Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, September 20, 2024

In The Beginning

 I have had many beginnings in life, work, service, and other events. They are all events that have made me what I am. I rejoice in all my beginnings, alhough I have had to depend on others with each one. There has always been God, my creator and maker. There has been a Mom who wanted me, who nourished me, and who taught me. There have been others on the job and other places who trained me. For all of this I am so very grateful.

In The Beginning

In the beginning, 

   I was just a seed in need of living breath.


   I begin to breathe, looking forward to when I would teethe


   came an infant squalling and bawling, not yet crawling.

As a child,

   I observed wonders that boggle the mind; I was blind.


   I became of age, sin took center stage


   I found Good News, a victory when I accepted Godly views.

In the beginning,

   there was me in Mom; my life in her palm.

I was 

   dependent but a living child only wanting to grow, laugh, and smile.


   Was to be my caretaken as declared by my Maker.

In the beginning,

   there was breath, life, a sinning, and then a winning.


Mary Crisp Jameson 9/20/2024 


“In the beginning, O Lord, You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands.” Hebrews 1:10 NIV 








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