After reading Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The Great Disappearance-31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready", I attempted to put together a poetic summary the best way my simple mind understands it. I really cannot began to comprehend the glory of God and His workings.
Three Spectacle Events
The manger scene is a true story
Revealing God’s glory.
Jesus came in flesh and obscurity,
Living as a servant lowly but in purity.
All did not witness the miraculous birth event
Nor understand what it meant.
Many wanted Him crucified.
Some laughed, some cried
When Jesus died among men.
But He arose to live again.
That was His First Coming,
But there would be a second return.
Until then, souls will burn and yearn.
The second event
Will come as a thief in the night
By God’s glorious might.
A Rapture will take place in the sky
And happen in the twinkling of an eye.
But no one knows the hour or date;
Although, Jesus’ re-appearance will be great!
Those in Christ will no longer wait.
There will be a shout, a trumpet sound
To gather believers in Christ up from the ground.
The dead will rise first in this fanfair,
Then those alive, who remain, will be caught up in the air.
This will be the great disappearance!
Unbelievers will not witness this Rapture God sent;
They will be confused and left wondering where the people went.
The third event will be the Second Coming,
Occurring after seven years of dark days
When evil will blaze,
And the Antichrist rise to power.
People will cower.
The Church, taken by the Rapture,
Will cause a religious fracture.
Few will be saved;
Most will be Satan enslaved.
The tribulation will be dreadful,
And, with the Second Coming, people regretful.
The Second Return will not be as the First.
Christ will not come as a servant but rather a judge.
He will arrive in splendor,
Ready, judgment, to render.
Every eye within the crowds
Will see Him coming in the clouds,
Charging in with His Heavenly forces;
His Saints riding white horses.
Jesus’ Second Coming
Will be stunning!
The Second Coming will not be as the First.
The First was in humility and simplicity.
The Second as a King in majesty.
With the First, a crown of thorns was placed upon His head.
With the Second, Jesus will be crowned with many crowns, instead.
With the First, He was the Lamb that was slain.
With the Second, He will reign.
Lord of Lords He comes!
And, He will not except the wicked crumbs.
There will be no more warning,
And the wicked, in their judgment, will be left mourning.
Lord of Lords!
King of Kings!
The Second Coming will fulfill His vow,
And before Him, every knee will bow!
Mary Crisp Jameson 4/15/2024
“Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17 NIV