Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Look Forward

This past year I wrote a book about past days, a time in which my parents grew up. The book was intended to tell future family generations of a time that is no more. It was a time of hard farming, canning, and working just to put food on the table, all different than what we have today. This was to be a reminder of times past. Yet, it was a time of when life was simple with no electronics or modern day devises.

     The past is interesting, but I believe God wants me to look forward, walk forward, and hope forward. Instead of thinking about “the good old days,” God wants to point me toward the future. In fact, isn’t that what He tells me in Proverb 4:25? “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.”  

     LORD, I pray that whether I look backward or pause in my current holding pattern that I always look forward to the future with You as my guide and my hope. 


1 comment:

  1. I think we all have trouble, remembering the past, longinly; struggling in the present and looking forward to the glory of heaven.
