Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, December 31, 2018


     My granddaughter was fascinated by the raised veins in my "old hands".  And, I have to admit my hands do show a lot of aging.  In my own defense, I am proud of my hands, although old and wrinkled, they were created by God.  They allow me the opportunity to do the best I can in my job, daily activities, and in showing my love to family and friends.  I have tried, over the years, to take God's advice, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might..."
     Hands are truly a gift whether old or young.  Even God used His hands with love and designed them to age.  " eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands..."

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Love at Christmas

     As we gear up for the Christmas Season, let us not forget about love, for Christmas is really about a love which I don't believe any of us can ever comprehend, no matter how hard we try. 

                                True Love  
Can the eyes ever really see, the ears hear, or the mind comprehend the love that transcends?
From heaven to earth, there was a God directed human birth;
Healing was witnessed, teaching was taught; a redemption plan brought.
Here was a living scene; a foretold plot;
The eyes saw, ears heard, but some scorned and walked away without a lot.
Imagine a baby's crib - a baby born of a woman, descended from Adam's rib.
A King born in a lowly manager; come to live among men, a stranger.
Yet, He healed.  The people saw, but would not kneel.
They wanted Him to leave; they didn't believe.
This King, instead, proclaimed the gospel Word.
The people followed; they wanted to hear but never heard.
This King, a stranger to most;
He was causing too much chaos, they would boast.
Imagine this man, a stranger, come to earth healing men blind from birth;
The people saw but could not see; preferring life as they thought it ought to be.
Imagine, this man, a stranger, come to die in order to save.
The people saw the life He gave to keep them from eternal grave.
They heard the words He proclaimed.
They heard but couldn't hear; instead they defamed His name. 
There was simply too much resentment, fear, and pain.
I ask again,
"Can the eyes ever see, the ears ever hear, or the mind comprehend the love that does truly transcend?"
                         Mary Crisp Jameson


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Young Man Who Fell Asleep

     I had totally forgotten reading about the young man who fell asleep and fell out of the window until Acts 20:9-10 reminded me of the event.  "And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.  And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. "  
     It never amazes me over how often I can read scripture and pick up on an event that has long been forgotten and even come away with a completely different scriptural interpretation.
     As I pondered this particular scripture, I wondered just what was the point, because nothing else is mentioned about this young man or the event itself.  I read several commentaries and two of them I could relate to myself.
     I remember, as a young girl in church being bored and nodding off, embarrassingly, to sleep.  This story really could be comical from a human perspective for most people do laugh when they catch someone asleep in church.  One commentator put it this way-  (in my condensed version): 
   "This is the first recorded incident in the history of the Christian Church in which a young person was literally bored to death by preaching...It scarcely elicits more than a shared chuckle among  long-winded preachers...Yet instead of a comedy, it becomes a tragedy...How many have allowed themselves to sleep under sermons and have perished forever,,,have slept the sleep of eternal death and are fallen to rise no more?"
     One other commentator said it wakes us up to the fact that pastors are constantly having to come up with new ideas in their preaching methods in order to entertain and prevent "boring the congregation to death." 
     To be honest, I am sure pastors see the yawns (lack of oxygen) and sleepy eyelids of many.  With that in mind, we need to constantly be in prayer for our pastors and leaders.  They have a tremendous job to do in order to lead people to Christ.   

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Christmas Puzzle

A Christmas Puzzle ...
     It's the first day and December.  Christmas will soon be here!   When I plan for Christmas I think of how my Christmas day is usually spent.  I am blessed to be surrounded by family with lots of time spend around the table attempting to put together a complicated puzzle.  We are always in high spirits when, at the end of the day, we can see the results of a completed puzzle scene.
     So today, I put together a simple story of a Christmas puzzle in anticipation of a joyous Christmas day in 2018.

             A Christmas Puzzle

Tis' a Christmas puzzle with a heartfelt struggle
  of how the Savior's mother had no cozy place for birth.
Yet, her child would shake the earth.
Who would have ever guessed, a baby, a King no less,
  would be born without the best?
A Christmas puzzle, for sure;
God's own Son would be born into a world impure?
A puzzle, indeed, but a gift guaranteed.
Here was a King,born in a simple stable,
  laid in an animal crib, not a warm and cuddly cradle.
The child, as the story goes, was wrapped in poor swaddling clothes.
He lay in the cold with only warmth from His mother's hold.
The night was quiet, and, this birth, many would want to deny it.
Yet, "A King is born!" the angels sang.
Their voices around the shepherds rang.
This puzzle unfolds when a star above shone bright,
  announcing the birth with such delight.
Oh yes! A Christmas puzzle of what was taking place;
A Savior was born to bring the gift of grace.
Twas' the twist of a lifetime;
A Father's love bestowing joy sublime,
  sending forth His Son to shake the earth with a lowly stable birth.
Who would have guessed, a baby, a King, God's own Son no less,
  would be born without the best?
                        Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Revised Letter to God

Revised Letter to God

A few days ago I published my letter to God but left so much out that I need to say.  Below is an updated and much longer letter.

Dear God,
     I am weak and lacking in so many ways, yet you are the great Creator of my days.  
     Strength of character was molded into Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.  Help me too, in faith, to grow.  As you protected Daniel in the fiery furnace, thank you for protecting me, showing your love, full and earnest.  As you closed the mouth of the lion when Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, thank you for my protected predestined fate as I walk, selfish-hearted, here among men.
     Lord, I am in some ways like Jonah, not instantly obedient as was Noah.  But Lord, Jonah received, from you, second chances.  So please rescue me from the sinful weight of my circumstances.   As Noah was obedient, bestow in me that same ingredient. 
     Like Samson, I have serious flaws, enough I am sure to give you pause. Strengthen me Lord.  Make me confident in your provision, as was Abraham; knowing that you will provide, as only you can, for this poor straying lamb.
     Lord!  Give me endurance as strong as Job's, sustaining me in your blood-stained robe.  I fear to ask for Job's patience, but let it replace my complacence, giving action to your Word and persevering with shield and sword. 
    Please give me even more perseverance like Paul's as he traveled for your cause, always humble without self-applause.  Help me remain a loyal servant, as did Paul, though he was confined to prison but always preaching, teaching that you, the great I Am, is risen.  Thank you that I am, as Paul was, loved and forgiven.
     Let me be, Lord, a woman dedicated and loyal as in the example of Ruth.  Always let me show forth honesty and truth.  When in harm's way or striving to make a decision, let me do as Ester, seeking your face morning, noon, and night so you may guide me into the light. 
     Lord, I know this letter is getting long, but I don't want my life going wrong.  Please bear with me as I endeavor to lift the blinders from my eyes and truly see.
     Please don't let me follow in the footsteps of Judas's betrayal or Peter's denial.  Keep me true to you through earthly trial.
     I pray you protect me from evil as you did Lot.  Let me give it all I've got, not looking back as I flee from evil as did his wife, ignoring the instructions which would bless my life.  I pray that I am not defiant, willing to grow in faith, a faith as strong as David's when he defeated Goliath. the giant.  I pray for the right words to say when wrongs are apparent like you gave the right words to Moses and Aaron. 
     Lord all the people I have mentioned were broken with character flaws in some way, but you used them for mighty deeds in their day.  Use me too, Lord.  Strengthen in me your Word. 
     Finally Lord, I know Satan is going to and fro, not wanting me to grow.  Keep his wicked, godlessness from my door so my sinful ways are less than they have been before.  Put wings beneath my feet to avoid his deceit.
     I thank you for my new name.  Just as you changed the names of Sarah, Jacob, and Abraham, I lift my voice saying, Lord, here I am.  I thank you for my name change though I am not worthy because of my shame.  Yet, I am proud to be called Christian and Child of God as I venture into my predestined mission.      
     I bow before you, Lord, thanking you for your love in spite of what's I've done, for only you know my work and, though flawed and marred, it has only, daily, just begun. 
                                                Your Child, 
                                                 Mary Nell

Monday, November 19, 2018



     I love quotes.  Some have several meaning which can be applied to life.  For instance, in The Love Story, there was a quote, "Love means never having to say you're sorry."  This is a little unrealistic.  Sure there are a few people who have so much unconditional love they will overlook your blunders, but, the fact remains, their feelings may have been really hurt.  If we hurt people, especially those we love and those who love us, we should be mature enough to rise above our pride and say, "I am sorry."  Even with God's unconditional love, He requires that we ask forgiveness.
     Still there is another quote which comes to mind that can go two ways.  In Gone with The Wind, Vivian Leigh (Scarlett OHara) said, "After all tomorrow is another day."  Knowing we have tomorrow may indeed put our mind to rest in that we are given time to remedy some of our problems and mistakes.  As Sue Krebs states, "As the day ends, put your worries to rest. Tomorrow is another day, filled with hope, potential, and promise."  However, what if we don't have tomorrow?  What if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, and there is no tomorrow?  Will you have missed the chance to enter  into the gates of Heaven?

Friday, November 16, 2018

Letter to God

Letter to God

Dear God,
     I am weak and lacking in so many ways, yet you are the great Creator of my days.  
     Strength of character was molded into Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.  Help me too, in faith, to grow.  As you protected Daniel in the fiery furnace, thank you for protecting me, showing your love, full and earnest.  As you closed the mouth of the lion when Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, thank you for my protected predestined fate as I walk, selfish-hearted, here among men.
     Lord, I am in some ways like Jonah, not instantly obedient as was Noah.  But Lord, Jonah received, from you, second chances.  So please rescue me from the sinful weight of my circumstances.   As Noah was obedient, bestow in me that same ingredient. 
     Like Samson, I have serious flaws, enough I am sure to give you pause.  Strengthen me Lord.  Make me confident in your provision, as was Abraham; knowing that you will provide, as only you can, for this poor straying lamb.
     Lord!  Give me endurance as strong as Job's, sustaining me in your blood-stained robe.  I fear to ask for Job's patience, but let it replace my complacence, giving action to your Word and persevering with shield and sword. 
    Please give me even more perseverance like Paul's as he traveled for your cause, always humble without self-applause.  Help me remain a loyal servant, as did Paul, though he was confined to prison but always preaching, teaching that you, the great I Am, is risen.  Thank you that I am, as Paul was, loved and forgiven.
     Let me be, Lord, a woman dedicated and loyal as in the example of Ruth.  Always let me show forth honesty and truth.  When in harm's way or striving to make a decision, let me do as Ester, seeking your face morning, noon, and night so you may guide me into the light. 
     I bow before you, Lord, thanking you for your love in spite of what's I've done, for only you know my work and, though flawed and marred, it has only, daily, just begun. 
                                                Your Child, 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Ask and Receive!

     I believe we all wonder why God does not always answer our prayers.  Why? He tells us in scripture if we ask using His name He will answer us.  However, there is a "but" here.  Looking closely at John 14:13 He explains that whatever we ask should glorify the Father.  Is what we are asking for really being asked in order to glorify God or just to satisfy our own selfish desires?   

John 14:13(KJV) And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13(NLT) You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Christian

   A Christian

      What is the definition of a Christian?  Merriam-Webster defines it as one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
     Wikipedia says there is a wide range of beliefs and practices found across the world among those who call themselves Christian.  Denominations and sects disagree on a common definition of Christianity because some denominations do not acknowledge certain religious practices.
     The Bible refers to a Christian in a few verses of the Bible.  In Acts 11:26, "...And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."
     I believe Christians are those who profess belief in Jesus Christ, and they attempt, as much as possible in their fleshy state, to adhere to the character of Christ.  We know that good works do not make us acceptable to God.  Christians are acceptable because we believe in His Son and in His death for us.  Christians (believers) are acceptable through God's grace, His free gift to us.
     However, could there be a difference between a proclaimed Christian and a Person of God? For example:
      Proclaimed Christian
I say I love you                       
I go to Church.                         
I am offended
I help those in needs               
I look at your outward beauty     
I read the Word 
I pray for needs and for others   
       Person of God
I say I love you, but I love God more
I go to Church but most of all, I give God glory
I am offended but I forgive you
I help those in need and lift them up before God in prayer
I look at your inward beauty
I read the Word and obey it
I pray for needs and for others and give God praise and thankfulness

Oh, that we, as Christians, would strive to be People of God and "let others see Jesus in us."

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Water to Wine

  Water to Wine
       Jesus gave us many parables in the Bible which illustrated a spiritual lesson.  This morning as I was reading in the Book of John, I wondered why Jesus' very first miracle was the changing of water to wine.  What point was He making?  I did some research and found several opinions, one of which I tended to agree with.  Then I developed a few thoughts of my own. 
     Now, I have never made wine and really do not know the process, but I do understand that the grapes have to be broken down in order to start the fermenting process which leads to a fine tasting wine. 
     Therefore, my theory is that Jesus may have been pointing to either one of two things.  First, the breaking of the grapes into wine may have symbolized that He would become broken, beaten, and placed on the cross in order to take our sins upon Himself so that we, believers in Christ, could be redeemed (fermented ) and made adopted children into His family. 
     Secondly, we sinners, are broken down much as the wine grapes.  Christ takes us, as sinners, forgives us when we ask, and we then develop over time into stronger characters for Christ.  Our fermenting takes time.  We must accept Christ as the very Son of God, knowing that He died for our sins.  As we delve into His Word, learning more about Him, our fermenting becomes finer with age. 
     Some commentators tell us the barrels which were filled with water may have been those used by the people to wash with.  If so, maybe the barrels (us) were dirty and then cleansed (with forgiveness of our sins) and made "white as snow" ... a fine wine indeed.
     Of course to become finer with age, I cannot leave out what we must learn, and that is the fruit of the Spirit.  Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance,..."

Monday, October 29, 2018


     I find myself rejoicing when something good happens or when I feel like I have done something good.  But what should I rejoice most over?
     I was given insight into this when I read what Jesus told his disciples in Luke 10:17,20, "When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, "Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!"  Jesus replied, "But don't rejoice because evil spirits obey you: rejoice because your names are registered in heaven." 
     Wow!  If I rejoice over my name being registered in heaven, I will rejoice every hour of every day, not just when I feel like it when something goes right for the day or I have sense of accomplishment.  My salvation is my joy.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Who Can Stop The Lord?

Who Can Stop The Lord?

King of Kings!  Lord of Lords!
He comes with crown and sword.
Who can stop Him?
For He comes, we know not when.
From death to life, He arose! He lives!
He forgives!
King of Kings, robed in glory.
He comes to take His children home;
His foes to purgatory.
The time - the hour - we're not told;
The Alpha, the Omega; His grace manifold.
King of Kings, Lord of all!
Who can stop His glorious call?
Every eye shall see; each in his own crowd
As He cometh in the cloud.
Who can stop His return?
All will watch as the clouds unfold and churn.
The Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End;
He comes to save and end our sin.
In a blink;
No time to think!
Alleluia!  No one can stop the Lamb of God,
Coming with mercy in His rod.
He died; He lives!  He comes again
To gather His children;
the poor, the rich, the downtrodden, the plain.
He comes to honor His Word.
No one can stop my Lord. 
He comes to carry His children to Heavenly Sod;
This majestic Son of God!
                           Mary Crisp Jameson

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Thief

The Thief

     He comes to be embraced!  He is a thief!  That's right, the new neighbor puppy, Patfoot, just loves to sneak up to me, knowing she is going to get a hug, knowing she is going to trail me on my daily walk, and knowing she will get another hug when the walk is over.  However, she is a thief!  Since her arrival, I have found several things missing; yet things of no value.  I have no idea where she hides them for she is smart and cunning, grabbing them when no one is looking.  I was told if I did not see her, she should be innocent until proven guilty.  But by my estimation, the proof is: 1.  She roams my yard  2.  Things didn't disappear until Patfoot arrived  3.  I see her in my yard  4.  Her footprints remain, both in my yard and in my heart.
     He comes to be embraced!  He is a thief!  That's right, the devil loves to sneak up on me.  He wants to be embraced and to entice me, knowing he can trail me on my daily walk, and knowing that if I slip up he can steal what I value most.  He is cunning!  He can steal my relationship with God.  He can steal my joy, my peace, and my Christian witness.  He can delay and hinder the blessings God has planned for me.  He is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.  How do I know?  He said so himself in Job when asked by God where he had been.  He said, "Roaming throughout the earth going back and forth."  And yes, in that roaming, he often comes to my house, although I try to ignore him and not him invite him in.  I do not wish to embrace him.  He steals!  I was warned of this in John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..."  Yes, the devil wants to destroy me.  If I let him in, he will leave the scars of his footprints. 
     He comes to be embraced!  He comes to reward and save!  This is no thief.  This Almighty One, I desire to invite into my life and my home.  I desire to embrace Him daily.  Jesus has my heart!  He shed His very blood for me.  He comes to bless me and to save all that I value most!  John 10:10b, "...I  am come that they may have life, and that they might it abundantly."   For all He gives, He asks nothing in return except to "Believe in Him!"

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Full Rainbow

     The Full Rainbow

     I am all about descriptive terms.  The adjectives we use give us a fuller picture of people, events, and happenings.  And I love the descriptive terms for my Christ given in Isaiah 9:6b, "And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  To have such a wonderful Father in Heaven who reveals His presence daily is the best gift that can and was given to mankind.
     The author of the Ephesians series on Joy of Living I am currently reading went on to tell in descriptive terms how God is manifest daily in my life.  He is in "all the hues of life - in our golden moments of glory, our green pastures of contentment, our red hours of anger and passion, our blue days of depression, our black days of grief.  His many colors of wisdom are all aspects of His character.  We cannot always see the full rainbow of His wisdom and love toward is, but it is always there."
     My "pot of gold" is truly the grace of God!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Potter and The Masterpiece

The Potter and the Masterpiece

     One of the verses highlighted in my Bible study today was Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."  
     A question that followed was, "Do you have trouble thinking of yourself in this manner?"  I personally think we all have trouble thinking of ourselves as a "masterpiece."  To take this a step  further, how often do we look at other fellow Christians and see them as God's "masterpiece"?  If we would take a moment to do this, I believe we would all be more understanding, more considerate, more loving, and more indulgent of others.  As the scripture stated, we have all been made 'masterpieces' for the specific good deeds God has planned for us long ago even before we were born.  By looking at others in light of good deeds and God's masterpieces, we should be more willing to give others a "pat on back" for their own good works.  It just does a person good to be encouraged and complimented.
     I wrote the following a few years ago and am posting it again because our Creator started with just a lump of clay when He formed Adam, and His amazing Works of Art have continued throughout the generations with each one of us.
                     A Lump Of Clay

I was just a lump of clay until the Potter came my way.
I watched as He picked me up and gently lifted me toward the light.
A sparkle lit His eye and twinkled bright.
I heard Him say, “Oh, yes! I have a special design for you.
You’ll no longer be a hardened rock. I have much more for you to do.”
“How?” I thought. “I have no life or spirit.
I’m just some ugly dirt with no heart or merit.”
The Potter began to mash and unfold.
Then He quickly started to roll and mold.
I felt a warmth inside me spread and glow.
My hardened core felt soft as dough.
How wonderful! The gentle strokes of this master Potter.
Here and there, He added tenderness with drops of living water,
  smoothing it carefully into my very core.
I knew I would never be like I was before.
I felt soft, yet strong.
I wanted to feel like this my whole life long.
When all was finished, the Potter blew in a breath of air.
I had become a sculpture, not beautiful, but fair,
  with blemishes here and there.
I was in awe, but I didn't want to have a flaw.
“Masterful Potter,” I finally spoke,
"Why did you not make me beautiful like some other folk?”
“Your work will not be by appearance but by perseverance,” He replied.
 “But, why? I cried. "Can't you remove these bumps and lumps?"
Ever so kindly, He shushed me, “It won't matter what other people see.
You’re beautiful by design. Please don’t pine.
Your heart is pure. Your course is sure.
Those bumps are there to make you strong; they belong.”
The Potter continued smiling and began to say,
“You were once just a lump of clay.
In due time, your design will do the work that's mine.
You’re unique, a work of art, a masterpiece from my heart.
You were just a lump of clay till I, the Potter, came your way.”
                                               Mary Crisp Jameson - 2015 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

I've Got Jesus!

     I've Got JESUS!

     When singing, "I've got Jesus! How could I want more?"  this morning, I thought about some of the actions in my youth and even now - those terrible actions which did not represent the character of God.  My guilt and shame would be a burden to bear if I did not Jesus.  Knowing that I am "wonderfully" created by God, even created in His own image, I am ashamed of my past deeds.  However, because I have Jesus, those sinful and embarrassing actions have been laid at the very feet of Jesus.
     My question to myself is what will prevent me from further sinful acts because of my weak human desires?  It will only be by the grace of God and a daily walk with Him.
     Let me shout it to the world, "I've got Jesus!  How could I want more?"

Psalm 86:5  For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Politically Correct

     I don't get into political debates, and I am appalled at the way demonstrations are being conducted. Screaming and hatefulness should have no place in our workplace, in our home, in our government, or in this great United States of America.  Where is respectfulness?  Where is decency?  Where is consideration for the law?  We are blessed!  Too blessed to allow ourselves to bring ourselves down in such a manner.   
     Ephesians 2:10 "We are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago."  We are God's creation; His masterpiece; His work of art!  This says to me that we should be projecting God's character in all that we do.  The writer of my Joy of Living Series says it better than I when talking about God's handiwork.  "Our lives should show forth with the very things God created us to demonstrate; good work of kindness, love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and service." 
     I believe God created us "in His image" to display His greatness and His love.  If we could strive to do this, what unity our nation would show to the world!  There might finally be peacefulness, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding disagreements instead of what we are seeing in our lives and in our government today.  Where is the mercy and love like that which God is willing to give to us?   

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

My Final John Wayne Quote

My Final John Wayne Movie Quote

     I found this quote by Davy Crockett (John Wayne) in the Alamo which I like.  "I may sound like a bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting but that don't change the truth none, there's right and there's wrong.  You gotta do one or the other.  You do the one and you're living, you do the other and you may be walking around but you're dead as beaver hat."   
     I wouldn't know how to say it better, but one day we will all be judged.  If we believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we will have an eternal life.  For those who hear the Truth and reject it, they will be cast into the lake of fire.  By the Truth, I mean, that Jesus came, He died on the Cross for our sins, and He was raised the third day. 
     Furthermore, we were given the right way to live through the Word of God.  Once we believe and accept Jesus as our Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit who guides us.  As humans, we are always weak and always sinful.  It is up to us, as servants of the most High, to chose right over wrong, and should we fail, it is up to us to ask forgiveness from our Father in Heaven. 

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Revelation 21:7-8 "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." 


John Wayne Quotes - Day 2

  I believe it was in the movie, In Harm's Way, John Wayne said, "All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be somewhere else."

     How many times in Scripture were battles fought or God's commands followed by men who had rather be somewhere else?  Moses argued with God when he was told to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a whale until he agreed to follow God's command.  Exodus 3:11, "And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"   
     There are many today who struggle with where they are being led in order to win others to Christ.  The one thing I have to remember is that if God calls me, He is prepared to help me win the battle.  Proverbs 21:31 "The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord."

     I recently saw a poster with John Wayne as the author, "Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much."  Many of us would be better off taking his advice.  I might add to that, "Watch your words for they reveal your character."  Proverbs 15:1  "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

     Just for fun, I will do one more John Wayne quote today.  "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."  If we are wise we will, indeed, learn from our mistakes of yesterday; we will learn from our troubles and grow stronger because of them.  2 Corinthians 12:10, "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong."

More to come....

Monday, September 24, 2018

John Wayne-Day One

John Wayne Quotes- Day 1

     My all time favorite actor was John Wayne, born Marion Michael Morrison.  I believe I have watched most every movie he ever made.  In fact, I watch repeats often.  I never personally met John Wayne, but he was usually the leader and star of his shows.  I have read that even off screen he was was courageous, had true grit, dignity, and integrity.  I researched and found many enriching quotes from him.  They often make a good point.

     I  read that John Wayne once said, "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."

     What did God say about courage?  There are a host of scriptures on courage.  Most include "fear not, God is with you."   Just one example is: Deuteronomy 31:6  "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

     I'll do one more quote today and see what comes tomorrow.  I read that John Wayne once said,  "A man deserves a second chance, but keep an eye on him." 

     What does God say about second chances?  There is no limit to the amount of times in Scripture God tells us to forgive.  Even in Matthew 18:21-22,  He tells us to forgive and to even give more than a second chance.  "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, until seventy times seven."   

     I have to admit here, that in my human weakness, I would as John Wayne said, "be keeping an eye on him," or either be so far away from him I would not have to be forgiving him.  However, although God does see what we do, he is always near, and always willing to forgive us when we ask.  What amazing Grace!

Check in tomorrow for more John Wayne quotes....


Saturday, September 22, 2018



I love to wake up in the mornings and quote Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."  However, to rejoice, I need true joy in my heart.  So, what is joy?

J esus
O ver
Y ou

Jesus over you!
Showing a love that's true.
He's found everyday; everywhere!
In the heart, in breathe, and in the air. 
He is the Joy that fills the soul;
The One who makes you whole.
Directing and showing the way;
Controlling the day!
Jesus! Alive in Spirit;
A gift to embrace and inherit.
Before all and in all;
Picking you up when you fall. 
A joy!
Who can destroy?
A Joy that's true;
Jesus! Over you.

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."  Colossians 1:17

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


     September 11 brings about memories.  For one, it is my Mother's birthday.  Had she lived, she would be 98 years young.  However, September 11 also bring about another memory, the attack on and the destruction of the World Trade Center.  The attack was a complete surprise to the American people just as was the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Thankfully, the American people were strong enough to cleanup, reconstruct, and recover from the destruction of the World Trade Center. 
     We were considered a "sleeping giant" when Pearl Harbor was attacked.  I believe we are a "sleeping people" today.  We are looking inward instead of outward.  We are a separated people in beliefs, values, and cultural situations.  The questions to really be asked is, "Will we be a 'sleeping people'  when Jesus comes in the air to take His people home?   Will the ones left behind be shaken to the core? 
     I pray to look outward in hope and in love for others, with a courage to present Jesus, who is the Savior of the world.  Only through Jesus will there be eternal life.  One day the world will once again be shaken.  One day the world, as we know it, will disappear. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Upside Down

     When Paul and Silas witnessed in Thessalonica, there were some people who accused them of causing trouble.  (Acts 17:6) "They have turned the world upside down..."  
     Wouldn't it be great to be involved in a movement which could turn our great nation, our state, our county, and our hometown "upside down"?  When I thought about this, I remembered the call Pat Robertson issued last week on the 700 Club.  The call is for 30 days of prayer for our nation on the dates of October 6 through November 4.   I can truly be a part of this.  When we all unite together in prayer, I believe we will see changes.   We have a work to do, and prayer is a part of our work in spreading the gospel of Christ.

Monday, September 3, 2018


     The glory of God is seen everyday at home and everywhere you travel.  What's more, God trusted us and placed us in charge of His creation when He said, "Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth...See I have given you every herb that yields seed...every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it is for food."
     You see, God entrusted His people with a work to do, and He expects us to value all He has given us and to value our work.  We are to do our work well.
     Part of what this means to me is, don't litter.  Enjoy His glorious works.  Feed the birds and watch their amazing flight patterns, take time to marvel in the creatures and plants, protect God's wonderful sights, love nature, soak up the sun, and breathe the fresh air.  Feel the soil.  Yes, go barefoot from time to time.
     I have to admire not everyone gets into nature and barefoot ways, but we can all do our part to enjoy the sunsets and rainbows of blessings.  Most of all, "be fruitful" with His creation and thank Him; praise Him beneath His glorious heavens.

Psalms 19:1-2, 6a "The heavens proclaim the glory of God.  The skies display His craftmanship.  Day after day they continue to speak.  Night after night they make Him known.  The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end..."

     How can we glory in God's creation if we do not know Him?  Hosea 6:3a "Oh, that we might know the Lord!"  (6b) "I want you to know me..."
     A small part of learning to know God begins "In The Beginning".  Let's not betray His trust in our charge to have dominion over the earth.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Give Me Jesus

     On my morning walk, I thought about Jesus and what He has done for me.  I couldn't help but sing to myself.  Trust me.  That is the only way anyone would ever want me to sing, except to myself.  But, no matter how badly my singing is, Jesus can change it to an instrumental note to His ears.  At least, I hope He does!  
     I started off with "Give me Jesus" and added to it during the day; as follows: 

                     Give Me Jesus 

Give me Jesus in the morning through the bright and sunny day.
Give me Jesus through the damp and misty dew.
Let me place my hand in His;
Let my troubles pass on through.
  Ohhh-- yes! Give me Jesus every hour of every day.
  May He open up the doors;
  Giving blessings by the scores.
  Ohhh--yes!  Give me Jesus every hour of every day.
Give me Jesus in the noontime through the rain or troubling storm.
Give me Jesus through the warmth or cold of life. 
Let me follow in His footsteps;
Let our time not slip away.
  Ohhh-- yes!  Give me Jesus every hour of every day.
  May He direct my path;
  A refuge from His wrath.
  Ohhh--yes!  Give me Jesus every hour of every day. 
Give me Jesus in the dusty dark of night.
Give me Jesus through the calm of evening shade.
Let me listen for His voice;
Let my soul be not dismayed.
  Ohhh-- yes!  Give me Jesus every hour of every day.
  May my life not be in vain;
  Causing others undue pain.
  Ohhh--yes!  Give me Jesus every hour of every  day. 
Ohhh-yes!  Give me Jesus every hour.   

Thursday, August 30, 2018


     I don't have any problem praying to God, but I know He must get awfully tired of my same old habitual prayers.  I am a person of few words and my prayers have got to be, sadly, boring to God.  So I took interest when our pastor recommended a book written by Donald Whitney, Praying The Bible."   Instantly, I thought, "Maybe this book will give me the solution to a better prayer life."  
     I have not actually ordered the book yet, but I did take a look at the reviews.  One reviewer gave a simple description of what the book presents, as follows: 

"1. Select a passage of Scripture (usually a Psalm) and read it.
2. Read the first verse. If a subject for prayer comes to mind, stop and pray. Use the words of the Scripture to help guide your prayer.
3. When you're done with that verse, move on to the next verse.
4. Repeat until you run out of time.
It's really that simple. Dr. Whitney advises that the Psalms are the easiest Scriptures to pray through, and are most easily applicable to this method..."  

Yesterday, our Pastor posted Psalm 59:16-17 on his facebook page.  

But I will sing of your strength: I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.  For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.  o my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.  

I read the Psalm and did the prayer.  Wow, my heart was full.  This will take some practice on my part but hopefully I will learn a better way of praying.       

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Living Water

     I never thought when I was growing up that I would be buying water to drink.  Well water tasted pretty good, spring water was refreshing, and later water from our faucet at home was good, too.  Yet, overtime there has become this notion that so much of our drinking water is polluted.  Even chemicals are being added so we have began to rely upon bottled water to sustain and satisfy our thirst, and this has become quite costly.
     No matter which bottled water we choose, it will never be as pure or as good for us as the Living Water.

"And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of he Lamb." (Rev. 22:1)  

     The wonderful part of this is that we can all have it, and it is free and easy to obtain.

John 7:38  "He that believeth on me (Jesus Christ), as the scripture hath said, our of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."    

John 4:10  "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water."


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

     Being raised with fairy tale stories, I remember Snow White's evil stepmother asking, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"  In other words, "Who is the most beautiful in the land?"   She wasn't satisfied with the answer she received from the mirror.  To be perfectly honest, I am never satisfied with the answer my mirror reflects back.  I have never liked my freckles, my long nose, my thin hair, or my long neck.  There are so many more flaws the mirror says I have but, for now, enough is enough.  I live by what Popeye says, "I yam what I yam and dats what I yam."
     Come to think about it, who am I to question what I look like?  I was wonderfully made by God's own hand.  I am told that in Psalm 139:13-18 (NLT).   "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was even born.  Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.  How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.  They cannot be numbered!  I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!  And when I wake up, and you are still with me!"

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Change of Heart

     When people first fall in love, they simply glow.  They can't wait to see each other, to hold hands, to talk and laugh together.  Yet as time goes on, some simply began to take it for granted.  There is no extra effort to keep the spirit of love growing;  they become comfortable and complacent.   While others continue to build a solid foundation, adding steel and anchors to make it strong.  Each new day is a revelation, an attraction, a growing.  Companionship becomes a passion.
     I asked myself, "What do I want?"  The answer is a joy which comes from a passionate companionship.   For me, the only way I can love myself , my husband, my family, and others is to, first, develop a loving, growing, passionate relationship with God.  Only with God can I find the joy within to love others.    God must, first, be my solid foundation upon which I build a structure of  steel and iron around all that effects my life.   I should be thrilled at meeting my Love in the garden alone and allowing Him to fill my heart.  It reminds me of a song:

In The Garden 
        I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.

I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe

His voice to me is calling.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

What a love song!  God is awesome!  Let me fix my eyes upon His Almighty presence.  He is the One who gives me joy and peace;  He is the One worthy of my praise.  Thank you God for your voice of encouragement, hope, and blessings.  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Glorify God

    I often think, "what can I do for God today," knowing I was born for a purpose.  "How can I be of service, or what good deed can I do?"  My mindset is usually about doing something for others.  I still believe I should do good deeds and serve others, but there are days the opportunity does not present itself.  Then what?  Of course, there is always prayer for others, and there is a whole list of friends and acquaintances who need daily prayers.   God does hear these prayers, and He answers with what is needed and in His time.
     However, I found still another way to please God in my Sunday study of Revelations 4:11, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."   You might say, a light bulb lite up!  The teacher of our lesson stated it plainly and simple.  I was created by God for God's pleasure.  "What pleases God?"  he asked.   "Praise and worship! "
     So what other purpose do I have?  It is to glorify and praise God.
     "Holy, holy, holy, 
     Lord God, the Almighty,      
     who was, who is and who is to come."  Rev. 4:8b

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Three Special Men

     God was not pleased with the people of Israel when He gave the prophet, Ezekiel, several messages to deliver to them.  God's displeasure of His people's sinful ways was enough to make me shudder at my own sinful ways and what God might want to do to make me reconsider my own thoughts and actions.
     However, when I read Ezekiel, Chapter 14, verses 14 and 20 I sit up and took notice of how righteous God considered three other men in past scripture.  (vs.14) "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God."  (vs.20) "Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness."
     Obviously, God was well-pleased with these three men.  Maybe I should go back and take special notice of how these three men lived their lives.
     I am sure Noah was not perfect, but he loved God, and we were told of no serious sins.  He tried to do what was right and appeared to love his family.  When God told him to build an ark for a coming great flood, Noah obeyed, even though he had never seen rain, much less a flood, during his entire lifetime.  Furthermore, he continued his God-given task even though all the people mocked him.
     I don't know what Daniel's character flaws may have been, but I found him to be humble, never promoting himself.  He was intelligent, but gave God credit for interpreting the dreams of others.  Daniel remained true to his convictions.  He was truly a man of prayer, and one who trusted God and remained faithful even when thrown into the lion's den.
     In the beginning verse of Job, we are told, "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Then in verse 8 God told Satan, "...there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth god, and escheweth evil."  Now that is a pretty impressive description of a human man living in a sinful world.  What makes Job even a greater man, in man's eyes, is that he lost all his worldly possessions, yet he never denied God.
     I believe I would do good to strive to exemplify these character traits.