Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, April 29, 2024

Faith Event and God-Wink Moments

Faith Events and God-Wink Moments


I have a great need to build my faith. I would like it to be as strong as David’s confidence was when he confronted Goliath. How did David build such faith? The answer could be that, as a shepherd, he spent hours alone in the wilderness tending sheep and talking to God. He listened for God’s voice. He grew his faith over time in quiet moments alone with God. 

     I would also like my faith to be as strong as Esther’s was when she went before the King without being summoned to do so. She could have been killed, but her faith was strong enough to depend upon God for her safety. How did this happen? She not only prayed and fasted but also asked her people to do the same. Here again, I see someone who trusted because she had prepared over a course of time, and she had talked with God, making Him her priority.  

     I have to admit, I have had not had many giants to face in my life. Although my faith was weak, I had victories. God has also given me God-wink moments; many I simply did not even recognize at the time. 

     I think I will use the day to try and remember some of those moments and be thankful to God for them. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Get Serious!

 Everyone knows the meaning of "serious" which is careful consideration, or the act or speaking sincerely and in an earnest manner. 
     I  couldn't tell anyone the number of times I have heard, "Are you serious?" It's as though an event could not have happened. But it did! I love it when I can tell someone about a miracle that occurred, and they look wide-eyed and say in amazement, "Are you serious?"
     Miracles happen in our world everyday when we get serious about prayer, repentance, and seeking the will of God. 
     I fall back to the verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land." 
     Let's get serious!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A Lamp Unto My Feet

One of my favorite verses comes from Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  I was reminded of it this morning when I read one of my devotionals which talked about chaotic moments in life and what truly gives us peace.

     I can testify to that in my everyday life when I consider the temporary satisfaction from shopping sprees, vacations, and so much more. These are short-lived and temporary pleasures. They don’t last! What really gives me long-term pleasure comes from God; His path and His light!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What Matters?

What Matters? 


What matters to God? 

It’s not the size before His eyes.

It’s not the dollar amount

Or the savings account.

It’s not the hurry but the pleasure.

That’s the measure of the treasure.

It’s the joy in the heart,

And that’s just the start.

He likes a happy giving,

An honest forgiving.

A willing participation,

And this is my today’s narration. 



Tuesday, April 23, 2024


I have often read Galatians 5:22-23, “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”, and wished I could portray all of these from the inside out for others to see. However, I am a complete failure.

     It was interesting to read the In Touch devotional this morning regarding the above list. I know the meaning of each fruit listed, but the devotional defined them in a new way. I am quoting below what was given from In Touch mainly because I want to keep this in mind for reference. The wording may be changed a little as I apply it to myself.


Love- is the foundation for all other virtues and is cultivated by me embracing God’s unconditional love. 

Joy- is contentment regardless of my circumstances.

Peace- comes from me trusting God and surrendering to him.

Patience- is developed by me trusting God’s perfect timing.

Kindness- is God’s compassion reflected to others. 

Goodness- occurs as I mirror His righteousness and justice.

Faithfulness- means I am steadfast and trustworthy.

Gentleness- comes when I approach others with humility.

Self-control- requires me to exercise restraint and rely on the Holy Spirit’s strength.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Three Spectacle Events

After reading Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The Great Disappearance-31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready", I attempted to put together a poetic summary the best way my simple mind understands it. I really cannot began to comprehend the glory of God and His workings. 

Three Spectacle Events

 The manger scene is a true story

Revealing God’s glory.

Jesus came in flesh and obscurity,

Living as a servant lowly but in purity.

All did not witness the miraculous birth event

Nor understand what it meant.

Many wanted Him crucified.

Some laughed, some cried 

When Jesus died among men.

But He arose to live again.

That was His First Coming,

But there would be a second return.

Until then, souls will burn and yearn.


The second event 

Will come as a thief in the night 

By God’s glorious might.

A Rapture will take place in the sky

And happen in the twinkling of an eye. 

But no one knows the hour or date;

Although, Jesus’ re-appearance will be great!

Those in Christ will no longer wait.

There will be a shout, a trumpet sound

To gather believers in Christ up from the ground.

The dead will rise first in this fanfair,

Then those alive, who remain, will be caught up in the air. 

This will be the great disappearance! 

Unbelievers will not witness this Rapture God sent; 

They will be confused and left wondering where the people went.


The third event will be the Second Coming,

Occurring after seven years of dark days

When evil will blaze,

And the Antichrist rise to power.

People will cower.

The Church, taken by the Rapture,

Will cause a religious fracture.

Few will be saved; 

Most will be Satan enslaved. 

The tribulation will be dreadful,

And, with the Second Coming, people regretful.



The Second Return will not be as the First.

Christ will not come as a servant but rather a judge.

He will arrive in splendor,

Ready, judgment, to render.

Every eye within the crowds

Will see Him coming in the clouds,

Charging in with His Heavenly forces; 

His Saints riding white horses.

Jesus’ Second Coming

Will be stunning!


The Second Coming will not be as the First.

The First was in humility and simplicity.

The Second as a King in majesty.

With the First, a crown of thorns was placed upon His head.

With the Second, Jesus will be crowned with many crowns, instead.

With the First, He was the Lamb that was slain.

With the Second, He will reign. 

Lord of Lords He comes!

And, He will not except the wicked crumbs.

There will be no more warning,

And the wicked, in their judgment, will be left mourning. 

Lord of Lords!

King of Kings!

The Second Coming will fulfill His vow,

And before Him, every knee will bow!


Mary Crisp Jameson 4/15/2024


“Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17 NIV 



I planted my garden several weeks ago thinking the nights were finally getting warm; however, here in late April the nights and even some days are still cool.The plants are just sitting there, not growing. There is no rushing the process. 

     I was reminded by my In Touch Devotional this morning that “growth is a slow process, and slow growth can be a good thing. It takes time to develop strength, coordination, and the intelligence needed to do certain mature tasks.”

     This tells me I need to be patient with my plants and their grown as well as with my own growth before I can expect a great harvest of fruit. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Members of the Body

Years ago, when I sprained my ankle very badly, I had to use crutches to get around. It wasn't until my hands were tied to the crutches and I could not carry anything that I realized how much I needed my hands for daily activities. It was the same with my feet. All the members of my body not only have a distinct purpose, but they have many uses. 

     My eyes are for seeing objects and things, but they should also be used to look compassionately at others; to see their needs and problems. My hands are for carrying and doing things, but they are also for offering help. My mouth is for speaking my mind and thoughts, but it also should be used for speaking forgiveness and love. My ears are for hearing what is being said and what is happening around me, but they are also for listening to the cares and problems of others so I may reach out in compassionate love. My heart is for pumping blood to give me life, but it is also for reflecting love and giving joyful life to others.  

     I pray I will use all the members of my body to share God's righteousness and bear His fruit.  

"...We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work..." Colossians 1:9b-10a

Friday, April 19, 2024


I like my “me time”. It is valuable! However, what is time? When I looked up the definition of time, I found that it is “a measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exits or continues.” Thinking about what is important to do with my time I came up with the following use: 


T hink   
I nterested
M anage
E nter into or Enrich

I finally concluded that time can be a measurable action such as to be interested enough in people to manage my time enough to think about others, care about them, and to enter (enrich) into conversation in such a way as to show love. 
     Now if only I can use my time wisely and not just for “me time.” 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Oil and Water or Day and Night

I love family from my nieces, nephews, cousins, down to my brothers and sisters, with the closest one being my own daughter. I was raised with family events where we all got together for great feasts. We played, laughed, and prayed together, yet we were all different.

     My daughter often tells me she had to have been switched at birth because she and I are as different as night and day or as some might say water and oil. Yet, that does not make us love each other less. It just makes us laugh at our many differences. 

     I love to get “dirt under my nails” in the garden, whereas she prefers a nail salon. I get up “on the go” when the sun rises. She, on the other hand, prefers to sleep in. I am an “outside person”. She prefers the inside. I enjoy cooking -most times. I not sure she knows the purpose of her stove. On second thought, maybe she is adopted. (Ha! Ha!) 

     But to put joking aside, my daughter is the one who keeps me young! She is the jewel I brag about with pride. She is the one I talk with daily. She holds my heart! She is smart, tender-hearted, compassionate, intuitive, and a fierce lion when it comes to protecting her mama. And, isn't that what family, although different, is all about! 

     Actually, I do not think we are oil and water. Oil and water does not blend as the day blends into night. We blend! We are willing to accept each other's views, each other's ideas, and learn from them. God created all people different. He gave each person their own special gifts. That is how the world turns, and if we were all willing to consider each other's opinions and differences maybe there would be less anger.  

     I smile when I remember what scripture says. “We have different gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”  

     It makes me extremely happy that my daughter and I both know the God who created us so unique and in such contrast to each other. I am joyful in the knowledge that we both know the Spirit who distributed our various gifts. We have fun laughing at our opposite ways of doing things and can even love each other through our irritating differences.

Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind.."  


Romans 12:6 “We have different gifts…” 


1 Corinthians 12:4 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”





Friday, April 12, 2024

The Lion

I have always thought it would be adventurous to take a Safari into the jungle and see all the wild animals. The lion comes to mind as one of the fiercest with it muscular, broad-chested body, hairy mane, and mighty roar. I certainly would not want to meet up with one on foot. 

     I might be more comfortable if I were traveling with Samson. In scripture, when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power, he tore the lion apart with his bare hand as he might have torn a young goat. 

     I might not have minded being around a lion if I had been with Daniel in the lions’ den, because God protected him. 

     Yet, I am warned in 1 Peter 5:8 to watch out for lions, “to be alert and of sober mind for my enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

     I take great comfort in knowing that the lion grows weary, and I have the ability just as Samson did to grow strong. Psalm 34 tells me that. “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Damascus Road

A few days ago I wrote about how God has given me so many second chances by His forgiveness, and I am so grateful. I truly regret the waste I have made of God’s kindness. 

     One person in the Bible that comes to mind and who did not waste God’s kindness was Paul. After his conversion experience on the Damascus Road, he changed his mission in life.  In fact, I wrote about Paul a few years back which I have not shared on my blog, but it was shared by a friend in his book, From Tarsus to Rome-A Historical Novel of the Apostle Paul, which is currently published and found on Amazon. Just click the link below to find it.


The Damascus Road


What was there about the Damascus road:

A worn and dusty trail where a miracle was bestowed?

The Damascus road-

Herein lies a story with a twist;

A road Saul couldn’t resist.  

Amid the ruts and the dust,

Rode a man Christians could not trust.

This vengeful, Saul, breathed murderous threats;

He wanted to imprison, without regrets.

This was a man with ambition; a man on a mission.

Yet, the Damascus road gave him a different vision.


The Damascus road, dusty and dreary-

A road Saul chose to ride, though he was tired and weary.

This soldier in armor, whom Christians feared,

Fell to his knees when a mighty light appeared.

He heard a voice speak ever so unique,

“Why Saul? 

Why do you persecute me?”

Saul looked about, but he could not see.


The Damascus road, touched by the hand of God,

Changed a heart wicked and flawed.

No longer did Saul want to kill or spread ill-will.

This was a man on a mission; a man of ambition;

A man setting people on fire for the Messiah.

It was Jesus’ name he wanted to proclaim!

Here was a man once blinded, 

Yet healed and truth revealed;

A man whose heart was changed; 

No longer, Jesus estranged.


What was there about the Damascus road 

Where a bright light glowed?

The Damascus road, one well-traveled;

Out of it, 

A miracle occurred; a mystery unraveled!


Mary Crisp Jameson  8/4/2014


“Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ.”  Act 9:22 NIV





Before and After

I enjoy looking at before and after remodeling pictures. The "after results" can be amazing;    however much planning has to go into the "before" to create good "after" results. The same is
true in life. 

Before and After 

 I once read
“If I thank God after, it’s gratitude.

If I thank Him before, it’s faith.”

Both are greatly viewed.

But, since faith is what I desire

What I need to build upon-

Let me thank God 


Thank you, O Lord,


In my thoughts, 

For your coming, open door. 

Thank you 


For what I seek;

For my second chance.


Let Your precious name 

Be the fruit upon my lips


Of blessings, I claim. 

EARLIER than later

I seek You

Because You are greater!


Mary Crisp Jameson  4/9/2024


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart…” Proverbs 3:4a KJV


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Second Chances

As I was reading about my God being a God of second chances, my thoughts took me back to a mental review over my life. I can truly say I have been given many, many second chances. I won’t list the details because they are too personal and often too sinful on my part but I have been given second chances in: 







Family situations

Daily choices


Many mistakes have been made, much forgiveness has been handed to me, and still God walks with me. I envision myself as the woman the men brought to Jesus to be stoned. Jesus said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.” At that, those who heard began to go away. Jesus straightened and asked the woman, “Where are the ones who condemned you? She answered, “No one.”At that Jesus said, “Neither do I, but go and leave your life of sin.” 



Monday, April 8, 2024

All Is His!

 I usually wake before it gets light outside especially since the time change, and I have not enjoyed my 1st cup of coffee outside lately until yesterday.  The temperature was finally just right, the pollen was out of the air, and Spring was in the air, so I enjoyed quiet time on the patio.  The early morning, spring sounds  bring relaxation and a closeness to God as I acknowledge that He created it all.  He owns it all!

All Is His


I look at the flowers in bloom,

Decked in radiant costume,

And I see the beauty of God.

Roaming around streams and brooks

In awe of their shimmery looks,

I find His peace. 

I watch the clouds floating by,

Up so high,

And know by whom they were created. 

God walks with me

 And, wonders, He helps me see.

I listen to the birds twit their song,

As they fly along,

And I hear the sound of God’s voice;

It makes me rejoice. 

I hear the wind;

Feel it upon my skin.

It was sent by God.

I feel the breeze 

And, with God, I feel at ease.

With His gently touch,

He gives so much;

Like the gentle raindrops,

A Godly kiss upon my cheek, before it stops.

God has created it all!

Between He and I, He built no wall.

He is always within my reach and call.


Mary Crisp Jameson  4/7/2024


“And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good…” 

Genesis 1:31 KJV



Sunday, April 7, 2024

World News

Corrie ten Boom once said,

“If you look at the world you’ll be distressed.

If you look within, you’ll be distressed.

If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.”


That appears true in my life. World news certainly depresses me. I find little joy in hearing what is going on. If I look within, I often get depressed. I can do nothing myself-I have no power and often at a loss to know what to do or how to do it. My thoughts lead me astray. However, if I look at God, I have peace and rest within my soul. 

     Scriptures about God give me rest and peace for I know He is my power. He rules! Below are just a few I look to for rest in God. These should be made World News.


Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 


Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 


Psalm 4:8 “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone Lord make me dwell in safety.” 


Psalm 46:10 “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” 


This is my quote:

Only God can change World News.

Only God can rid the depressed.

Only God can give peace and rest.



Friday, April 5, 2024

Do You See Joy

When I read James 1:2, “Consider it all joy…” I wondered how I might strive to do that even through trials. Then I did a spin-off and wondered how others see me in everyday life. Am I: 


Positive or Negative

A mover or a whiner

Tolerant or complainer

Loving or unloving

Unruffled or worrier

Pleasing or unpleasing


     Do I smile or frown, laugh or worry, look happy or sad, forgive or hate, complain or strive to fix it? 

     Then I was reminded of what Paul wrote in Philippians 4, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Never Give Up

I have been there! Prayed and decided I had prayed long enough and enough years to give up and stop. I had to ask myself, "Is this worthy? Is this something I care enough about? Is this within God's desire? Is it just about me or something bigger?"  I had to remind myself that God's timing is not my timing. 
     I have also often gone to Philippians 4 to give me encouragement:"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
     I saw a quote that impressed me, "The Win is coming-don't let the WHEN worry you!" So, I surmise, "Never Give Up." The following ends with a verse from Jonah, and I am sure He cared enough to keep praying.   

Never Give Up 


Do I care enough-

Stay tough

Or get in a huff?

Do I want it enough?

Do I really care-

Shed a tear-

Make time to spare-


Every hour through the day?

Do I give up in despair

Or stay in prayer 

When life is grey-

When it doesn’t go my way?

Do I keep praying,



When life is rough-

When life is tough?

Do I want it enough  

To never give up

Until God fills my cup?


Mary Crisp Jameson 4/4/2024 


“From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God.” Jonah 2:1 NIV 


Tuesday, April 2, 2024


When I woke this morning I wondered what I was going to do first. As a Christian that was really a no-brainer. 


“In everything you do, put God first...” 

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…” 

“Love the Lord with all your heart…this is the first commandment…”


I do love all the firsts, for “He first loved me…”