Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Games of Life

The Games of Life 


I don’t believe I will ever get tired of trying to play the game of life, whether recreational, social, or work. As in any game, I find myself being competitive, enjoying being a winner at times. 

     In real life, I might say that I have played Checkers- having left the checkered past of my youth behind when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. But, as in Checkers, my moves often take me in the wrong direction, and I am captured either in Satan’s trap or blocked by my King who trumps and changes my direction.

     I have found that I need to let the Dominos fall, letting God’s will take over. I have also learned that, as in the fall of dominos, there is a chain reaction to thoughts and actions. My moves can have a cause and effect, hopefully a positive rather than a negative one.

     I never learned Chess where the players are either black or white. Nothing has ever seemed all that clear except that Christ is my Savior and I depend on Him. 

     Pitch is a card game I played a few times with my parents. I loved it! It is usually played with partners, each helping the other out to make the player’s bid and become the winner. Even in life, we need helpers ; a communication outlet. Of course, my greatest Helper is God, but He does place people in my life to encourage and guide. Should I gain a blessing, I need to pitch it forward, as well.

     In the end, I must say that life is really exciting when success jumps out at me, and I can shout, Bingo! In other words, “Praise to my Lord for His blessings.”

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." 

Proverbs 17:22 NIV 






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