Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Story To Tell

I am not good at telling stories, but God gave me a story to tell. It is not a fairytale, but a true event that really happened. The end sounds sad but, in reality, the ending is all about love. As I think about it, the story if not true could be made into a fairytale of how a Prince came to save me, a lowly ugly duckling, who He turned into a beautiful living soul. 

A Story To Tell 


Come and sit a spell

And listen to what I have to tell.

You’ll be amazed and dazed

With this story

Of a King reigning in glory.

It’s not a story where people die for the King,

Or where the people must bow and kiss his ring.

This is a story of a King coming to die for the masses;

All people -all classes.

This is a story of a King who puts His people first;

A King who comes to quinch their thirst.

The story I have to tell

Is one about heaven and hell;

One of a King coming to give his people hope;

To offer assurance as they cope.

My story is of a King who left his throne

To put the people’s good above His own.

It sounds like a fairytale

Until I get to where the people hammered the nail.

Those He came to save

Put Him in the grave,

But they could not keep Him there.

He arose to forgive, love and care.

He arose, His people’s cross, to bear. 

The people He came to save hammered the nails,

But His love prevails.


Mary Crisp Jameson 9/19/2024


“He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things.” Romans 8:32 KJV 

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