will except Jesus who came to give it to us. 

2020 Christmas Gift

There was little time for 2020 Christmas shopping

since we were mostly in a lock down state.

My first thoughts were vintage, yet up-to-date.

This needed to be a special Christmas gift;

something to uplift.

It needed to be fuzzy and warm;

Something to get through any storm.

It was hard being so selective,

but I had an objective.

It still had to be attractive,

yet protective.

I repeated my list

to be sure something wasn't missed:

Fuzzy and warm,

Protective through any storm,

Attractive in every form.

Aha! Suddenly, I knew just the thing;

Something passed on from a King!

I quickly seized upon my precious find.

I was sure this gift would be cherished in heart and mind.

It was certainly warm and cozy, a bundle of delight;

Just what was needed to make the year more bright. 

This was a shield of protective covering

through the cold, even in sickness and suffering.

It was attractive in every way

and would stay that way throughout each day. 

So, I asked as I finished my task, 

"What better gift than one making every dark cloud lift?"

My choice - the gift of Peace, Love, and Good Will

given by the Christ Child born out in the chill.

                                             Mary Crisp Jameson

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Armor of God

 In Ephesians we are given how to fight against the powers of evil forces so we can stand firm.  We have within us the armor of God;  the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. 

     How do we use this armor in close relationships as well? If we have the belt of truth and know God's instructions for living we have discernment.  If we live righteously we eliminate pride which helps us forgive others more readily. We also find respect for each other through  Godly love.  The shield of faith gives us peace within to withstand disappointments which occur in life.  By dwelling in the Word, we obtain the helmet of salvation which dashes out the fires of sorrow and setbacks because of our hope in the future.   

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 2 Timothy 4:5 "But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

I often am watchful when I pass someone in the grocery aisle or even when  I pay out at the checkout counter.  Do these people look happy?  If not, a smile goes a long way in helping make someone's day.  However, yesterday as I passed a lady in the grocery isle, I smiled and I think she did too.  Yet, did she see me smile?  I saw hers, but it was not through her lips.  It was in her eyes.  You see, we were both wearing masks.  My point is that we can smile in more ways than one.  We show our love through our actions, through our eye contact, and through facial expressions.   Be watchful in body language!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Fear as Result of 2020

 The year of 2020 has been one of the worst I have lived through: There has been:

A pandemic nationwide virus 

Constant bickering with no unity in leadership

 A growing division among the country

There has been rioting and looting 

The country was basically shut down

Election with no proven winner at voting time 

A prospect of yet another shutdown 

I have a lingering fear of what will happen to our country depending on who takes the Presidency.  

Yet, Acts 5:38 gives me comfort:  "...for if the source of this plan or movement is men, it will be overthrown; but if the source is God, you will be able to overthrow them; or else you may be found fighting against God."

Saturday, October 10, 2020


This story is a little longer than the one previously posted.   Written 2011

The Mystery Of The Missing Baseball Ticket

     "Take a deep breath, Cameron.  Blow hard!  You only have one chance to blow them all out at one time." 

     It was Cameron's 10th birthday, and his five friends were all around the table rooting and cheering him on.  They couldn't wait to watch him open his presents so they could go to his room and play games.   

     Cameron closed his eyes. He could already see what he was wishing for, and he knew his friends were going to be envious.    His dark eyes sparkled, and he had to make an effort to stop laughing long enough to fill his lungs and blow out all those candles. 

     He blew, "poooof".   Those flames waivered for a second, trying to hang on, but finally all that could be seen was the remaining smoke drifting toward Benny and R. J.  The guys both jumped back to avoid the smoke, but the other three, Yates, Dean, and Brandon playfully shoved them back into the group. 

     One by one, Cameron opened his presents.  Most were some kind of computer game, not at all the big wish he had on his mind.

     Finally, his Dad handed him a present.  Cameron looked at it in disappointment.  This was much too small a package, and it did not move at all.  "Was his wish not going to come true?" he wondered.  Cameron grabbed the package anyway and ripped away the bow and tissue paper.  Inside was a small piece of yellow card stock paper.  As he turned it over, his eyes grew big.  "Wow!"  Never had he imagined this.  A ticket to the Yankee's baseball game! 

     He had curled up near his Dad for several years watching their games on television and never imagined having the chance to go to a real game.  Cameron instantly jumped up and down and ran to hug his parents.  He was holding up the ticket as his friends all exclaimed they wanted to go too.  About that time Cameron's older brother, Sammy, walked into the room, grabbed the ticket out of Cameron's hand and said, "I want that!"

     Cameron reached and grabbed it back with a shout, "Sammy, go get your own ticket."

     Mr. Johnson said, "Sammy, you have a part time job.  Maybe you can buy yourself one and go along, too.  Then he turned back to Cameron's friends and told them, "Guys, if any of you can manage to get tickets this late in the season, I will be glad to take you with us.  Now, Cameron, it is your responsibility to hold onto that ticket and not lose it."

     "Yes sir!" Cameron shouted.  "I will be right back. I have to put this ticket in a safe place." Cameron went tearing off his room and returned a few minutes later without the ticket. 

     Upon his return there, in the middle of the room, sat a blonde haired, lab puppy.  This was too much!  Yet, it was just what he had wished for.  A dog all his own.  He had a hard time wadding through the group of feet and bodies of his friends who had already surrounded the dog.  As he put his arms around the puppy, a puddle of water filled the floor.  Cameron's mother said, "Cameron, grab that dog and take him outside quick.  Then come back and clean up this mess.  It is your responsibility to house train this mutt."

     "Yes mamam."  Cameron picked up the dog and off they went.  As soon as Cameron and the dog were back inside, Cameron grabbed some paper towels and went to work drying up his new puppy's mess. 

     "What will you name him?" Bennie asked.

     Cameron thought for only a second and said, "Since I just cleaned up his first puddle.  His name is Puddles."  They all laughed. 

     Then Cameron picked up the dog and all the boys went running to his room to play.


     Puddles caused quite a commotion around the house.  Cameron's mother was constantly fussing about the puddles that Puddles was leaving on the floor, and Sammy was complaining about his socks that kept disappearing.  Sammy had caught Puddles several times coming down the hallway with one in his mouth.  He had even found a few buried outside.  Every time that Sammy complained, Cameron charged back, "Puddles is a good judge of character.  You should be nicer to him and not be so messy.  If you would pick up your clothes and socks, Puddle couldn't get to them."  It seemed that Sammy was always complaining about Puddles.  The two did not get along. 


     It was only two weeks until the game when Sammy came into the house holding up a Yankee's ticket.  When Cameron saw it,  he ran to his room to check on his.  When he lifted the bed skirt and reached into a shoe under his bed, the ticket was missing.  Cameron ran back down to the kitchen and charged Sammy shouting, "You stole my ticket." 

     Sammy grumbled back, "What are you talking about.  I just bought this one off the internet and went and picked it up."

     Cameron did not let up, "Let me see that ticket."  Sammy handed it to him, and Cameron examined it carefully.  Sure enough it wasn't his.  He had turned a corner back on his before he had hidden it. 

     "I'm sorry, Sammy.  It's not my ticket.  But my ticket is missing.    Someone has stolen it."

     About that time, the phone rang.  Mrs. Johnson answered and said, "Cameron, it is Bennie.  It's for you."

     Cameron took the phone and listened as Bennie excitedly told him that his dad had found a ticket, and he would be able to go with them.  Cameron was ready to cry.  He could not bring himself to tell Bennie that his ticket was missing.    

     After hanging up the phone, Cameron remembered that Bennie had gone to his room the day of his birthday party after he had hidden his ticket.  He thought, “Surely not?  Bennie has been my best friend for years.  No!  Bennie would not have taken my ticket.”  He was sure of it, but, yet, he needed to see that ticket.  “If Bennie had not taken the ticket, and Sammy had not taken the ticket, then who did?”

     The next day Cameron’s dad came home and sat Cameron down for a talk.  Cameron thought, “What now?”  He was prepared for the worse when his Dad handed him a Yankee’s baseball ticket.

     “Son, I told your Uncle Ray about your problem, and today he showed up at my office with a Yankee’s baseball ticket just for you.  Do you think you can keep up with this one or do I need to keep it?  You’re ten now and should be responsible for taking care of your own stuff just like you are expected to take care of Puddles.”

     “Yes, sir.  But Dad I know where I put my ticket, and it is not there.  I swear it was stolen.”

     About that time Puddles came running down the stairs with Sammy on his heels.  Puddles had a white sock in his mouth, and Sammy was making a grab for it.  He missed as Puddles made a dive through the doggie door and headed outside.

     Their Dad called out, “Hold up for a second boys.  Let’s see what Puddles is up to.” 

     “I know what that dang dog is up to.  He is burying my socks,” shouted Sammy. 

     “They all eased outside and watched as Puddles finished his digging.  When they walked over to the dug up area, Sammy reached down and retrieved a half-buried sock.

     “Wait!” said their Dad.  Then he reached down into the loose dirt and, with his fingers, dug some more.  Out came the cell phone Jeremy had been missing for the past few days, and underneath that lay a crumbled, yellow card stock ticket.  Cameron’s dad picked it up, dusted off the dirt, and handed it to Cameron. 

     “Cameron, you were right.  Your ticket was stolen.  If I am not mistaken Sammy grabbed this ticket from you the day of your birthday.  You took it and hid it in your room.  Puddles must have smelled Sammy’s scent on the ticket and buried it where he has been burying the rest of Sammy’s stuff.  Mystery solved.”












Sharing a simple story in verse I wrote a few years ago.

     Charlie looked out the window and jumped to her feet.    
"Come here, Bailey!" she shouted with glee.  
Bailey looked up and shaded her eyes.  There sat a puppy - very much to her surprise. 
Together they watched the abandoned dog huddle beside a nearby log. 
     "Look Pappa! Can we pat him?" they shouted out as they jumped about.
     "That dog will run away.  He's just a stray.  Leave him alone"  This was trouble, Pappa thought with a groan.   
     The girls begged and pleaded, but neither succeeded.  Pappa was trying to be firm and hold his ground, hoping the dog wouldn't stay around.  
     Pappa went back to reading his book, but the girls sneaked out to have a closer look.  They tossed out peanut butter crackers, making a trail.  The puppy ate one and began to wag its tail.
     As the dog inched closer, the girls began to jump up and down.  They were making a friend of this small red hound.
     Just then a voice boomed from behind.  "Seems you girls are doing what I had in mind."
     Pappa reached out and called to the pup.  It inched nearer and didn't back up.  
     Charlie and Bailey both gave it a pat.  
     Pappa said, "I don't think he's a threat."  
     Both girls clapped and shouted, "Can we keep him as our pet?" 
     Shaking his head in an affirmative, "yes," both girls gave him a great big caress.
     Pappa exclaimed, "Would be a shame if he didn't have a name.  So, what will you call this little red mutt?"   
     "He likes crackers with peanut butter," Charlie said all aflutter.  Bailey looked up as they stroked and loved on the pup.    Thinking a bit, her eyes lite as she shouted, "That's it.  Crackers!"  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Daily Thought

 The following is an excerpt from a book I am in the process of finalizing.  Title to come...

September 22

Humor: The teenage girl was frantic as she called home to explain she would be late that night because of a flat tire. She said, "Please don't be mad Mom, it's not my fault."  Since the lady didn't have a daughter, she replied, “I'm sorry, but you've reached the wrong number.  I don't have a daughter."  The girl replied, "Gosh, Mom, I didn't think you'd be that mad.”

Daily Thought: It is so easy to get mad, but getting mad and staying that way only takes away our joy; whereas, laughter lightens the burden and uplifts the heart.  The next time we are tempted to become angry over a situation, stop and remember that we are the ones who we will be hurting if we allow the anger to remain and continue harbor those feelings.  Staying calm, on the other hand, will prevent the situation from become explosive.  It will provide time to ponder  the problem so we will be able to handle it gracefully, deal with it, and then ''let it go.''

Scripture: “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”

Proverbs 31:25


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Dead to Sin Prayer

My prayer is to be dead, today, from sin
  which threatens from within.
May I walk with Christ
  and not, by sin, be enticed.
May my actions, today, please you my Christ.
  Because of me, you were sacrificed.
I was saved and made dead to sin;
  from the old life I lived in.
Now Christ lives within.
May I please you my Christ
  whose love for me should be sufficed.
Because of me you were sacrificed.
  May my sins not make your death cheaply priced.

This Land's A Mess

My prayer today:


This is your land.
It's a mess because of man.
You blessed us with a land of beauty.
You set upon man upkeep duty.
You commissioned man to share your redemptive story.
But, in our lives, we failed to show your glory.
All is corrupt;
Evil seeks to erupt.
But Lord, this land is still your land.
I call on you to heal the souls of man.
Help your people, in your name, to take a stand.
This land's a mess.
But Lord, please, America bless.
Heal, Oh Lord, our soul;
Make us complete in you and whole.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020

What Next - 2020

What is it about the year 2020?  Why? And what next?
We are only into the month of July, yet more unusual disturbing events have happened than probably ever before.  Among the first is the COVID19 pandemic which created a nationwide state of emergency shutdown.   People were told to distance themselves, wear a mask, and wash their hands.   Many have been told to harbor at home.  Many have lost jobs and are still unemployed.   

Why is this happening, we might ask?  There are many theories, but no true answer to solve the dilemma we face, except one.  Regardless of the cause, we can solve our panic by looking to God’s Word.  In Isaiah 41:10 we find encouragement.  “Fear thou not; for I am with thee:  be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.  Even if we are so unfortunate as to contact the virus, we who have accepted Christ has assurance of everlasting life.  John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  

Next we have protects in the streets with many not wearing masks and not distancing themselves at all.  Many of these protects are not peaceful; they are rioting, looting, burning buildings, and destroying our historical statues; statues that represent those who fought to provide freedom for this land and the people who live here.  How do we overcome?  We look to God’s Word.  He is our hope.  Within that hope, we need to continue to love and strive to be a peace with one another.   We find comfort in Psalm 31:24, “Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”

What next?  Just this week, we are hearing reports that there is a coin shortage with some stores not wanting to accept cash for payments.  There appears to be a continuing cycle of unusual events.  It is becoming scarier every day.  How can we overcome?  Again it is in scripture, time and time again, when the Lord says, “Fear not.”  And how do we fear not?  It is by knowing that God created the world.  He is in charge of the universe.  Whatever comes about, the world is in His hands.  Colossians 1:16, “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 

Throughout our concerns for health, continuing freedom, financial well-being, job security, and Christian fellowship we must maintain a heart full of hope and love for others.  1 Peter 3:8-9, “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.  Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.”

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Fear Not

     I have not posted in quite a while and decided it was time I got back to writing what is on my heart.  I have been watching the news and what I am seeing is heart rendering.  All the rioting and looting, along with the concessions allowing it, makes me fearful.   It actually makes me afraid for the people, for the generations to come, for all those that will be harmed for lack of police protection,  and for Christians. 
     Isaiah 44 KJV helped settle my fearfulness because I truly know that God is in control.  He tells me in verse 2 KJV, "Fear not" or as in the TLB version, "O servant of mine, don't be chosen ones, don't be afraid."  Then in verse 8, there is a repeat, "Fear Ye not..." (Don't, don't be afraid...You are my witnesses - is there any other God?  No! None that I know about!  there is no other Rock!)."
     When I have a Rock as solid and as true as my God, I have no need to fear. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ignore or Please

     We all feel neglected when we are ignored, and it offends us.  So what happens when we ignore God?
We become i-ll advised by our own wicked minds
We              g-rieve God
We              n-arrow down obedience to God
We              o-ffend our Father
We              r-est in our own weak strength
We              e-ven short change ourselves from what God has in store

     Yet what happens when we strive to please God?
We gain      p-eace
We              l-et go of our own misdirected plans
We              e-xtend helping hands to others and gain love
We              a-lways look to God
We              s-eparate ourselves from those against God's ways
We become e-ager to follow God's direction

Saturday, May 16, 2020


     King Soloman asked in Proverbs, "How does a man become wise?"  He then went on to state, "The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord."  The book of Proverbs is filled with facts and ways to gain wisdom which is "far above rubies; nothing can compare to it."  Actually, I cannot add more about wisdom than is found in the book of Proverbs, but below is an anagram I developed on gaining wisdom.

W ord of God must be studied daily
I nvolvement with God is a must  
S tick to the path of righteousness; don't sidestep from it
O bey God's Word
M an knowing what is right and doing it

Proverbs 3:18 "Wisdom is a tree of life to those who eat her fruit; happy is the man who keeps eating it."  
About Wisdom:
Proverbs 8:23 "From ages past, I am.  I existed before the earth began." 
Proverbs 8:35 "For whoever finds me finds life and wins approval from the Lord." 

Saturday, May 2, 2020


      God is on His throne.  He is in control of all circumstances.  We may not understand all that He does or allows but we are called to continually kneel before Him in prayer, not to to present our requests but to praise Him in all things.  So in every circumstance:

K eep praying. We
N eed the Lord
E veryday and in
E veryway.  He will never
L eave us. 

Hebrews 13:5b  "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Final Say

     Who has the final say at your home?  Is it the husband, the wife, or the children?  To be honest, no one really likes to be told what to do.  However, Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." 
     Being meek does not mean being a doormat for others, but, in Biblical terms, it means "strength under control."  Maybe it could even mean letting God be your strength and letting your desires be God's desire.  It could mean yielding to the request of others although we may not really want to do that.  Even Jesus was willing to let His Father have the final say when, in the Garden, Jesus said, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done."
     So do we let God have the final say in our deeds, words, and actions.  Do we apply God's final say in our lives?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Inward Image

     When I look in the mirror, what do I see?  Do I see a face I want to be critical of, hair I wish were different, or skin that is imperfect?  I must say, I do have a tendency to see the outward rather than the inward, yet God sees the inward. 
     Our heavenly Father wants us to reflect an intimacy with Him.  To do this I need to get to know Him just as I know myself.  He wants my reflection to characterize Him.  That comes from a heart of faith and love and a commitment to study His Word!   I am God's workmanship, and, as such, I need to reflect His ways.   I have learned through the years that when I live in such a way which shows kindness and love toward others, they see me more for what I am from the inside rather than the outward. 
Romans 8: 27 "And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He interceded for the saints according to the will of God."


Sunday, April 19, 2020


     Everyday we should praise God for all He does.  He is our shield, protector, and our hope.

Jehovah is His name;
Forever the same.
Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
What a glorious Lord!
Let praise upon Him be poured.
Oh, sing praise.
In Him be amazed.
His voice thunders,
His power displays wonders.
Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Rejoice in His strength.
Embrace Him in soul's depth and length.
He is Lord of all
Through breaking dawn and settling nightfall.   
Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
                          Mary Crisp Jameson 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

     Because the Covid 19 virus has people staying at home and away from the church building, it does not mean that the body of Christ is not celebrating Easter.  We are!  The tomb is empty and Jesus is alive!

Jesus is Alive! 
    He died on the Cross for
 A ll
    He took our sins upon Himself in
 L ove
    He ascended as Christ
 I dentified
    He arose in
 V ictory
    He is the King
 E ternal

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

In Love

     Easter is coming!  It's a joy to celebrate the blood of Jesus because of His great love.  His love was so great He chose to lay down His life for us, and we rest assured that the grave is empty.  He arose and is alive.  What Jesus asks of us is to "Believe" in Him and love Him, as well. 

     In Love
 First my heart soars,
Then my thoughts are all yours.
My soul fills with joy,
For nothing destroys,
Nor no one annoys.

I fly like an eagle,
Noble and regal.
Oh what a feelin’!
My thoughts are all reeling,
From what God’s revealing.

It must be love!
It must be love!
Love for my Jesus;
Love for my Lord.

Once I was cold;
Lost was my soul.
Then I was saved,
And a new path was paved.
Such a wonder divine,
Sweeter than wine
Or grapes from the vine.

Oh what a dream;
A joy so unseen.
So, awaken the day!
Look up and pray;
Rejoice in the way.

Oh, I must be in love!
I must be in love!
In love with my Jesus;
In love with my Lord.
     Mary Crisp Jameson 4/7/2020


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Water to Quench the Thirst

     During the past weeks, it has been hard to find water and then when I do, I am limited to how much I can buy.  The one consolation I have is in knowing that I possess the One water which will quench my thirst.  I need not look for it, and it comes with no cost to me.  If I am truly thirsty and my throat is dry, I can look to the One who came, for me, to die. I look forward to the coming celebration of Jesus' mighty resurrection.

John 4:14 "But whosoever drinketh of the water I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Look to the Blood

     As we, the people, are in the midst of this huge pandemic, let's not forget to look to the Blood of the Cross.  Easter is nearing.  A time of celebration! A time, not only now but always, to praise God for His glory; to recognize the love that was magnified on the Cross.  Let us shout with joy, "Glory, glory to the Lord" for our salvation.  Through the Blood we see the great love God has for His people.  His love is unlimited; He gave His life and withheld nothing.  He did it for us, knowing His love would be rejected by many.
      During this COVID 19 pandemic, we are in the midst of fear.  Yet, I look to Psalm 27: 1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation; He protects me from danger, whom shall I fear."  Or would it be appropriate to change the wording to "what shall I fear? 
     I am praying that God's glory is shown, sooner than later, and that we can celebrate both His resurrection and the elimination of this dreaded disease that has shut down our country.  In any case, I am looking to the Blood of the Cross. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

God's Laws

      We often don't like man's laws.  But what about God's laws?  Are we such a sinless people that we don't like God's laws either?  Yet, if we want to be wise and discerning, God's laws are perfect.  They protect us and give us true joy.  God's laws never change although some are endeavoring to amend them to fit their own worldly desires.  Let us all look to scripture for the way we should think, live, and treat others.  The only way we can cleanse our hearts is to stop amending God's laws to fit our own personal agendas.  And the only way we can learn God's laws and gain true joy is to read and embrace His Word.  

Psalm 19: 7-11 "God's laws are perfect.  They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light.  God's laws are pure, eternal, just.  They are more desirable than gold.  They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb.  For they warn us away from harm and give success to those who obey them."   


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Oh, God! Where are you?

     In the same way Jesus quieted the storm-tossed sea, He can remove this current virus that is rapidly spreading across the nations.  This Coronavirus can disappear in an instant by His spoken voice. 

     Yet, oh God where are you?  Why are you not answering our prayers?  Could it be He is waiting for people to unite.  Could it be that people are not yet looking to Him, changing their ways, and asking forgiveness. 
     In Texas Rep. Randy Weber’s prayer he stated that “We have sinned.  We have endeavored to kick God’s Word out of public schools.  We have taken the Bible out of classrooms.  We have removed the Ten Commandments off walls.  We have trampled on God’s institution of holy matrimony and called it an alternate lifestyle.  We have gone to killing the most innocent among us, who are our descendants, and called it a choice.  Our nation is 20 trillion in debt thus ignoring your Word that 'the borrower will be slave to the lender.' ”
     How can we glorify God and continue to ask for His mercy when His laws are being rewritten to satisfy mankind?  
     However, rest assured that God has a plan, and in answer to my question, "Oh, God! Where are you?'  He is in my heart.  He is with us, for His Word says, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


    I read a facebook post in which the writer stated CO VID 19 led her to the following:

CO 19 for 2 Corinthians Chapter 1 and verse 19. "Indeed we felt that we had received the sentence of death.  But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead."
Then the writer looked up the word "vid" and stated it means "to see" and the word corona means "crown."

Eye opening!  What I see here is a God who is over it all.  He is working, but we must give Him the praise and glory for it all.  There are so many times in scriptures where God waited to perform His miracles because He wanted the people to see that it came from Him.  We do not have His understanding.  I just know that through it all, we must continue to prayer for His grace and his mercy to come quickly rather than later.  And we need to thank Him before hand, in faith, knowing that His mighty work is coming.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus List of Things to Do

     When God sent the last plaque to Egypt, Moses told the Israelite people, "none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning."  Basically they were quarantined. 
     We are being asked to quarantine ourselves for several weeks in order to try and eliminate this Coronavirus going across the world.  Many are doing so, but some are not.  Many are still working to serve in areas needed.  Many are coming together to provide much needed supplies.  Who is to say that if we don't do our part to self-quarantine, we may be forced to do so.  What can we who have the opportunity to self-quarantine do?

C alm your fears in the promises of God
O ffer prayers for others who are serving and cannot stay home
R est in God, knowing He is in control of all things
O ccupy your time in praise
N otice that the world belongs to God and He has the power over all
A void criticism and stay positive
V alue your blessings
I n everything and in quiet moments pray
R ead and study God's Word
U tter prayers for workers, truck drivers, medical staff, businesses without income, people who have lost jobs and income, the homeless, those who are sick with Coronavirus, and the leaders of our land
S tay compassionate, loving, and in prayer for healing of our land.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus Fear

     Amid the Coronavirus, there is a certain amount of fear with some more than others.  This fear is not just over sickness from the virus but, rather, the loss of jobs, the loss of income, and the loss of financial savings.  In order to put our anxiety aside and remove the “fear factor” we must rely on God and His promises.  We must look to the Words of our great Creator.  We need to come together as a Nation and put God back into our hearts and our lives.  He is the One in control of the great world He created.  He tells us not to fear.  He tells us He will heal our land but it comes with an “if” factor.

Job 5:20-21  “In famine He will deliver you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword.  You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction comes.”

Psalms 3:5-6 “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.  I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.”

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

     Finally, we must claim 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Voice Recognition Trivia

 A little TRIVIA:  

    When I asked Google when the first piggy bank was invented, I got, “Western Europeans weren't the only ones making piggy banks. Indeed the first true piggy banks — terracotta banks in the shape of a pig with a slot in the top for depositing coins — were made in Java as far back as the 14th century.”
     Then I searched and found the definition of piggy bank as “a small bank provided with a slot at the top to receive small coins.”
     Since I am writing this article I suppose I can write it according to the way I want.  I believe the actual first piggy bank was created much, much earlier than the 14th century.
     I found in 2 Kings 12, when Jehoash was king of Jerusalem, in verse 9, the following: “But Jehoiada the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar, on the right side as one cometh into the house of the Lord: and the priests that kept the door put therein all the money that was brought into the house of the Lord.”    Hmmm, could this have been the 1st piggy bank?

My next trivia deals with voice recognition. 
     According to Wikipedia voice recognition refers to “determining who is speaking and/or determining what is being said.”   Next I found the following on when voice recognition began:  “The earliest voice recognition technologies could only comprehend digits.  Audrey system, built by Bell Labs in 1952 considered to be the first speech recognition device, recognized only ten digits spoken by a single voice.”
     This is where I dispute the creator and the date of voice recognition, as well.  Actually the very first voice recognition, in my opinion, was not created by man, and it was created at the beginning of time. 
     This is proven in Genesis when God created the heaven and the earth.  He spoke, “And let there be light…and let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters…”  Now let’s take it a step further.  In Mark 4 we find Jesus was on a boat with His disciples when “a great storm of wind came up and the waves beat into the ship”.  In verse 39 Jesus spoke again, “And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.  And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”    This is Voice Recognition!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Shine The Light

     "Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed?" (Mark 4:21)  Here we find that Jesus is the light and He is not to be hidden:  He is to be seen and known.  We are to show His light in our lives.  However, I believe I am not only responsible to show God's light through sharing the gospel, but I am to show His light in my service to others.
     I forget, often, that in my service to others I should do it in love and not through a sense of obligation.  When I stop complaining about "what I have to do" but rather enjoy the moments spent in helping when needed, I can gain fulfillment and shine my own light.  When I get over the selfishness of "time" taken away from my own plans I can find rewards in the moment.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Vacation from Stress

How do we take a mini vacation from stress? First, to relieve stress,  REJOICE. 

R est in Christ's love
E nter into Godly praise
J udge not
O pen the heart to love
Y earn for fellowship with God
C alm your fears in God's word
E nter into thankfulness

Monday, February 24, 2020

Little Short Cuts in a Tiny Capsule-of-Time

     What better way to start off a Monday morning than finding ways to make our busy schedule better.  Within our daily capsule-of-time we need joy in our lives to prevent that end-of-the-day fatigue. 
     Our days should not always be about work, work, and more work.  There should be some  pleasure or, as some might say, "mini vacations" inserted into the day.  We actually rob ourselves when we lose unique mini opportunities to find pleasure and time to "just breathe" along life's way.
     We can actually rejuvenate our souls by practicing a few simple breath taking moments.  Think of it like giving a 10% tithe of time to yourself. 

    Here are 10 examples: 
1.  Before rising from bed say Psalms 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made; We (I) will rejoice and be glad in it."
2.  Thank of a friend's name or even a co-worker's name and say a prayer for them.
3. As you open the door, look up and thank God for the beautiful sunny day.
4. Observe a flower and acknowledge that just as God cares for them, He will care of you today as well, and thank Him. 
5. Send someone a "Good Morning" text and wish them a good day.
6. Look in the mirror and tell your reflection, "I love you."
7. Stop in the middle of a stressful work assignment, think of 3 things you like about yourself and thank God for them.
9. Choose a word you want applied to your life, like: joy, love, peace, sharing.  Put that one word into action; practice it in your life for this one day.
9.  Recognize something good someone has done and thank them for it.
10. Be silly! Hug a tree!

There are countless and simple things or "mini vacations" which can be taken to relieve the work stress and to grab enjoyment during the daily capsule-of-time which so quickly passes, leaving us with an over-whelming feeling of "how to get it all done." 


Sunday, February 23, 2020

What IN IT?

There is a quote by John Piper in my Sunday School lesson which gives insight into the essence of worship.

Just what is true inner worship?  John Piper puts it like this: "The inner essence of worship is to know God truly and then respond from the heart to that knowledge by valuing God, treasuring God, prizing God,  enjoying God,  and being satisfied with God above all earthly things."

Most would ask, "What's in it for me?"  John Piper tells us that we gain "deep, restful, joyful satisfaction in God which overflows in demonstrable acts."

Then the question could be, "What's in it for God?  Piper says that these demonstrable acts overflow into "acts of praise from the lips and demonstrable acts of love in serving others for the sake of Christ."

So, what is in it for others?  I would answer a demonstration of our  loving service to them. 

Oh Lord!
I lift my hands in praise.
My hearts flutters within your presence.
I value your inner dwelling,
  treasure your faithful promises,
  prize my very life and salvation.

I value your peaceful tranquility. 
  treasure the blessings you provide.
  prize my waking healthy moments.

I value your Word,
  treasure your Walk with me daily. 
   prize my Heavenly protection.

I lift my hands in praise,
Thanking you for your love,
  for the love of friends and family,
  for opportunities to share You.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


     I have been so blessed throughout my life, but there are always times I worry about this or that.  Yet, God tells us not to be anxious.  I wrote the following as a reminder to take all my troubles to God,  to leave my fear at His precious feet and then wait for His answer.


Troubled and tried, torn apart?  Take heart!
Pause, listen.  Be Quiet. Absorb heaven's diet.
In prayer advocate.
God has not forsaken
  though hallowed fields of life seem shaken.
Stop for a while; be not anxious!
Look to the God who is merciful and gracious.
Hold strong through human wrong;
Be still against other's ill-will.
Troubled and tried, torn apart?  Take heart!
God is the Rock;
In prayer take stock.
Hold fast and firm to God's love and hope
  within vision's scope;
  within life's pre-planned horoscope.
Stop! Wait!
God infiltrates.
Within all troubles, be still.
Seek God's direction and will.
With patience, wait! God knows your fate.
Wait! Pause for the echo of God's planned cause.
                      Mary Crisp Jameson  2/212020  

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Best Seat in the House

     By nature, we all want the best seat in the house.  No one wants to be left with what is called the "nose bleed" section furthest away from the action.
     I am sure believers in Jesus Christ can rest assured that when we arrive at Heaven's Gate there will be an honored seat assigned to each of us.  Regardless, we indeed know that we will be among those joyful people singing, "Alleluia to the Lord our God."  I can only imagine!

Revelation 19:1  "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God."

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Father's Love Letter

     This is a writing I read researched and compiled from Genesis to Revelations.  Since I did not want to lose it, I decided to post it on my blog for future reference.  The site said it was used by permission Father Heart Communications with a copyright of 1999.  I am blown away by how each verse intertwines to create this cry from the Father's heart to His child.

My Child,  You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1  I know when you sit down and when you rise up.  Psalm 139:2  I am familiar with all your ways.  Psalm 139:3  Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.  Matthew 10:29-31  For you were made in my image.  Genesis 1:27  In me you live and move and have your being.  Acts 17:28    For you are my offspring.  Acts 17:28  I knew you even before you were conceived.   Jeremiah 1:4-5  I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12  You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.  Psalm 139:15-16  I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.  Acts 17:26  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Psalm 139:14  I knit you together in your mother's womb.  Psalm 139:13  And brought you forth on the day you were born.  Psalm 71:6  I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.  John 8:41-44  I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.  1 John 4:16  And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.  1 John 3:1   Simply because you are my child and I am your Father   1 John 3:1  I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.  Matthew 7:11  For I am the perfect father.  Matthew 5:48  Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.  James 1:17  For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.  Matthew 6:31-33  My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.  Jeremiah 29:11  Because I love you with an everlasting love.  Jeremiah 31:3  My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.  Psalm 139:17-18  And I rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17  I will never stop doing good to you.  Jeremiah 32:40  For you are my treasured possession.  Exodus 19:5  I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.  Jeremiah 32:41  And I want to show you great and marvelous things.  Jeremiah 33:3  If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.  Deuteronomy 4:29  Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4  For it is I who gave you those desires.  Philippians 2:13  I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.  Ephesians 3:20  For I am your greatest encourager.  2 Thessalonians 2:16-17  I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.  2 Corinthians 1:3-4  When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.  Psalm 34:18  As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart.  Isaiah 40:11  One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.  Revelation 21:3-4  And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.  Revelation 21:3-4  I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus.  John 17:23  For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed.  John 17:26  He is the exact representation of my being.  Hebrews 1:3  He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you.  Romans 8:31  And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.  2 Corinthians 5:18-19  Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.  2 Corinthians 5:18-19  His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.  1 John 4:10  I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love.  Romans 8:31-32  If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me.  1 John 2:23  And nothing will ever separate you from my love again.   Romans 8:38-39  Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen.  Luke 15:7  I have always been Father, and will always be Father.  Ephesians 3:14-15   My question is…Will you be my child?  John 1:12-13  I am waiting for you.  Luke 15:11-32  
Love, Your Dad.

Almighty God

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Worldly Misconceptions

     What is it about appealing to what people think others want to see, hear, and read rather than applying the Words of God that would make this world such a better place?
     During the big Super Bowl, one of the main events was the half time entertainment.  True, some enjoyed it a lot, but then some did not; they could see through what the world wanted us to see.  Here was an event that portrayed women as sex symbols.  There were children present and watching this so called attraction.  Was this sometime children should watch? What impression was it making?
     Reading through a book that was quiet interesting plot-wise another unnecessary occurrence  sprang up to lessen the enjoyment of the reading.  It seemed the author was quiet fond of placing God's name into the language of the characters.  This was not done on just a page or two but on almost every other page.  I began to black out God's name which was used vainly and found the reading was much improved.  There had certainly been no need to use God's name or the name of Jesus and of Christ in profane language.
     Jesus died for me.  He is my Savior and Christ.  His name is holy!  God is my Creator, Father, and Power over all the earth.  His name is holy! 
     I am saddened that the world has gotten so far away from righteous living and thinking.  If I am saddened can you imagine what God is thinking and feeling about His children?