Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, June 14, 2024

God's Name

I have a confession to make; one in which I am ashamed and have had to ask my Father for forgiveness. There has been this old lady comedian which I have watched a few times doing Facebook skeets. She has often made me laugh with her frank and funny answers to questions. However, during the course of her answers, she often uses God's name flippantly. She does not use it in a hateful, course way and I found myself laughing at her replies. Today, she used God, Jesus, Lord, and Jesus Christ in just about every sentence. I found myself wondering why I ever thought she was funny. I instantly found myself asking God's forgiveness because using His name in any way other than to glorify Him is very important to me. It should be. He died for me! He has even commanded me, "Do not that the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain." I want to honor His request. 


The heavens declare His glory!
In a loud voice the angels announce, “Behold the Lamb!”
What a story!
Power, praise, and honor are given by His name.
To lift Him up should be our aim.  
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-
The Creator, Savior, Living Spirit- giving life upmost;  
To use His name in vain
After so much gain! 
Your name, Oh Lord, your name-
To hear it used in vain should set your people aflame. 

The sweet, sweet name of Jesus,
A man who died for us; 
To use your name in vain
After your blood, your death, your pain;
The Son, Jesus, our Savior’s precious name-
Used in vain? Oh, what a shame!
 The holy name of God-
Our Father, Maker of all, the Creator!
Who in all the world is greater?
To violate His name?
The One who sent His only Son, to die He came –

The Trinty, Three in One-
Father, Holy Ghost, and Son.
Why, oh why use the names in vain?
What good?  What gain? 

 Rather, declare as do the angels- 
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty” 
   Giver of grace, let us honor thee.  

                                                                                 Mary Crisp Jameson  2017

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.  Exodus 20:7 


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