Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Knocking At The Door

After Jesus died on the cross, there were still many who did not believe. Today, there remains many who do not believe. 

     I can’t help but feel how devastated Mary and her companions must have been at first when they went to Jesus’ tomb and heard the Angel say. “He is not here” Yet, their hearts were filled with joy when the Angel followed it with the good news, “He is risen!” 

     For those who refuse to believe in Jesus, what will they hear when it is too late and they knock at the door? 



Knocking at the Door


I knocked and waited.

My tap, I am sure was heard.

My feelings were mixed and stirred.

Had I waited too long?

All these years, had I been wrong? 

Was it too late? 

What was to be my fate? 

I knocked some more

And listened for a sound behind the door.

Regret had me wishing I had called before.

My fate awaited;

Life had been vacated.

I needed the One I had never received;

The One, in whom, I had never believed.


My heart racing and beating!

Silence was within my hearing,

 And I stood weak and fearing.

Jesus did not appear,

But a voice I could hear

As I shed a non-stop tear.

“For you, He is not here.”


Mary Crisp Jameson 6/29/2024 


“He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the 

Lord lay.” Matthew 28:6 KJV

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